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Everything posted by troyec001

  1. Does anyone else know of any good sites? GF may be looking shortly for something.
  2. I agree. I just like to poke at others. I think they are great bikes, but I've just always been around Suzuki's, so I'm just used to them. Plus, they are built better
  3. Don't you have to post the resume first? Looking for a job right now is so bad. I don't envy anyone who has to switch positions.
  4. Exactly. I'm sure when I get my sports bike I'll go tearing roads up, but I don't ever see myself actually making racing a hobby. I may later, but I don't have the time/money to do that now. Just enjoy the ride. Doesn't mean I can't give Kawis some hell on the way
  5. I agree with this. I think some forums on this might be good. Equipment, laws, events, or whatever else might actually merit a full forum. I'm sure there could be more things added but I can't really think of anything specific.
  6. You should see him trying to talk when you have his full attention. It isn't any better.
  7. Very true. Plus my bike isn't outrunning anyone. My goal is to get to my destination eventually.
  8. I've got the 700 as well and it's pretty sweet. I love mine. The visor is pretty sweet.
  9. Don't you have to do your job before you can hate it?
  10. A change is coming. The war is on.
  11. I think he said beatin.
  12. I'm saying that all of you Kawi riders love running off the mouth, and no one says anything. I'm wondering who looks worse...you arrogant SOBs or every other rider who doesn't say anything. I'm going to start a revolution. I don't have a goldfish to give my speech with but who's with me?
  13. Do you even know what electrolytes are?
  14. I stole mine. Don't tell anyone. I've been using 001 in my tags for over 10 years now. I find it funny a lot of people I know have started putting 001 somewhere in their tags on anything. I feel good about that. I'm a trend setter.
  15. I work with RobHawk, and by work with I mean I clean up his messes. His wife won't let him poke the fat chicks, so he just stares at them. It's really not as nice as you'd think. I've come to realize this company is okay to work for, but it's just another company. Until I take over as CEO it won't be fun...I don't see that promotion happening.
  16. I don't care what you have to say, but I love that avatar. Rob told me.
  17. THANK YOU. You're my new best friend. I was just saying, all these Kawi riders loooove to brag, and no one says anything about it. You know what they say about the ones who brag the most
  18. I thought it was because chasing down a kawi wasn't a challege.
  19. I'm calling your bluff. I'll go if you do.
  20. I'm going to buy 5 boxes for them...so I hope I can't trust him.......wait...
  21. I agree with placement of the bullet. If you don't have time to aim you shouldn't be pulling a gun. The Bersa is good. It's a good cheap gun. Notice cheap. If I had to get a cheap gun I'd probably go with it. If you can find a good use gun from someone you trust, go with that instead. My advice is head down to the gun store and place with some stuff. Let them know what's in your price range and what you want it for. They'll help you out. You don't know until you go look.
  22. Don't listen to him. It's a scam and he can't be trusted...okay, only half of that is true.
  23. I think I've told my story before. 30 yards and my gf missed the whole target with 10 rounds. She isn't allowed to shoot it anymore.
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