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Everything posted by troyec001

  1. troyec001

    MMA fans

    Cannot stream media from work. Damn you all.
  2. Going to the Alrosa anymore is crazy. You cannot go in that place without Dimebag coming up eventually.
  3. I'm not allowed to ride my bike at work, otherwise I would.
  4. That's no excuse at all for what was done. I don't know how I'd have dealt with being at a party and seeing someone shoot an 8 year old in the face. Pretty sure if I was able to get to the guy they'd throw me in jail for what I'd do to him.
  5. I don't think it's wrong not to tell her but I'd tell her. Make sure you hold your ground on how you feel tho. If you don't feel secure enough with your finances to marry and get a house then don't. If she doesn't understand it then it's better to find out now then it is to find out after you get the ring and house. More paperwork.
  6. I've already got my license but I heard it's good to take the course anyway. Can you take the class if you already have you license?
  7. I don't think anyone is surprised about that one.
  8. This is when you come back 20 minutes later and say "See why I don't like to do it and I put it off?" Usually starts another fight but it gets your point across.
  9. I say the truth, but the presentation of the truth is subjective. While what I'm saying is "technicially" true, it's way out of line and I've twisted it to make it sound bad. Usually I'm willing to admit then that it's out of line, but usually I don't care. I've gotten much better about that. Now I go away.
  10. Whatever, learn to use your mouse. You click with your finger. You don't mount it and go to town.
  11. That webpage is not actually a webpage at all. It is actually a large picture of a webpage. Try to select any of the text.
  12. http://nhupa.org/ Check out that website, and for those who know anything about HTML check out the source code. If you don't get it try to highlight the text. Right click on the page. Something is just not right here....
  13. So does anyone actually know what happened? Bob and Tom are boring.
  14. My first thought when I saw "I almost died" was "Slacker."
  15. http://www.bbspot.com/News/2008/12/linux-on-a-potato.html
  16. Phobic much? "If I read something I might change...nooooo"
  17. I was thinking the same thing. I'm debating on getting an original xbox or buying a cheap 360 and modding it.
  18. I want to buy this...and I cannot.
  19. This is what happens when you tell someone you can mod something.
  20. I don't care about grabbing. I care about biting. Bottom line is if you've gotten close enough to need the shotgun you're doing something wrong. I'm not saying it doesn't have it's place in a situation but I don't see ever using a shotgun as the number one be all zombie weapon some think it is. If you don't believe me there's a great zombie sim out there called Left 4 Dead. Ask the guys I play with who grab the shotgun. The zombies call in groups when you aim at head level and fire with the M-16.
  21. The rounds are heavy and bulky. You cannot carry as many as you can a .22 or .223. It takes longer to load. If you're close enough to the zombies for the shotgun to be effective then you've gotten too close to the zombies. Also because zombies are softer a .22 will go through the skull but will lose enough momentum to bounce around the skull. PS: If you grab a shotgun you're out in front. You better hope I'm a good shot to cover you
  22. Ever since I read why not to use a shotgun to fight zombies I always get the feeling people have it all wrong. Assult rifle with a 30 round magazine is the only way to go...and moltovs, but be careful. The only thing worse than a horde of zombies is flaming zombies.
  23. It's delicious. You just can't baby the food. Eat it like you mean it.
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