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Everything posted by troyec001

  1. And you can't shoot them. Seriously, one or the other.
  2. We've been checking craigslist just in case it turns up. That sucks someone just looted a bunch of bikes. Asshole.
  3. I think a lot of it depends on the situation and the end of the fight. Plus it really depends on the cop. If you got one that got the crap kicked out of him in highschool and he has a score to settle...that sucks.
  4. You're best bet is probably really going to spend $500 on a POS and start learning. Try to find as much info as you can about the bike and start working on it. It just so happens I have an '81 Honda CM400E that needs some work done to it. I've been debating on tearing it down and rebuilding it or...not.
  5. troyec001

    NEO Cruisers

    I ride an 03 Intruder. I plan to get a new sports bike but I got a great deal on the Intruder. Plus for long hauls the Intruder is more comfortable. Just different riding styles for different moods.
  6. I was going down 315 last week and out of no where got hit in the knee with something, then the head, then the knee head chest head leg and realized the pickup in front of me had gravel in the open bed.
  7. I like this idea. We should be able to find him around here.
  8. You'll come running out with your Hi Point and not shoot the guy. Perfect.
  9. I think at this point it's pretty much pointless to do anything, but there is a lesson learned. If someone in any vehicle pulls up next to you and sticks a hand out of the window for any bad reason make sure when he gets out you slam the door on him, lay his ass out and leave him there on the pavement. Get on your bike and leave. Problems solved and he'll think twice about being a dickweed.
  10. I've got the 500 mossberg and a S&W AR I can go out and scare people with. Problem is I never hear them. Apparently someone walked into my neighbors garage the other day at 9 oclock and walked out with their air compressor. Why can't these people get caught and run over with a car?
  11. Everytime something like this happens in my neighborhood I start talking about setting up cameras and sitting outside with a gun. Why do people have to steal? At least knock on my door and let me know so I have the chance of beating the crap out of you.
  12. Threat? You need to check your chair.
  13. Someones gotta get the ball if it passes everyone else.
  14. Could be the red face and popping forehead vein you get when someone moves your papers on your desk while screaming we're all going to die. Maybe I'm just over analyzing things tho.
  15. I think it's time for a break...like 24 hour long break.
  16. When you looked at time wasters you weren't messing around were you?
  17. So far I like them. No one else liked the extra pad on your wrist but I did. I haven't gotten to ride with them yet but so far they feel comfortable as hell.
  18. I made my girlfriend bring in the cats before I went to bed, because I knew.
  19. I think the storms fried my computer. Tried to boot it up this morning and the video isn't working. Lovely.
  20. They were okay, but not great. I ended up going with the Alpinestar SPX gloves.
  21. I don't know but I wasn't happy about it. I did wear them right after I got them to Washington to I wondered if the glue just melted off of it.
  22. So I bought some of the Scorpion Venom Gloves and the Velcro started to come off of them. I took them back to Iron Pony and they sent them back to get fixed but now they've decided to give me store credit for the gloves instead of replacing them. They don't have the ones I got the first time so now I have to decide whether to wait until August to get the same or get another pair. Any opinions?
  23. I've got a dark smoke on my Scorpion and I don't have a problem with it. I'd prefer not to ride at night but I can if I have to. Durring the day and even at dusk the dark smoke is awesome. I haven't sued the light but I assume you could use it at night.
  24. That's how I saw it. I'm already looking forward to next year.
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