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Posts posted by tomin40

  1. easy now killer!!! they essentially won by one freaking point... I wouldn't necessarily call that a beating....and we still kicked the crap outta the blue jackets....:D

    Anytime the Wings lose, I call it a good ole a$$ beating. But I am a Colorado fan, so my hatred to the Wings doesn't end. And I don't want to hear about how you guys have owned us the last few years and how we didn't even make the playoffs. Least let me have some peace and quiet for the summer until pre-season starts. :)

  2. Homeless man gave Mario advice on how to help Pens win

    By The Tribune-Review Tuesday, July 28, 2009

    A homeless man suffering from bipolar disorder targeted Pittsburgh Penguins owner Mario Lemieux with notes offering unusual advice on how to win hockey games.

    Allegheny County authorities don't plan to charge 54-year-old James Hoop with a crime for the notes, which were confirmed by a probation officer and Hoop's attorney at a probation violation hearing on an unrelated case yesterday.

    NHL security officials contacted authorities after Hoop started addressing some notes to Lemieux's wife and daughters and tossing them into Lemieux's yard earlier this year.

    Hoop offered advice on diet and vitamins for players and game strategies and allegedly sent similar notes to players Sidney Crosby and Jordan Staal.

    Authorities say Lemieux's groundskeeper found the notes before almost every home game.


    Now we know all it takes is a homeless man to beat the Red Wings. :lol:

  3. I guess I can't speak for others, but hurting my ego not being able to keep up with guys faster than me is less expensive than a new bike, leathers, and femur.

    Not only that, but now you're still 'the slow guy' laying up in the hospital with a wrecked bike


  4. Cheech being the first one (from this site) this year doesnt make it any less taxing on the software (bodies) or hardware (bikes).

    1 or 2 in 30 bikes going down is a horrible average. 0 in 30 is a good average.

    Cheech went down on 79, before we even met up with the big group in Coshocton. But mistakes by Cheech and us led to what happened.

    I agree 0-30 going down is so much better than 1-2.

    Not trying to start shit here peeps, just stating the obvious. The mixture of experienced riders wanting to ride their pace and inexperienced trying to keep up is where the problems always arise. You can wait at stops and turns (and you should) but a guys ego can make him ride above his experience level trying to keep up.

    Im not "up in arms" about it Jrm, just trying to make new riders understand that group riding has a whole set of parameters to consider that you wouldnt have to worry about if riding in a small group of people with the same experience level.

    Riding in a larger group with mixed experience is a lot better than a smaller group. The split of 3 groups, (fast, medium, and slow) is good because people can ride at their own comfort level without feeling left behind or having to ride above their level.

  5. My gesture was meant to be "we're passing this car right the f@&$ now". By the time I made it, you had already figured it out and was in the process of passing me passing the car.

    I interpreted the gesture as pass me and the old lady driving the car and I will follow behind, my bad man. I honestly owe you a 6-pack, 12, or case of beer for all that happened.

  6. :plus1: Hearing about the crashes from today, I will have to wait til next season to try these devil roads. Maybe when I get my upgrade to the 600. I will follow you parks.

    The roads out there aren't as bad as some people make them out to be. The Coshocton guys do I good job pointing out any gravel in the road, turns you should really slow down on, cars or stop signs.

    I'd ride with these guys anytime.

  7. Good ride today. I am glad nobody got hurt and the only damage was to the bikes.

    Glad you put that together Parks. It was cool riding with people from all around Ohio.

    Some needs to post the pics of us hauling that bike out of the 15ft ditch.

  8. Cheech, I am glad you are ok. I feel really bad about your wreck.

    I was the rider that went around you at the start of the twisties. After about 5-10mins of riding I decided to slow down then turn around when I didnt see you. A few cars passed that we had gone by on 79N and I didnt see you on riding or sitting on the side of the road, so I decided to turn back around, thinking you had gone home. I am honestly sorry. For being the rider in front of you, I should have made sure that I knew what your status was. The whole group from Columbus felt concerned and are sorry for not slowing down and turning around, I especially feel sorry. I hope that you do come on future rides. Again I am glad that you are OK and that a fellow rider helped you out.

  9. I will be at the Pony at 9:30.

    If you are coming up on 79 be careful of debris. There was a lot of gravel out there on Tuesday. When I mean alot, I mean there were several corner completly full of it. 79 is pretty infamous for that shit.

    Just be careful kids, want to make sure you get here in one piece.

    Yeah, sometimes on 79 you have to crawl around the corners because there is so much gravel. Hopefully the rain washed that shit away.

  10. Have it on the dvr and still haven't watched it. But sounds like it was good.


    We could just roll your bike in my living room thursday and watch the practices I recorded. Yes Im serious, thats where I stored my bike and will be this winter. That way we can get your quick turn installed and watch the racing.

    I stored my bike for 2 years in my kitchen during the winter. People always had two opinions; 1) That I was stupid or 2) Start it up. Luckily it was on the battery tender and had stabil in it. Otherwise wouldn't have a good excuse.

  11. I will let you know cheech. The guy has not sent me a message saying he wanted to buy it so if I don't get a pm. I will hold onto it for him right now. 30 dollars
    If Junkie doesn't by the Bebop series off of ya, I will.

    Sorry, was finally able to get one and check the thread.

    Cheech if you want it man, its all yours. Checked my dvds and already have Sessions 1-4, thought I only had 1-2. So don't really need to double up.

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