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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. piss yeah! so i guess the stunt show is cancelled tonight? its all rainy.
  2. run it on a battery like brandon said, changer your coolant if it does work and see if that helps...either way, i would recommend modding up a manual fan switch
  3. ive never seen pants at any of the local shops, best bet is too order them or head up to iron pony in columbus
  4. thats awesome! i remember watching him that year when i was a kid, from that time on, i wanted a suzuki
  5. so what if you cant touch both feet! as long as you can put one foot down at stops, your good to go.
  6. there isnt much of a process in making your own cigarrettes, actually its easier, just dry the leaves, and smoke it. its actually easier to grow tobacco than marijuana, and the yield of smokable substance is higher too, but noone seems to be doing it. But other than the big bucks the cartels are making off weed, i dont see much money being lost. drug test companies will still test for hard drugs, and as far as the task forces go, they dont wate their time on casual marijuana users, or even small time neighborhood dealers, they only go for HUGE amounts, and harder, more dangerous drugs. point being, i believe there will be some kind of change soon, whether it be the decrimilization of marijuana, or the legalization of MMJ. Some people are just scared of the word drug, when in fact everything is a drug, nicotine, alcohl, sex, even TV. Some people are just ill-imformed, and buy into the old "Reefer Madness" hysteria. When all those old people die out, we will surely have some kind of reform, but i still believe change is coming
  7. :cheers yes you do, come down here one day, and we can head up there yes, matching tattoos on all four!
  8. anyone can grow tobacco in their backyard, 20% of Americans use tobacco, and i dont know anyone who grows it. The prisons will still be just as full if we legalize marijuana, it will be filled with real criminals. And so what if drug test companies make money off of marijuana being illegal, yes jobs will be lost and money in that field, but think about the benefits of a plant that can replace dozens of addictive and harmful prescription medications. There are no negative effects on the body, unless you smoke it. Hemp makes a strong, cheap paper, and makes great plastic, as well as fuel (that can fuel cars, check out the first Model T) There are BILLIONS of dollars waiting to be made, and thousands of jobs would be created. BTW, no one in their right mind uses marinal, it only has 1 synthetic cannabinoid, and it is far more expensive than marijuana, and its a fact that marinal is not even half as effective as marijuana in AIDS/cancer patients. Weed would also discourage people from drinking and smoking cigarettes (IMO) 600,000 Americans die from smoking cigarettes, or alcohol related accidents and physical problems
  9. ill load it on youtube right now, keep an eye on my youtube channel

  10. ususally i put on like 10k a year, this year i rode maybe 1000 and then i wrecked and destroyed my ankle
  11. kinda http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=26301
  12. i almost traded the gix for a trials bike. but then i decided i would get in mass trouble with the cops doing what i planned with it. and i would rather ride the dirtbike if i went into the woods...they are badass
  13. this is your second thread about setting sag, and you still havent done it yet. Gimme a call this week, and lets get it done!
  14. anyone know of any artists that specialize in traditional/sailor jerry type stuff? my usual artist isnt really into that kind of stuff.
  15. you cant make a kz a cafe bike, they just look wrong, but then again, i guess thats not the purpose of a cafe racer. my frist bike was an 82 kz650
  16. for a good reason! i didnt get ID'd, didnt sign a waiver, the guy didnt even wear gloves! i saw him open a new needle though...did you see the portfolios he took the outline of ohio off another piece with ohio with prison bars and a lock, said he drew it while he was in the pin or something
  17. i know alot of amazing artists in cincy. i dont know much about columbus, but DO NOT go to Land of Id or whatever....if you dont know what im talking about, see my pics in the ohioriders two year anniversery thread
  18. actually, it was me and tj vs the sober people...we should have thought about that before we started. 21-6
  19. this sounds like fun, im game for whenever! brandon, you going to lukes tomorrow?
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