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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxuCeHUxoBY
  2. ill be at chipotle, looks like ill be meeting some new faces! and matt, never mind about what i just called you about, TJ is hooking me up in a few
  3. DANGIT, my friend has a hookup there, and i was gonna get a hookup on a piston kit and boring, i put it off too long FML
  4. youre a faggot oh yeah, no more boot ill be wearing shoes this time
  5. trails or motocross? also, if you are looking for somewhere close and free, the land behind Home Depot, just dont ride on the farmland, only on the trails. Haspin is ok, the past few times i went, it was packed, and the 4x4 drivers are all over the place, and they dont give a fuck about you. a great place is 491 off road park in crittondon, they have easy-intermediate stuff, and its cheap, and never crowded
  6. electrical, it will die at at speed, or sputter, and it will start back up most of the time, but sometimes it wont. i tested the stator and battery, and the juice coming the rectifier/reg, and everything is good. bike has been a headache from day one
  7. yeah, still have the boot on, hurts like hell when i do walk on it, but im too stubborn to go back to using crutches, doc is keeping me from work til mid august, i should be on the street soon (if i can figure out the prob with my KTM, my gixxer is sold) but it will be a while before i can get back in the dirt
  8. we call it has-been down here the motocross tracks are great, but on a busy day, there are too many people on the trails, and tons of assholes in 4x4 who dont care about anyone else
  9. im afew miles up 129 from hamilton
  10. jermattak

    Duff <

    i didnt do anything, i was laughing right beside everyone including some of the mods on here until shit went crazy, and then i went to casper and tried to stop it
  11. jermattak


    i edited them because i knew people would misunderstand them because i posted those remarks for people on gdc and not for the world...they knew what i meant.. for everyone, this is the pm i sent to sambusa right before i saw this post " yup, at first it was funny, and alot of people on ohioriders thought it was funny too. and at first i assumed they were staying in Revs thread, and knowing jrmiii from this board, and the other dude from gdc, them going back and forth with insults would have been funny, neither one of them are thinskineed, they wouldnt have cared. after he invaded the brute thread, i even pm'd casper and told him to ban everyone because shit was getting out of control. and my riding buddies who texted me are my friends and they thought it was funny too. they all knew what i meant when i said it. i didnt say shit about anyone on this site, you misunderstood everything i said in that thread, which is understandable, because i wrote it talking to them, and not you. the only thing i said "against" this site was when i agreed that the rep point system was stupid." my riding buddy was matt...and his text said, this shit is cracking me up...that was sent right at the begining of the debs post in REVS THREAD and i dont understand why you posted the last one...it did ush everyone over the edge, and thats why i pmd casper and told him to ban them that was a reply to rev saying It was all chris(not in ohio)s fault for causing all this shit and i said yeah...he went in that thread and started a bunch of shit..it is his fault and i meant flame war between jrmmiii and chris, you cant argue that would have ben funny, jrmmiii's insults always crack me up, fucking hilarous
  12. jermattak

    Duff <

    no...in the bored thread over there, i invited revzilla over, he was telling me about the thread before i saw it, and i guess everyone else in that thread came to check it out. just like everyone else on ohioriders, it was funny at first, until not in ohio started a bunch of shit. and no im being accused of starting it for some reason...everyone just came over to give rev some shit in his thread, and then Not in Ohio started going in other threads trying to get banned, then you had the vespa guy who decided to join the band wagon.
  13. yeah, for real, i thought everyone was just coming over to give Rev shit in his thread and leave...it got out of control with everyone going into other threads and whatnot and sam, if you want me to be banned for not going on gdc and smacking their hands and saying no-no..then so be it i logged on gdc this afternoon, and everyone had an ohioriders account..even if i told them not to, its not like they would have listened, so i sat back and laughed
  14. Chris is here! now its a party i miss the firsst boobie thread she posted
  15. if you post pics, im sure everyone will forget about all this and glady accept all of you:D
  16. :cheers:in all honesty, i dont know how it happened
  17. i invited rev over here, hes actualy from ohio.....dont blame me, the rest came on their own
  18. jermattak


    i invited rev...hes actually from ohio
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