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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. yah, get me the rest, and i can begin working on it and yes matt..i said biker fags!!
  2. private, im logged in, its not working
  3. the rest of it is missing...were missing the part on 27 when he goes on the shoulder to wendys, and the ride back to chipotle...thats the good stuff
  4. searched for you...nothing..post the url
  5. something i learned today- Husker Du
  6. i think i commented on your pussy wheelies in the vid there were some good ones...i kid, i kid
  7. jermattak youtube will only let you upload 10 minute videos anyway you could send me all the raw footage? i can squeeze it down to a few videos of the good stuff...make it all flow and look good, get some views since it sounds like matt wants to be e-famous
  8. ive been telling you that since i got it! no it probably wouldnt work, you can try it if you safety wire it to a d-ring or something. i have one more permanant mount, im about to pick up more though for my new helmet, and me and tjs dirt helmets anyway dont be a pussy, stick that mount on there
  9. anytime you guys want to, stop by my house before a ride, and pic up the gopro cam, bring it back...the cripple will edit it...presto-chango...video
  10. nice! still doesnt compare to NKY!
  11. http://www.vimeo.com/5039260 feel free to post a new thread if you think its worth it, nothing crazy here
  12. i am in my early twenties...and i hate this bullshit...too much drama on this site. sick of the hate, thats why im barely on nowadays
  13. http://www.cedigital.com/xcart/product.php?productid=16172&cat=258&page=1 170 with a bunch of free stuff
  14. derrick, check this out vectrix makes a 3 wheeler with small wheels
  15. thats what i said too, but he already had a pic of it, so i assumed he ruled that one out
  16. search on here, brandon (gixxie750) posted a discount code for 30 off a while back..the site also gives you a sd card, and rechargable batteries
  17. i have one, havent used it on the bike yet (pressed the wrong button ) i stuck it on top on an evo today, turned out pretty good use vimeo though, twice the quality as youtube
  18. yup, probably, and i added music too, you could only hear the wind...and sometimes you could hear the tires chirp between every gear, that was pretty cool and it looks like its not going to be soon. youtube says its going to take 47 more minutes, vimeo is at 8%
  19. send it to me if you want, i have all kinds of time to sift through it and edit gopro vid will be up soon
  20. thanks for having us all! you and lisa are awesome, along with noel who cooked the the best ribs ive ever had nice meeting everyone!
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