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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. eh, you don't suck. You impress the shit out of me, it's up, and running. what more could you ask for? untill post counts can buy me a new bike who really cares?
  2. eh, about 3 hrs, my mother was going to babysit for us, and Tonya had to work, and I was going to come down, but saturday night while I was at my friends wedding she got called into work, bummer news after getting back from a wedding reception
  3. awesome! I'd love to make one of these damn things but I think Fate is mad at me
  4. I hope the giant slingshot/rubber band doesn't break!
  5. Oh, THATS what the hell you are talking about... Thats a damn good question. whats it do? it says people are on distinguished roads... roads to where? did i not get invited again?
  6. what the hell are you talking about?!
  7. what the hell else would it be?
  8. It's freakin snowing here! Pic from my phone, out my office window.
  9. lol no someones got a myspace friend, and I posted it in the wrong thread it was supposed to go in the boobies thread, someone asked about her ass shot
  10. It's probably a 4 banger, Like I said, I was in a hurry and probably missed the outer 2 pipes, they looked awfully close together for how wide the engine was.
  11. narrowed it down to a FZR600 or 1000
  12. This looks like it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Fzr1000.JPG thats definately the frame, SERIOUSLY didn't think it was a liter bike though.
  13. So I was at the impound lot yesterday getting a few things out of the females car (long story but basicly she's getting screwed HARD because the Ins company didn't file the paperwork till the end of the day, and not first thing in the morning when she called) and there's a busted up 91 Yammi sitting there, I left the guy my number and told him I'm interested to call me when the paperwork gets in on it. someone ditched it while running from the cops. the plastics are all FUBAR'd and the right clip on is damaged. I'm thinking of Street Fightering/Rat Rodding it and also teaching the female to ride on it. It's definately a sport bike, but I'm pretty sure it was only a 2 cylinder? it didn't have inverted forks and the swing arm didn't appear to be underbraced or anything, and the tires were kinda small, which I know is pretty common for an early 90's bike but I'm wondering if Yammi made a 250 or something those years? I just got the DOM off of the head because we were there as they were closing/closed and the guy was nice enough to let us in anyways so I wasn't going to overstay my welcome. Any ideas?
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