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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. I've got a pretty decent hill in my back yard. A good friend of mine has a snomobile he'll lend us to bring everyone back up to the top. If it gets a good turn out I can throw the Cherokee into 'jeep' and use it as a ski lift/gondola type thingy.
  2. 20k hits at least you know we're faithfull! Oh well shit happens, it's not your fault, not a big deal to me anyways, we carved pumpkins last night, actually Mom and I carved pumpkins, the kids kinda just picked out designs and threw seeds/pumpkin junk at each other
  3. I know a guy who gave a 16 year old kid the keys to a 450hp 1975 Corvette. Thing was mint, Candy Apple Red, nice ass polished alum wheels, cherry car. Turned heads anywhere it went. Kid grew up in his fathers garage, worked on cars his entire life, built his first 10 second small block when he was 15, helped restore half a dozen 'Vettes, a couple old Porsches, and fix literally hundreds of wrecked cars that rolled through their body shop. Him and his father shared a love of fast and powerfull cars, and were at the drag strip together almost every weekend. He let the kid take his first pass down the strip alone the summer of his 16th birthday. Is he an idiot? Not that anyones opinion on my father matters to me but it's not the fathers fault he's dead. My father trusted me with that machine, that he bought brand new, poured his heart, soul and life in to. He knew I respected it and knew the consequences of not respecting it. I could have easily killed myself or someone else in that car but I didn't.
  4. warriiooorrssss, come out to pllaaayyyyyyyy
  5. I hate those things. Good job. a 600 could have taken care of him, there's a certain 250 on the board that's wiped up a stock HD thats pretty sad when a 250cc rice rocket can mop up a 1200cc Hardley.
  6. That I'll believe. N/M Your obviously full of shit
  7. Oh yeah, then Tonya and I were standing there with LPSanders and Scrappy and some voice says hey man, that I've heard before! It was Mag!
  8. Gave me lots of places to go met allot of cool people too!
  9. Aside from almost getting our bikes plowed over, I enjoyed how everyone parked in the handicapped spot It was good to meet all you guys! sorry we had to skate so soon but I told my friend in Columbus I'd be there around 4 (when we left Roscoe) and I wanted to get home at a decent hour, which ended up being Midnight Hopefully we'll be down again to ride but with me, and the kids starting school at the end of the month, it's not looking good
  10. Is it? ain't heard nothing of it.
  11. Dweezel


    Good one Mags! So is the dude afraid of dead animals or what? why the hell call your daughter to remove a dead animal? And how the hell do you hit a badger in your driveway?
  12. The camera is still in the bag on the bike we didn't get home till midnight, well 11:52 to be exact, and the last hour and a half of that was in the pouring rain! I lost one of the rain covers for my bags, and Tonya was wearing the waterproof liner to my pants over hers, and tucking up tight behind me to try to stay dry and a little warm. Over all I put 398.2 miles on the bike yesterday, driveway to driveway was halfway tempted to go around the block just so it'd be 400... But I was so damn cold and wet I couldn't pull the brake lever anymore, well I could but it took allot of conscious effort, so I just pulled it in the garage and called it a night. LittleCarbs, It was really good to meet you! Very interested in some of those roads you were mentioning! Unfortunately we were strapped for time hopefully we'll get to make it down for the Aug 30th ride but with school starting about then I'm not making any promises The Coshocton crew! Sorry we bolted so quick after you all got there hopefully we'll be down again this year and then we can actually ride! Oh, and if I ever need a tree cleared I'll be sure to call you guys!
  13. sounds good! That's about when well be finishin up! Leaving Youngstown MEOW!
  14. YES! PM me your number if you like and I'll give you a text when we leave here, and when we get to Roscoe vilage, or sooner, we'll be going through Coshocton. You all should join us for food damn good eats there if you've never been there!
  15. holy crap! I can't believe that, I didn't even know he was sick! that sucks
  16. I've got to re-read that, I missed that part
  17. Because you said "My Boyfriends bike" and we've got some sever homophobes on this board and they couldn't handle knowing they were on the same internet with a homosexual. Penis
  18. I don't know about you but I check every intersection every time. while IMHO no it's not his fault, he did have the green light, as a motorcyclist you must realize, your invisible. 100% of the time. I don't care if the light is green or not, I make a conscious effort to check because you never now when some idiot is gonna run a red light, cop or not.
  19. wow is that off, calling Youngstown a "Dying" city? It's been dead for years now get with the program.
  20. The bike is also over 100lbs heavier and 4" longer than a regular sport bike.
  21. yeah, pushing buttons with a hammer tends to do that, especially with a touch screen... Although I bet one of those old Nokia candy bar phones would have stood up to it. those old things were indestructible.
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