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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. well I think the gig is up.
  2. If I can pick it up for 2-300 bucks, throw a clip on on it and teach the female to ride, maybe fuck around with it myself for a summer and it lasts, it's worth it. First time it's got a problem that requires more than 100 bucks to fix it's scrap, I assure you, well aside from tires and sprockets, big ones I'm gonna murder it and make a total rat rod out of it just for something to do over the winter. hell, it ran when the cops caught it
  3. Granted! you just got laid off! I wish Jagr wasn't trying to kill me
  4. Well hell if your just gonna throw one out I'll take it.
  5. Holy fuck, this shit again? seriously guys, agree to disagree, what the hell do you think your going to prove to each other? Welcome to America, you can do that, not agree with each other, ya know? holy fuck it's getting old. Every post I wonder into is political BS, if I wanted that I'd go to, I don't know, PoliticalBS.com?
  6. well if the valve cover is leaking oil, and you can see it just by crouching behind it, itmust be a HD since they're famous for that, which would make you an imbicle. You can't Handel the 4 bolts and 1 gasket (per side of course) that it would take, that and why bother? It'll leak again in 2 months anyway.
  7. hey not my fault! I got sent out of town on real short notice!
  8. Okay, here's the bike, and the tag on the neck, I'm thinkin it actually is a 400, anyone care to take a gander?
  9. Well I'm going on theory here, I've never ridden a REAL V-twin, nor have I raced/trackday'd either. So 'in theory' the I4 should do the same job, but with a required higher rpms to create the same tq that the V would at lower rpms. So, in conclusion, I may have to humbly agree with you, since I'm totally going on theory here, not practice
  10. are they two different sites? or do they both link to the same place? never been on OR.com...
  11. Yeah but on the Human side of it, 'no harm, no foul' if no one is hurt and no property is damaged, except your own obviously, they could be a nice guy and let ya go with a warning or such, I'm sure she's dealing with enough already.
  12. Ya know, in hind sight, I feel like an idiot for not figuring that out on my own...
  13. Damn Girl Hope your okay! keep your chin up and hop back on as soon as you can! falling off is the easy part, allot of times getting back on is the tough part! Hope you get better soon!
  14. Granted, but now your Paris Hilton's full time dog walker I wish I didn't OD on the headache medicine.
  15. 80% of all statistics are made up on the spot...
  16. lol no I'm a very generic person, I don't wear name brand clothes, I'm a jeans and tee shirt kinda guy, and you'll never see me in Ed Hardey anything, let alone bedazzeled Ed Hardey shit, hat and jeans.
  17. Granted! but you neighbors pet monkey took your bike out for you... I wish my head didn't hurt
  18. why would I take it personal? I was laughin at the guy all night.
  19. that sounds like a good idea, I should do that.
  20. Eh, I'd be hard pressed to say that an inline 4 is like a 2 stroke, and there are lots of different V-twins. Assuming your talking about a real V-Twin (liquid cooled, 4 valves per cylinder, 10k+ redline) it all depends on what your comparing, Hell I can start my 'Bus off on a moderate incline just by slipping the clutch, it's got plenty of TQ at 2500rpms and I usually cruise around town around 2000 RPMS with no problems. Lets take a 1000cc Twin, and a 1000cc I4, the twin will have 2 x 500cc cylinders, while the I4 will have 4x250cc cylinders, and the twin usually has a longer stroke, longer stroke = more TQ at a lower given RPMs, it also means more rotating mass, therefore harder to spin fast due to the extra stress on components. There really isn't any advantage of one over the other, you just have to keep the R's on the I4 a little higher to produce the same TQ as the long stroke twin of the same displacement.
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