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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. Does the rider come with it? BTW where the hell is her gear!!
  2. Found this on craigs list, searching for a 'Cafe to build, if anyone is interested... http://youngstown.craigslist.org/mcy/907997454.html
  3. Granted, but the deer stole your gun and now their hunting you. I wish I could go riding this weekend
  4. Granted, but the Doberman want's HIS FREAKIN BURRITO NOW!!! I wish I had the strength not to lay out my co-worker with his fucking homo/gay jokes.
  5. Granted, but somehow it was put on backwards. I wish I wasn't in a coma, or dead.
  6. Granted, someone cuts off your head. I wish I wasn't so tired.
  7. is this just. A hobby or will they eventually map all of Columbus? The state? What's the final desired outcome with this, which is damn neat BTW.
  8. Looks very nice! I still can't see the tats though
  9. Whats the hight difference? is that signal strength?
  10. Granted! but I only gave you 200 dollars for it! I wish I had 200 dollars to buy IP's bike with!
  11. Stick with a PC. I love my iPhone, but Apple is so proprietary it's not even funny. there is no upgrading, there is no changing, you get apples version of a wonderful experience in their box and you love it.
  12. if the mfg's would spend the money to actually balance the away the balance shaft would be a moot point. In fact if you do balance the rotating assy you can cut off the drive gras and toss the shaft and have a smother running engine that weighs less and has less rotating inertia. However odd fire POS v twinkies like HD makes will never balance, it's a uncorrectable problem when using a common pin on a screwed angle motor. V motors are on a specific angle split for a reason, to make them even fire, therfore smother running. however once your above a certain RPM the vibes kinda all mesh together and you don't notice it unless your at a specific rpm range where they will show up again.
  13. I've never seen or met either of them. All I remember is in Shay's intro post, he posted up a pic of the Mike dude. So I, not knowing either of them, thought Mike, was Shay, excuse me.
  14. I was saying everyones mind here, is in the gutter, and apparently, your gutters. And by them being self cleaning, they threw our minds out of the gutter, and now since our minds are out of the gutter now, this site would be decidedly less fun.
  15. granted, but they throw the collective 'OR.NET' mind out too and we're not amused anymore I wish my I wasn't sitting in NJ at an applebees by myself eating dinner
  16. Its easy to fuck up a chain when you employ 16 y/o wanna be star boys as service techs. Not that I've been there but that's my first guess.
  17. Granted, your dogs jaws are now locked around your junk, rendering it unable to bark. I wish Isaac's papa wouldn't have neutered his cat
  18. in the wish thread, he put you in a Donkey show, I wished for tix but I died before I could make it apparently. Who knows.
  19. lol I'm not seriously bothered dude, just fuckin with ya
  20. Granted, But he's soon replaced by Drew Carey I wish I had tickets to ninjachk08's show
  21. No, your gig is up. I never had a gig, probably 1 (or 3 or 7, but hey practice makes perfect right ) too many girls, but never a gig. Geeze dude, your trying to off me in the 'make a wish' thread, now your trying to turn me gay!
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