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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. <Eticam> I was in biology class once, and the teacher said there was sugar in sperm <Eticam> And a girl asked why doesn't it taste sweet then <Eticam> When she realised what she said her face became red like a spanked monkey ass <Eticam> Then the teacher said, because you taste sweetness with the front of your tongue, not the part of your tongue back in your throat <Eticam> The girl started crying and left class ^^
  2. I was hoping for a fire, then an "oh fuck" then a ghost ride into the far kitchen wall... But I've also been told I have unrealistically high expectations.
  3. it's cool, your link is dead, MINE LIVES!!! (insert evil laugh here)
  4. Holy repost batman! http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=15554
  5. :gay: I hate paddle shifters, be a man and row your own god damn boat.
  6. yeah your right... I'm only 6'2" if I'm standing up straight. Which isn't very often but in normal instances my shoes make up for my slouch Hell how tall is Schmuck? isn't he a bit taller than you?
  7. I"m hard pressed to say I've ever seen a bigger douche bag. EVER.
  8. Not diggin the shaved head, but there's something I find intriguingly attractive about Goth chicks I wouldn't want one either, but some of them are just plain hot
  9. Seriously... You'd shoot her?
  10. Hey cutie, I hear you'll be single again this time next year... J/K Schmuck
  11. he's talking about the Strap that holds it up. Go to Homedepot or some hardware store, and get some strapping. Easy to do. And there is something to be said for "hand made" things. I've made exhausts for several of my cars and will be making one for my bike this winter. I'm not a cheap ass, I'm just creative, skilled, and can't justify paying $800 for something I can build and tweek to fit just my taste for less than $100. You say cheap, I say no so damn wasteful.
  12. yeah motor swaps are pretty easy on bikes. I put a new one in my 750 (bought it with a blown motor) and honest to god we had the motor out of the truck and in the bike in about 15 min., and it was running in under an hour. This was also with 2 pretty accomplished mechanics working on the job, but hey, it WAS our first time working on a bike P.S. If you don't have parts left over, you did something wrong. Never fails.
  13. no biggie, it's just like *WHAMMO* There's Mr.McChickenTrousers! and there he his again... and again
  14. frame sliders, if you hit the dirt, do more damage than good. they get stuck in the dirt, either flip the bike doing a hell of a lot more damage, or rip out of the frame leaving a huge hole in the frame.
  15. no, check your pads. there is no reason it should drop unless you've got a leak. wearing pads will require more fluid in the caliper/piston and appear as if the level is getting low. When you push the pistons back in to replace the pads with new pads it will magically reappear. Check your pads.
  16. Welcome Woah dude, tone down the sig pic. How the hell did it even let you post that?!
  17. Yeah thats sick. Saw that on an Fbody forum I'm on the other day. The 'Vette is SICK!! totally stock, from the tires to the suspension settings to the emissions equipment. It's doing that exactly as you would purchase one from a dealer. It's now the fastest unmodified production car to ever lap the ring. The GTR is pretty impressive, but seeing as it was on slicks and still got it's ass handed to it by 3 seconds I can't see it being just as fast on production tires. That and the driver knows he screwed up in a few places, I bet a few more runs on some slicks and they'd drop another second off of that time, not to mention the head wind GM says they were experiencing on the last straight. Kinda explains why the car wouldn't go above 175 untill just before the turn it jumps up to 180 for a second or two like the wind suddenly stopped or they went behind a wind block of some sorts. That car is sick. down right sick.
  18. well that and Americans don't want diesels. We still associate diesel with heavy trucks, lots of noise, and bad smelling smoke. That and diesel still isn't as readily available as gasoline would make it a hard sell for most. Also, how "useful" is that car. Yes I said that they are out there and do exist. but in the REAL world, that car is useless. I'd never buy one. I'm not too sure of any real people who would. granted it's nice and the fact it gets outstanding mileage is nice. but that car is probably stupidly expensive, all CF, and full of other exotic materials. Be realistic, make it out of mass produce-able materials and parts, put 4 (at least, but that won't haul me my girl and the kids) seats in it, I'll let you keep the 2 doors. that car just jumped up to over 2200lbs and would now get about 50-60mpg... about the same as the new Jetta. that and just because it will go 155mph, doesn't mean it doesn't take an hour to get there.
  19. [edit] this isn't aimed at Fusion, or anyone else on the board directly, I just quoted him because his response seems to be the by-and-large opinion of most of the people I know. Sorry Foosion [/edit] ah, yeah... Having, literally, studied and having been obsessed to the point of it sickens some people, with the internal Combustion engine. I'm here to tell you 200 MPG engines don't, and can't exist. There isn't enough energy in a gallon of gasoline or diesel to make it happen. There is X amount of power in a gallon of gasoline, and it take Z amount of power to move a given amount of weight. Physics, can't change it. Diesel has more energy per gallon that Gasoline, and diesel engines are vastly superior than gasoline as far as efficency goes. In fact, Diesel engines are quite literally the image of perfection as far as the piston driven internal combustion engine is concerned. Ultra high compression, compression ignition, turbo charging, and with todays tech you can get amazing results from a diesel. Hell VW just released a 50mpg diesel Jetta (I think, or rabbit...) back in the 80's they had the same thing that people regularly got 52+ mpg with no tricks, bells or whistles. I'd be willing to bet people see almost 60mpg out of them. Kinda makes a Prius look bad. Electric vehicles have been done before, and they aren't likely to make a re-appearance. granted there are a few souls who are making good attempts, and this company is making huge strides in storing electricity. The best option we have now is the just green lighted Chevy Volt. It's supposed to get ~40 miles on a charge (which will cost you all of a dollar or two of electricity when charged at home) and also has an IC engine on board to solely power a generator, that will in turn keep batteries charged (kinda like a locomotive, which GM is also a huge success in) If EEStor's company is legit and they deliver on what they say, coupling that with the Volt would make for a killer electric vehicle that would actually work, and possibly go hundreds of miles before a recharge is needed, that would also only take several minutes to recharge. Capacitors rock. I guess the point is, like it or not, we've come quite a way with the IC engine, and IMHO GM's LSx engines with displacement on demand are the best option out there, that is in production, and realistic. I know there are one off small production cars that get way better milage, or can produce the same power with less size. The major problem is allot of people, me included have families and a car that moves only 2 people isn't an option. As nice as it would be to have a car for work that got 100mpg, and a car to move everyone around with that got 75 mpg it isn't going to happen. We have 3 cars and a bike. My 2500 1 tonne truck which I have no idea why I still own it other than it gets allot of use by my family, a 94 Cherokee that is more or less a beater that will also move the family in the snow/my DD in the snow, Her Cavi that she drives every day/kid mover and my bike, which is my DD in the summer when I'm going to and from work/other places. As nice as it would be, to meet current safety standards (which keep getting stricter, and consequently keep making cars heavier and heavier) and get 100mpg its not gonna happen. REALISTICALLY it's not. You've got idiots in government and lobbiest who think you can have everything but you can't. you can't make a car 5000lbs and get 100mpg without changing the rules of physics.
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