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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. Well I'm pretty much booked for July. Fishing trip this weekend, and Speecefest next (it's a 1 day party, but I'll need the whole weekend to recover:drink:) but first weekend in August sounds good for me, I'll keep my calender open.
  2. I'd say tell him to pull the steering head appart, then go down with a bore gauge of that diameter, and check it out, if the neck is round +/- a few thousandths worst case is forks, which still isn't a bad deal.
  3. No offense, but most chicks ain't that bright, no to mention if she's an attention whore, she'd probably do it.
  4. I doubt a simple shock adjustment will void it.
  5. sweet, now that we've talked her out of it, someone go snag it!!!
  6. Dweezel

    tomorrow kk

    His girlfriend is out on it either that or she grounded him for all the boobie/booty pics
  7. Just give in Fonze and get a 'Busa!
  8. Don't they all here? Anyways, The 250 is a GREAT starter bike, you can pick them up pretty cheap, and in a year or so, you can sell them for what you paid for them, granted you don't total it or anything. Not only that, some people are happy with them, I was at the dealer last week picking up a new helmet and a guy was there just bought a new 250, he had his old one he bought new in the early 90's and loved it so much he just bought a new version of the same bike! so basically even if you don't like it, your not gonna waste any money on it, and if you do it right, it may not cost you a penny! either way, welcome to the addiction!
  9. More importantly, why will a Kowie engineer and Lawyer be looking at your bike?
  10. It looks like maybe the rim is bent? it seems awfully close to the left fork, but the rotors seem square.
  11. I believe thats why HJC started putting that little latch on the sides of their visors. Is this the girl that fell off while the dude was doing a wheelie? I find it kind of hard to believe she was sucked off the back of the bike, I've gone 160+ with my girl on the back and she's probably no more than 110lbs fully geared up, and she was still there when I stopped. They were most likely doing something stupid when this happened, she's the first person I've ever heard of getting sucked off a bike. Hell the majority of the time we ride 2 up Tonya is holding onto the grab bar behind her, even when we're just cruising 90+ down the freeway.
  12. Fonzie, Shamelessly pimping his XX boards thats like XX board post number 3 from you when I hit "New Posts" this morning dude!
  13. Honda, Suzie, Cowie, a bike is a bike is a bike man. thats like saying I can use Dial Bar soap, but when you hand me a bar of Irish Springs, I'm totally lost on what to do with it. The parts may all look different, but I assure you they all do the same thing.
  14. Dweezel

    tomorrow kk

    Welcome to Ohio!
  15. Granted, you have 1 small piece of plastic from a Hayabusa I wish I could sleep
  16. maybe she plans on posting the Honey Moon vid afterwards...
  17. DON'T DO IT MAN!! DON'T DO IT!!! J/K Congrats peeps!
  18. Dweezel


    I was on 224, but in Boardman/Canfield... Maybe through some weird space-time continuum, or a tear in the fiber of time itself, it was me you saw...
  19. Granted, he tries to screw you instead I wish I could get a raise at work.
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