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Posts posted by Dweezel

  1. Here's the point we could easily have an alternative energy or cars that got 200 miles to the gallon in the next 5 years if we wanted. There just has to be a true demand for it. As long as we keep pumping out oil from new places you better believe they are going to take their time finding it. Milk everyone of us gas guzzling suckers for all we're worth with the current technology we have so they don't have to invest as much in new technology quickly.

    [edit] this isn't aimed at Fusion, or anyone else on the board directly, I just quoted him because his response seems to be the by-and-large opinion of most of the people I know. Sorry Foosion :D [/edit]

    ah, yeah... Having, literally, studied and having been obsessed to the point of it sickens some people, with the internal Combustion engine. I'm here to tell you 200 MPG engines don't, and can't exist. There isn't enough energy in a gallon of gasoline or diesel to make it happen. There is X amount of power in a gallon of gasoline, and it take Z amount of power to move a given amount of weight. Physics, can't change it. Diesel has more energy per gallon that Gasoline, and diesel engines are vastly superior than gasoline as far as efficency goes. In fact, Diesel engines are quite literally the image of perfection as far as the piston driven internal combustion engine is concerned. Ultra high compression, compression ignition, turbo charging, and with todays tech you can get amazing results from a diesel. Hell VW just released a 50mpg diesel Jetta (I think, or rabbit...) back in the 80's they had the same thing that people regularly got 52+ mpg with no tricks, bells or whistles. I'd be willing to bet people see almost 60mpg out of them. Kinda makes a Prius look bad.

    Electric vehicles have been done before, and they aren't likely to make a re-appearance. granted there are a few souls who are making good attempts, and this company is making huge strides in storing electricity. The best option we have now is the just green lighted Chevy Volt. It's supposed to get ~40 miles on a charge (which will cost you all of a dollar or two of electricity when charged at home) and also has an IC engine on board to solely power a generator, that will in turn keep batteries charged (kinda like a locomotive, which GM is also a huge success in) If EEStor's company is legit and they deliver on what they say, coupling that with the Volt would make for a killer electric vehicle that would actually work, and possibly go hundreds of miles before a recharge is needed, that would also only take several minutes to recharge. Capacitors rock.

    I guess the point is, like it or not, we've come quite a way with the IC engine, and IMHO GM's LSx engines with displacement on demand are the best option out there, that is in production, and realistic. I know there are one off small production cars that get way better milage, or can produce the same power with less size. The major problem is allot of people, me included have families and a car that moves only 2 people isn't an option. As nice as it would be to have a car for work that got 100mpg, and a car to move everyone around with that got 75 mpg it isn't going to happen. We have 3 cars and a bike. My 2500 1 tonne truck which I have no idea why I still own it other than it gets allot of use by my family, a 94 Cherokee that is more or less a beater that will also move the family in the snow/my DD in the snow, Her Cavi that she drives every day/kid mover and my bike, which is my DD in the summer when I'm going to and from work/other places.

    As nice as it would be, to meet current safety standards (which keep getting stricter, and consequently keep making cars heavier and heavier) and get 100mpg its not gonna happen. REALISTICALLY it's not. You've got idiots in government and lobbiest who think you can have everything but you can't. you can't make a car 5000lbs and get 100mpg without changing the rules of physics.

  2. She's Hawaiian too, with nice pouty lips and dark(er) skin :drool: me likes (obviously) Here's a pic of us, I'd post some others of her, but either her eyes are closed, or her mouth is open in almost every pic :lol: I got one of her sticking her tongue out I should post but she'd kill me, and since we live together it wouldn't be in my best interests :D and her again in the green...


  3. The buyers are often inbreds, but their engineers are pretty top notch at what they do, catering to what those said inbreds(and yuppies) want, a traditional looking and sounding bike without the hassle of owning a traditional bike...setting valves, chain maint, re torquing bolts.

    Now they've got hydraulic lifters, not a bad thing for a 5500 rpm bike, belt drive on a 60 hp engine and the quality has gone from horrendous in the AMF years to being about on par with any of the top brands.

    The paint, chrome plating, fit and finish are the best in the industry, the wiring is great and they've done wonders with the EFI.

    Their advances in design are usually the invisible things that won't upset the "purists" that make things seamless.

    I have no doubt that if they set their engineering teams to it they could build a liquid cooled OHC triple, four or even opposite six that you could put 100K trouble free miles on, it just wouldn't sell.

    Bitch and whine about all you want about the type of engine and style, but that's what sells for now and they make that as well as anyone.

    Not really, They are running them exceptionally lean to meet emissions requirements now a days. IF they knew what they were doing they would design a better head, this would take almost no effort and really wouldn't change anything about the way the bike looks except maybe the valve cover, and they could even keep their cam in block 2 valve head and do a damn good job at the same time(2 valves are the way to go if most of your useable RPM's are below 4500, proven fact many times). They would design a head with good swirl, a combustion chamber that promotes swirl, and an efficient burn, and an exhaust port that will get the air out faster to keep the head cool. Take GM's LSx motors for example. THAT is a killer head design, and the head is where it is. GM's poorest flowing head flowes more than Fords best 4 valve head, and GM's best head flows more than many top of the line aftermarket Big block heads. all with "ancient" cam in block, 2 valve/cyl heads.

    A 2 valve head gives you swirl. Which is prudent for making torque and filling the cylinder at lower (below 4500 rpms) speeds. I'd be willing to say with a simple head redesign, cam change, and decent computer system 1hp per CI would be easy to acheive without pushing the limits of air cooled motors. Not to mention the coatings they have available today. Coating the bottom of the intake valve, combustion chamber, and the exhaust valve/port to the manifold would EASILY control over heating problems while allowing them to make much more power. But it all starts with the head. and they don't have it, and won't change it.

    Hell they had to go to Porsche to get the engine for the VROD (which still isn't all that impressive for a 1200cc V-twin if you ask me)!! how much more proof do you need that they are imbeciles! Buell was so fed up with them he went to Rotax for the engine for the new 1125R and FINALLY has a respectable sport bike (that I may even look at if I can get one outside of a HD dealership) HD is full of idiots. They could easily keep their air cooled (why?) motors and get MUCH more performance, and better emissions out of it with a simple redesign, and all it would REALLY take is a better head. I bet I could make a better head than what they have.

  4. FUCKING CBS TOOK THIS ONE!!!! Goddamnit!!!! I was checking the Speed Network for it. I forgot that sometimes CBS took some races and used their shitty broadcasting team. First they cancel Jericho and now they pull shit like this. I hate those assholes at CBS.

    No man, seriously, tell us how you REALLY feel. :lol:

  5. They want the technology. HD can't figure it out by themselves. Too expensive to do trial and error. Much easier to assimilate the tech from someone else.

    How the hell is it hard to design a liquid cooled, dual overhead cam that makes decent power? there are at least 6 MAJOR manufacturers doing it now, buy a bike, tear it apart and look. not only that there are several forums out there that discuss ONLY that, how to make power from an internal combustion engine. It's not hard. It's actually very simple especially with what is available today. It's not black arcane magic, it's knowledge, read a book.

    HD is out to push their product, now they have just aquired 500+ dealers in Europe that are going to become HD dealers as well, I seriously doubt those inbred hillbillys in Milwaukee can comprehend something as complex as liquid cooling, let alone a DOHC 4 valve/cyl. They're stagnate, and will continue to be so. There are plenty of sheep out there that want tee-shirts, now they'll just be more readily available in EU than the were before.

  6. well, I don't agree with Helmet laws, or seat belt laws. However, I won't start my car without my belt on, and don't go anywhere on my bike without a helmet, But if you want to knock yourself out. Don't expect me to ride with you though.

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