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Posts posted by Dweezel

  1. Oh yeah, it will run a mid 11 sec quarter mile

    I see HD has finally moved up from Kawi 250cc performance with their 1200cc Sportsters, to Yami 600cc performance with the 1130cc's Porsche built VRSC's. :lol:

  2. had the 750 up to an indicates 176, the 'Busa up to 180 (again indicated), and my 01 T/A up to about 165. Speedo was pegged, calculator said 5th gear, 5500 with my tire and gear = 165.

  3. not really, his engine at the time was a total failure, no one wanted to buy it and he had lost everything and was drowning in debt anyways. odds are he offed himself. it was intended to run off of peanut oil so that farmers and rural people who couldn't get gasoline could grow their own peanuts, and make fuel for it. the other benifits that we associate with diesel engines today weren't even a thought back then. was simply to fill a void in the rural market.

  4. Oh yeah, well i got a cadillac that runs on piss, Has 6,000 horsepower, only costs $12 to manufacture, and gets 300,000 miles per gallon, but I can't find any 17 leaf clovers to use as fuel catalyst...

    Dude, just ask. I've got a FIELD full of those damn things. In fact, I just sprayed half of them just to get rid of them. Let me know how many you need their just going to waste here.

  5. WTF is wrong with the bike, a 2003 with only 5k miles on it? I've put over 5k on my bike this year! OHhhhhh.... It's Hardley powered.... Damn thats allot of miles on that bike!


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