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Posts posted by Dweezel

  1. wow, anyone read that list? HELLO CAPT OBVIOUS! a Jeep Wrangler doesn't ride like a $400k dollar lexus? no shit?!

    A Hummer gives poor gas milage? really you don't say, oh and it lack in acceleration? wow, I'm amazed!

    An Aveo got poor accleeration reviews?

    What morons, that list should read "11 cars and their obvious-as-the-nose-on-your-face quirks".

    I ignore all "poor fit and finish" reviews on the interiors, these magazine editors expect every car to have $4 million hand-built Maybach quality interior. If I'm interested in something I'll go look at it, and check the internet for quality reviews from actual owners. Mags are so full of BS it's amazing

  2. must be, I'm in the Pittsburgh airport, waiting on a flight to Cincy, then out to San Diego. The entire flight is nothing but Faithful Members of Willy G's Flock, or as I like to call them, "The Unwashed". There's only one guy here, and his wife, who look like they should be on a HD. He's bald with a pony tail, she looks like she hit every tree in the Ugly Forrest, and their both picturesque trailer park royalty. Everyone else looks like your typical R.U.B. Biker

    I think I've died and gone to hell.

    Idiots with more money than brains. Store bought image, sheep.

  3. I use it all the time for work, it's no where near as biz orientated as the blackberry, but I do allot of start up, and personnel training, as well as repair work. I'll snap a pic and email it from the job site to clarify what I'm talking about, also to document neglect or abuse of the equipment. The calender, and notes section I use the piss out of also, and I'd be willing to bet over half of my posts on this board are from my phone :D

    Whats really nice is the movies/music you can put on it. Makes it really nice especially when I've got to fly long distances. I've got a 4 gig I'll sell ya for 200 if you want it :D I feel the need to pick up a 16gb

  4. It is when you consider the design was piss poor... Especially when they did an update on the 08s... However, even with that, I think WERA is requiring all R6s in that body style to have them "just in case"...

    Yeah, true, but the fact is that it's there, and there isn't much your going to do to change it :dunno: Sucks they produced a bike like that, but they did. Your or I would think, common sense would dictate that no matter what the angle, the tank shouldn't hit the ground, for such an obvious reason, but apparently not.

  5. That's my gear. I'm picking up a 56 JR speedmaster jacket this month too though.

    Vented. Not bad until it reaches the 90's.

    You know what they say though...

    "Sweat wipes off, road rash doesn't." ;)

    I beg to differ, if you soak in a tub long enough, it'll rub off :D

    Nice sig, where'd you get that lol

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