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Posts posted by Dweezel

  1. Those sliders look pretty good for going through a 120mph slide. But for 120 bucks, thats a deal to make sure your bike doesn't go up in flames, and if your already into racing/trackdays, whats another 120? Sure beats having to buy a replacement tank thats shaped differently.

  2. I think it would be a good idea. I know I'm not the only one here who likes to put a crapload of miles on my bike. Maybe both in Ohio, and outside the state? Or is it here and I don't see it?

    It's outside, and maybe your not seeing it. I'm all for riding in the cold, but snow and ice are another thing, the forum pretty much dies in the summer except for when everyones at work. even with my season starting late, end of June, and ending early, begining of Nov. I still managed to put over 8k on the bike :D We manage to do alright here

  3. I'm sure that they blew it up to protect some secrets on board, Thats pretty much a gimmie since it's a spy satellite.

    We bitched at China because unlike our spy satellite, which is in low orbit, the one they destroyed was in high orbit, and the debris may never come down since it's so far off. The debris from our satellite, at this point, has already fallen into the atmosphere and burnt up, so it's not really a big deal.

    I'll somewhat buy the fuel excuse, it's not like their using high test on this thing, it's a severely toxic substance that you wouldn't want to get on your shirt, or even within a few blocks of; From Wikipedia;

    Hydrazine is highly toxic and dangerously unstable, especially in the anhydrous form. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:

    Symptoms of acute (short-term) exposure to high levels of hydrazine may include irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, dizziness, headache, nausea,
    in humans. Acute exposure can also damage the
    , and
    . The liquid is
    and may produce
    from skin contact in humans and animals. Effects to the
    , liver,
    , and
    have been reported in animals chronically exposed to hydrazine via inhalation. Increased incidences of lung, nasal cavity, and liver tumors have been observed in rodents exposed to hydrazine.

    Doesn't sound like fun :D

    If thats their excuse I'll buy it, to me it's not worth the risk of that shit hitting land, or water for that matter, intact. I don't buy global warming, but this shit I'd definately say we should keep out of any environment.

  4. I agree with all that, but I was wondering if anyone had any hard numbers or spec sheets for forks -- I can't find any (admittedly I haven't looked that hard), but I suppose that the hard numbers lie as classified information inside the manufacturers of the bike and suppliers of the forks. Given the second-order nature of hydraulically damped suspension, I'd even settle for a Force vs. Displacement curve.

    Free-body diagram time?

    Using the 'busa as an example, which has a 24º rake. If the bike is 550lbs with fluids and you assume the claimed 49R/51F weight distribution = 281lbs on the front wheel at the "zero" point, which at 24º rake is 307lbs [281/cos(24º)] total force (281lbs normal force, and 26lbs horizontal force holding the tire in front of the bike).

    With a rider, mass becomes 383lbs at the front wheel = 419lbs total force.

    Rim + Tire size = 20.3" diameter [17" rims + 120mm*0.7 aspect ratio then convert to inches]

    If the pothole is 3" deep, the angle of attack becomes 31º above the ground plane (according to AutoCAD); although the bike won't be level which will reduce the rake ~ 3º over the wheelbase = 21º

    If the pothole is 6" deep, the angle becomes 44º; yet again, the 6" will affect the 'level' of the bike and decrease the rake effectively ~ 6º = 18º

    Of course you have to take into account the weight distribution has shifted (Front tire in pot hole will load the bike more on the front, when the rear tire is on "level" ground)

    At 70mph, the bike has a momentum of 750lbs*70mph = 52500 lbs*mph (p=mv). Now let's assume the front tire is in the 6" pothole, and the weight ratio is now 30R/70F; therefore the front tire has momentum of 36750 lbs*mph and it will be looking to maintain momentum throughout the pothole event.

    The bike must cover 1209600 lbs*in/s2 (front wheel gravity force over 6" vertical) in a distance of 8.67 in @ 70mph (1231.92 in/s) or in 0.007seconds.

    = 8513 lbs*in/s (upward force); and since I don't know the spring rate / dampening, I can't solve for the lbs force

    = 8816 lbs*in/s (horizontal force); same as above

    And now, it gets way more complicated, and my AutoCAD is getting squiggles everywhere, so I stopped. :cool:

    (And I'm sure I messed up somewhere...check my work, please!)

    :lol: So did you get anything else accomplished today? :cheers:

  5. Not to mention the angle of the forces involved, when you come down from a wheelie, the bike is moving straight and coming down generally perfectly on the suspention. Hitting a pot hole, the wheel is slammed into it, like a curb, which is 90* out of phase from the travel of the suspention. If it's large enough, it will hit high up on the rim, more towards the centerline of it, and put more of a rearward, than upward force on the suspention. Wheels are obviously round, and from 0* (being the bottom, on the ground) to 45* up on the front, any objects will be transmitted upwards, after that 45* mark the force gets exponentially applied rearward, not upward.

    What makes potholes so bad is that not only is the bike now leaning forward with downward/forward velocity, the lip of the pothole is further up on the wheel than it would be if you hit that same 3" curb going flat, because of the downward angle of the bike.

    Thats about as technical as I cared to make it. I could get more involved if you like :D

  6. Maybe you misread the article...

    Sharon Jasper has been victimized. Sharon Jasper has been rabidly wronged. She has become a Section 8 carcass–the victim of ever changing public housing policies.

    Sharon Jasper has spent 57 or her 58 years dedicated to one cause and one cause only, and has nothing to show for her dedicated servitude. She has lived in Section 8 housing all but 1 of her 58 years. It was a legacy passed down from her parents who moved into Section 8 housing in 1949 when she was six months old. She has passed the legacy down to her children, but fears they may have to get jobs to pay for the utilities and deposits. [blunt statement, she doesn't want to work, and she doesn't want her kids to have to work, she's proud to suck off the sytem] She laments about her one year hiatus from the comfort of her Section 8 nirvana, 'I tried it for a year. you know…working and all. It's not anything I would want to go through again, or wish on anyone in my family, but I am damn proud of that year.' [you need more proof she's a welfare sucking leach?! ]

    Sharon was moved out of her St. Bernard housing project after hurricane Katrina and into a new, yet albeit, substandard quarterage. As can be noted from the above photo of her new Section 8 home, [which looking through the pictures is a pretty nice place] it is repugnant and not suitable for someone of Sharon Jasper's seniority status in the system. 'Don't be fooled by them hardwood floors,' says Sharon. 'They told me they were putting in scraped wood floors cause it was more expensive and elegant, but I am not a fool – that was just a way to make me take scratched up wood because I am black. [no bitch, you'll take the scratched up hardwood floors because you refuse to work and live off of hand outs, take what your given and be happy you got anything cunt!] The 60 inch HD TV? It may look nice but it is not a plasma. It's not a plasma because I'm black. Now they want me to pay a deposit and utilities on this dump. [like every hard working American, oh wait YOUR NOT A HARD WORKING AMERICAN, YOUR THE CANCER EATING AT THIS COUNTRIES SOUL!!] Do you know why?'

    She has held her tongue in silence through the years of abuse by the system, but it came to a head at the New Orleans' city council meeting where discussions were under way about the tearing down of the St. Bernard projects. When a near riotous exchange between groups opposing the tearing down of St. Bernard and groups wanting the dilapidated buildings torn down and newer ones built, Sharon unleashed verbal hell with her once silenced tongue. The object of her oratory prowess was an acquiescent poor white boy in attendance. The context of her scathing rebuke was, 'Just because you pay for my house, my car, my big screen and my food, I will not be treated like a slave!' and 'Back up and Shut up! Shut up, white boy! Shut up, white boy!' [sounds like she expects to have everything provided for her and be treated like royalty. typical welfare shit, also sounds like she's a racist fucktard too]

    Recapping from the mental log of the city council minutes in her head, Sharon repines, 'Our families have been displaced all over the United States. They are being forced to commit crimes in cities they are unfamiliar with. [yeah, it'd be much nicer to have them committing crimes back at home where when their thrown in jail at least you could go visit them] It is a very uncomfortable situation for them. Bring them back, then let's talk about redevelopment.'

    Sharon directs the reporter's attention across the street to Duncan Plaza where homeless people are living in tents and states that, 'I might do better out there with one of these tents.' She further lamented her sentiments about her situation, 'I might be poor, but I don't have to live poor.' [ahh, yes you do bitch! it's called being rewarded for making something of yourself, your stupid fucking ass expects to be rewarded for doing nothing, and contributing nothing to society]

    The article says enough, it may be intended to help those who are struggling, but all it's doing is supporting filth. Fuck her. She can die in a box on the street corner like so many Vets who fought for this country.

    THAT is the saddest part of this country, a veteran who fought for this country won't be given anything, and is forced to live in a box on the street, and this cancer is given a damn good lifestyle and has the nerve to bitch about being given NY strip, when she thinks she deserves Fillet since she's getting it for free. Fuck her, I hope she drowns in a sewer somewhere.

    She and her whole family are leaches. She doesn't want to work, she doesn't want her children to work, she wants to live like Bill Gates, off of the tax payers money. She deserves to live in a box in the street, after a year of working she decided it wasn't for her?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? work isn't for me either but somethings got to pay for my bike, gasoline and basic cable, this cunt has a 60"HD TV, I've got a 27" my aunt was throwing away, and I can't afford to go out and drop 2500 on a 60" HD, plus the HD package etc that comes with it.

    Welfare isn't helping these people, it's supporting them, several generations of them!

    Work harder, millions on welfare depend on you!

  7. No shit. the whole "it's not plasma because I'm black" comment really sent me through the fucking roof. She's living better than just about anyone I know! in my entire family (I'm Italian, the stereotypes are true, it's a big ass family) theres only 2 house holds that have flat screens, my grand parents, and my dad, and my dad has a plasma, grand parents have an LCD. We're a pretty well to do family and none of us are hurting for anything, but we're also not as well off as this cunt, and she's complaining about it!

  8. :lol: yeah good luck with that! I have no idea what causes it, but HOLY FUCK is it the worst smell I've ever had the misfortune of smelling! Bastards know when they do it too. Even if you don't hear it, they kinda put their heads down and trot out of the room, we soon follow.
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