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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. the best part of those is if you hit the breaks hard...
  2. If I payed $150,000 dollars for a brand new Festiva, built exactly like it was in 1983, and you paid $50,000 for a brand new Ferrari, with all the super advanced tech that a thoroughbred race career instills on such a vehicle, and I told YOU to get a real car like a Festiva, would you make fun of me?
  3. if your going to have this CNC machined (which I'm assuming you are) You could call a steel supply house and get two pieces of Alum ingot several inches wider, and larger in dia. than you need so it could be machined down. a piece of 20" ingot alum shouldn't be that hard to locate. If your looking for a true blank like you said, with the centers and seating surfaces already done, your best bet would be to call a wheel manufacturer that cuts billet wheels, but due to liability issues, good luck getting them to sell you one. Sorry, you want an Aluminum BILLET, not INGOT, Billet is round, ingot is poured into a pre-cast shape. http://www.aluminum.org/Content/NavigationMenu/The_Industry/-Ingot,_Billet/-Ingot,_Billet.htm
  4. Harleys sucks. Period. There 50 years behind the rest of the world (At LEAST). They sell tee-shirts, and gay leather fetish wear. Any grown man with tassels on his handle bars needs to step back and take a SERIOUS look at himself. "The Motor company" is more of a pagan religion than anything. They sell Junk and they know it. Check the Suzy site on the M109 Boulevard. http://suzukicycles.com/Products/M109RK8 Notice on the right there is a link box to important things, like SPECS, I'll cut and paste for yout Notice at the top is Tecinal info on the engine, Displacement, compression ratio, bore and stroke, even oil system. Real info about the bike. useful stuff. stuff you can actually compare to other real info to decide which would be a best investmentnow off to "The Motor Company's" site to look at there latest "lets throw everything in the back room into the field and see what the goat shits out next week that we can sell" ************ (I can't even bring myself to call what that thing produces a motorcycle) Holy shit. It's worse than I expected.... This is Harley's "Features and specs" section for there powertrain section of the top end bike they sell... [/end of document] Thats it. Thats all they wrote. THAT is Harley Davidson's ENTIRE spec sheet for their bike. They KNOW their selling you recycled shit. the most cutting edge stuff they have is the tires on the bikes, and thats only because they're buying them from other manufactures. RUBBER MOUNTED engines? WTF? My engine is solidly mounted to the frame, and is an INTEGRAL part of the bike, it's a stressed member, meaning the engine its self is a supporting section of the frame, and my bike STILL vibrates less than a POS Harley! Please explain how this makes any sense!? And if you think buying a HD is buying American, THINK AGAIN! EVERY electrical component, and about 80% of everything else is made overseas, it's simply ASSEMBLED in America. Honda has a more American made bike with it's CBR line than Harley does. They sell boxed Patriotism, and a pre-packaged image. They lie out there asses and won't publish a single spec of useful info, because there isn't any. if anyone actually sat down and looked at any other bike alongside the precious Harley they'd quickly see how big of a piece of shit it really is. want some real proof, go ask any motorcycle police officer who has to ride a Harley how much he loves it, how reliable it is, and how well it corners and stops, not to mention how incredibly powerful it is! The only thing Harleys are is NOISY.
  5. Yeah, that "look at me I spent 20K on a POS motorcycle and put another 1k in chrome on it" exhaust note pisses me off.
  6. when I'm 100 and maybe look at cruisers, the Suzy M109 would prob be it.
  7. so, can you drag knee on those bad boys?
  8. I think thats allot of the problem with designing stuff like this. I'm sure I could take a hell of a stab at it, but why? to waste allot of time and money, HOPEFULLY win and break even? no thanks.
  9. I'd be embarrassed to ask someone for $250 dollars for a pair of shoes.
  10. You've got more balls than me my friend. I'd never swing my leg over anything made by HD and willingly go over 50mph. That and the bass ackwards front brake they've got has never gotten a good review that I've read of. Of course they finaly got the front forks on correctly. Are the race bikes belt drive like the street versions?
  11. Yeah, wanted to go, got shit to do Saturday, and my girlfriends son's birthday is Sunday. So it looks like I won't make it. Take lots of pix of the new black/black Gixxers for me at least
  12. Very deep I'm emotionally scarred I'm not saying it's ugly, it keeps growing on me every time I see it, it just looks generic. Kinda like they didn't want to commit to anything to radical or edgy, and thats what they came up with.
  13. I'm sure its an awesome bike, and like everything Honda does, I'm sure its done well, but it just looks, generic. I don't know, it doesn't seem to have any real identity or personality to it. Its just kinda there. Ya know?
  14. not to mention like some 75% of US corn is exported, on top of the govt paying farmers not to grow crops. I think we'll be fine.
  15. Dweezel

    Forum rename

    I'm starting to think Satan is a CPA, which would explain allot...
  16. Yeah, but the car club I'm in has allot to do with setting that up. Saturday is Bike day, 10 bucks gets you in and all the passes you can fit in. The after party is awesome, and I could probably pull for an "Ohio-Riders" spot pretty easily
  17. WTF? there were like two more lines to that post?! I also said, I put the logo/link up on my sig on a few local boards I'm on, and some other national ones as well. I've got a few friends who lurk, and one, as soon as she gets her bike says she'll post. says she feels stupid posting with no bike HI SARAH!
  18. shit... the 21st? Don't make me choose. http://www.steelvalleysupernationals.com/
  19. Uh, Just thought I'd throw this out there, I've got a good friend who's family has a cabin, lake, and a good amount of land if people felt like meeting all the way up in Y-town. It's out in the country and pretty secluded. Doubt it'd be a problem if we used it. Thought I'd throw that out there, He has a 6 kegger every year and it's always a big hit, although never enough beer, they're usually gone by 930
  20. Youngstown, FTW I think I'm the only one from this town on here
  21. Well The Ms Is suposedly in a prison right now, probably wouldn't be to hard to figure out which one, England isn't that big. Send her a letter and ask or have her ask her friend about how much force he thinks was needed to remove his jewels
  22. Well, when Willie G's Flock, also known as "The Unwashed", hear that there is something out there thats 2x as powerfull, half the cost, rides better, Stops, enjoys actual QUALITY workmanship, and doesn't rattle your teeth out of your skull, The Flock tends to get angry. Since there is really nothing they can do about it, and they know that the competition has a better bike, they hide in the woods and beat up in-animate objects. Fuck Willie G. Fuck "The Motor Company" Fuck "The Flock" of sheep that follow him Have a nice day
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