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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. I'm in, wonder how my "fuck choppers" and piss on Harley stickers will go over
  2. call it a stupid idea, but I've always wanted to roll into a Harley bar with about 70 sport bikes and take over the place
  3. because the idiots race the civics. It takes some smarts to afford, build, and modify a Supra, Vette, etc.
  4. Not sure who the chick in the video is next to AC, but I'd SIIHP
  5. A government strong enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you need Thomas Jefferson The average lifespan of a democracy is 200 years. We're beyond that already, and I honestly think this is the beginning of the end. We've lost the "get out there and do it" attitude, the majority of the people have the attitude that someone else will do it, and nothing ever gets done. The libs are too busy making sure everyone has everything, that those who work for what they have, have nothing, because someone else gave it all away.
  6. Bastards have 6 bangers in them, and don't weigh that much compared to some cars with the same displacement. I wouldn't doubt it as long as it's a compact or small car. I could see it pulling another bike with ease
  7. Dweezel


    You must live in a really small little world
  8. yeah, they took something that couldn't stop worth a fuck, handled like shit, and had no balls, made it perform even farther below industry standards, not to mention the 200 section hight on that front tire, I bet thats nice and stable around corners. Now their gonna charge 3x as much for it, because it has a shiny black air filter. Ever notice how much HD talks about air filters? their obsessed with them. Never one mention in one single ad I've ever seen about performance specs, HP/Tq rating, or innovative technology (those idiots in Milwaukee are still impressed with the wheel). Just stupid rambelings about air filter covers, and how much this 2009 model is just like the 1929 model, except the name has changed to FLCHSRAKEWOEIRUVNPIOURE. I seriously wouldn't doubt that the frames and front suspention were vintage, probably found them in storage shed out back, and needed to get rid of them. Note to HD; Your product sucks. Your market is stagnate and old. Please hurry up and die, or, BUILD A REAL BIKE Why wasn't Jesus born in Milwaukee? They couldn't find 3 wise men and a virgin
  9. It was on the website that nick posted, honestly I didn't even know it was a Kawie untill you just said that, I noticed it was Kawi green, thought it was a little odd for a CBR, but hey.
  10. anyone else think this looks like a bug?
  11. wow, I'm glad I've got a spork here to dig my eyes out after seeing whoever that is in a diaper. Forgive me if I don't post for a while I'll be busy learning Brail.
  12. diapers? I know there's some wierd people out there, but I'm not gonna ask...
  13. can't we just rent a bar and drink ourselves stupid?
  14. its all about the image. I'll believe that's real.
  15. I'd def be up for something like that, I'm betting that the new 1k will be more comfortable than my 750, I was good for about a 3 day weekend, or 1000 miles before it got unbearable. The only thing I couldn't stand was the leg position, and the new gixxers have moveable rearsets so hopefully that'll take care of that.
  16. LOL for a kawi guy your pushing that 'busa pretty hard
  17. yeah, and The aftermarket for the 'busa is already almost 10 years old, the 14's is what? Three years?
  18. oil copmanies seem to be posting nice profits, gas prices go up while the barrel cost goes down.
  19. Ive had an iPhone since Thanksgiving, I love it, but there are a few things it falls way short on, lack of MMS, which you can get away with by using the email on the phone, its not that hard really. Inability to send a text to more than one person (this is apparently fixed in the 1.1.3 firmware update available later this week) lack of GPS on a phone with a dedicated google maps feature. Seriously, WTF were you thinking here? Its like selling Porsches that don't have a key or ignition. Yeah it looks pretty, but basicly useless for getting your ass anywhere... In the 1.1.3 upgrade they added cell tower triangulation to locate you apparently, and a few other features to actually make it worth a damn. The screen on it is amazing, ive seen other phones that do all this and more, but nothing with this brilliant of a screen. I'm in Tulsa OK right now, posting on my iPhone, loaded in 4 movies for the plane ride out and back on it too. The movies look awesome on here. For most reasonable uses its replaced my laptop. I don't even bring it on trips anymore, this thing does more than enough to keep me connected. And the key board isnt bad at all once you get used to using it. It is a major pain in the ass the first time you use it though.
  20. I'm looking at shit to convert my truck to run on waste vegetable oil as we speak, I can't afford this 3.50 a gallon for diesel anymore. and yes the economy is gettin bad, I've actually put off going to school just so I can be sure I have the job I do now, and won't have to quit or jeopardize it to go to school. I'll buy a nice one and hopefully the market will turn around in the next 3-5 years and maybe I can actually make a few bucks. Who knows.
  21. I'm not going to nit pick where parts are made. HD is based in the US, so is F*rd, GM, and Chrysler.
  22. Oh, This is something you already own (kinda)? I thought you were just importing some random FJ for shits and giggles, I was gonna say there's ALLOT cheaper ways to get an off road toy In all honesty the FJ is a bad machine! I really like the older Taco's for off road too, they are tough pieces of equipment. I know what your talking about about "handing down" cars, Thats how I got my 'Vette, 1975, My dad is the original owner of it been in our hands ever since. Everything I know about cars stemed from that thing
  23. hell, if my country built a motorcycle worth owning I'd buy it! someone else has already said it best... http://www.goingfaster.com/angst/noharley2.html
  24. uhhh... why? advice, go buy a TJ jeep. Suggestions. Go buy a TJ jeep. Seems awfully damn expensive. Why an FJ40?
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