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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. YOU also don't see him the entire video untill they put him on the bed where he is resisting, re-watch that particular part several times, he's trying to roll off the bed, and is not cooperating, so if you didn't see him resisting you need to get your eyes checked. It is an excellent video though, about the only thing you can get from it is how to spell "Sheriff" since the "victim" is only on screen for about 5-8 frames. No I, you or anyone else who watches that video knows for sure what happened, but if your being carried in by 8-10 sheriffs officers I'm gonna highly doubt you went willingly. It's edited that way for that very reason, to make you feel sorry for the guy, i'm sure if they actually showed the WHOLE story from the moment the lights went on till the end of that video it'd be a totally different story. I feel sorry for him that he was too stupid to consider his family until it was too late, and I do feel sorry for his family. HOWEVER I don't criticize the officers for what they did. They were there in the heat of the moment and acted accordingly, Hind sight is always 20/20, it's easy to criticize something when your watching it from the comfort of your home or office.
  2. Sorry he gets no sympathy from me. don't want to run that risk, don't resist or be an ass in the first place. I'm a firm believer that if you run the police should have the right to shoot to kill, at that point your endangering thousands of other innocent lives for no reason whatsoever. If you didn't do anything why are you running?
  3. well, looks like I may be getting a new bike this spring after all
  4. Of course I do, I want to ride and drive everything I can get my hands on. Just because I don't like something doesn't mean I don't want to see what it's all about! I have reasons for not liking stuff, I don't dislike things simply for the sake of not liking them. I've ridden several Harleys, from sportsters to top of the line full dressers, and I don't like them. At all. A Buell may be a little more exciting and I'm sure the fun to drive, but there still using that POS air-cooled HD motor in them, so as far as reliability and power I'm sure there not up to, well, my standards at least, but that doesn't mean there not fun bikes. Hell I've driven S2000s, there by no means what I'd call fast, mildly quick maybe, but there helluva fun little car, like a go cart on rails I'm not a fan of foreign cars to begin with, but I'm not some ignorant twit who hates them to no end for no reason
  5. tell ya what, I'll let ya take it for a spin, you let me take the Buell out for a ride?
  6. No I'm serious as a heart attack. always wanted one so I sold my 01 WS6 6 speed, and got one. kinda a mistake I think, as much as I love the truck, I'm still 6'2" 250lbs, and It's still a regular cab, 1st gen S10 I tore it appart and am rebuilding it, It lost oil pressure, it ended up being the sending unit, but i still refreshed it, new bearings, rings, ARP studs the whole way through. Gonna do the trans with a 2800 stall and Koleen Red clutches while it's out, and turn around and sell it. I'll put some pics up when i get home tonight
  7. I've got Unit 1025 sittin in my garage yeah there a blast but i wouldn't put anything in the bed, they've got no hauling capacity. Wanna buy one?
  8. the greatest days of a mans life, the day he Buys his boat, and the day he sells it!
  9. your the Grand Pumbah of all this, your a pretty smart guy, I'm sure you'll figure something out
  10. yeah it was all good I had a great time! It was nice to get out and meet everyone, put some faces to the names. Showed up a little late but it all turned out okay! can't wait for the next one!
  11. So has this fallen into the "No racism rule" Yet we're all gonna get banned!
  12. I wasn't planning on waiting more that like 10-15 min, we're supposed to head down to Pat-A-Sak and meet LP around 330ish I'm gonna go out on a limb here and put my number up, If you want to meet us at Iron Pony and are gonna be late, call me and let me know. Leave a message because I'll be on the bike and prob won't answer. ***No number*** My Name is Trapper, and I'm your quintessential 6'2 Cracker ass, dumb jock looking fucker riding a bass boat looking Gixxer.
  13. there's this white boy who's got an 80's montie lifted on like 28" rims thats all ghetto'd out and it says "Cracker Jack" on the side really big, I almost died I was laughing so hard
  14. :lol: thats funny shit, i like you already!
  15. No, not anyone. this ride is not open to one legged, French midgets, or New Guinea Prostitutes. So I guess if your not a one legged French midget, or a New Guinea prostitute, your cool to come. The meeting points are Iron Pony at 3, and HNW at 500. hell we may add others as the night goes on, this seems to be getting pretty popular lol
  16. No idea, meet us at HNW, everyone can pick a destination, and we'll play rock, paper, scissors until only one person is left, and we'll go to there spot
  17. I don't think so, we'll probably just ride around, at least I don't plan on going crazy in any twisties or anything.
  18. well at least there doing something important instead of helping starving children, or working on making sure they have Health care or not living in a gutter or something horrible like that.
  19. BS, Youngstown is much farther from Hillard than Pat-a-sak, or where ever the hell you live
  20. hell let me know i've got a scrap gixxer motor here if you wanna send that
  21. wow thats great. remind me to shake your hand this weekend So are you gonna keep the better stereo I hope?
  22. dude, we'll be out for a while, when you get off? were meeting buffen at 5-530 at Honduh north-west. probably pickin up LP around 330 where ever she works, or near by, hell we'll just drive around C-Bus pickin up members lol i don't give a crap as long as I can ride
  23. Yea, i think there needs to be a fill in post...
  24. you know it! just give us a major intesection and we'll meet there about 530, I'll PM you my number too just in case
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