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Everything posted by twowheelsnake

  1. I think that's fair. People who have more accidents and speeding tickets pay more for insurance than I do. Why should people who make no attempt to take care of themselves be any different?
  2. I'd like it but I'd have to unload my SV at....4500 bucks lol
  3. Now, this chart is interesting. It's showing that our most prosperous years since the industrial revolution is during a period from 1944 (or so) to 1966 (or so). You know...when the tax rate was really fucking high on the rich! I know nobody will side with me on this one but I do think there is such a thing as "too rich". Lets have them contribute at those levels again I say!
  4. Can I have the number of the girl without a brain?
  5. Is that tool posting on EVERY post by Iron Pony in the last year? What a fucking crybaby! Hey jackhole, I pay your salary so stfu! With all due respect and shit...sir
  6. http://www.strike-the-root.com/4/wasdin/wasdin10.html We are here. The Roman Empire fell, we shall as well
  7. Replace the chrome muffler bearings
  8. The nest is awesome! It is wifi enabled, accessible from the outside, it learns your patterns and sets energy settings accordingly. I could go on but you'd be better off just visiting their site.
  9. Not sure, it was snowing here in west OH a bit ago, made the roads on the slick side here.
  10. I hate Indiana drivers myself! Now THOSE fuckers are artists! They always seem to traditionally drive 5-10 mph below the speed limit. I only forgive them because they are intimidated by the gasoline powered carriage
  11. Sure! What do you need out of the motor?
  12. I can scrounge up everything I have!
  13. Tomorrow is quickly going by
  14. Speaking of that...you still want/need that motor I've got in my garage?
  15. Oh I can get pics...guaranteed
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