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Everything posted by twowheelsnake

  1. We're not in that great of shape for the amount of money we spend on health care per capita. http://rendezvous.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/28/u-s-health-care-costs-more-than-socialized-european-medicine/?partner=rss&emc=rss
  2. Medical shouldn't be an industry, it should be a service.
  3. Yeah, they're trying to prevent more of this from happening http://articles.cnn.com/2009-06-05/health/bankruptcy.medical.bills_1_medical-bills-bankruptcies-health-insurance?_s=PM:HEALTH
  4. The working class, you may have met one before.
  5. The only reason you guys are arguing about this is because large corporations have put millions of dollars into advertising to make this seem like a bad idea. Why? Because they are not interested in making life better for the common man. They are only interested in protecting their profits. And you ask "what's so wrong with that it's capitalism right?". I don't want for profit healthcare any more than I want for profit prisons. It's not a good thing.
  6. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Geez man I'm just tryin to score a sweet ride
  7. What happens when you get to $1000?
  8. I would try auctions. Go to auctionzip.com and use the keyword "records"
  9. Nah cheech, I said for the children so the city can get revenue to build parks. Man you're wound up tight
  10. Ooooo oooo ooooo is it the new Tuono?
  11. Good pace, good roads (non-straight), great people, and a nice BBQ joint for lunch and zero alcohol. Oh yes...AND MORE THAN 40 FUCKING MILES!!! End scene
  12. Man I'd scrap that thing! I can come pick it up if you want. I'll give ya like 500 bucks for it . Don't laugh! The insurance will give you less. But seriously, good to hear you're in one piece man.
  13. Ok then, now that we have that settled...let's bust some drunk riders! Remember, it's for the children
  14. That's not entrapment mag! All they have to do is get a schedule of the parade route and just wait at stop #3. Everyone's good and sauced by then. Then watch them pull into the lot and have everyone that wobbles a little do a breathalyzer. And everyone riding into a parking lot riding on 600+ pound bike is going to wobble a little especially after the required beers to be considered legally drunk. And then BAM, 150 grand revenue for the city. They could build a park for the kids. Hell, make it motorcycle themed
  15. It's like when all the radio stations got bought up and all the contests went to an 800 number. After that it became nearly impossible to win your local radio station contests because people from several states were calling the same number. It really just sucks all the fun out of it.
  16. Why don't the cops greet these guys as they come into one of their bar stops? I know they're drunk, the cops HAVE to know they're drunk (or definitely been drinking). Hell there was over 100 bikes in the last ride I went on and I didn't see a one of them having a coke at any of the bars that we stopped at. My simple math says that's 150,000 in fines. I know we fight against motorcycle only checkpoints as being unfair but good god man, keep those idiots off the streets! Shit, I'm ranting again...sorry.
  17. Redkow, I was actually looking at an XR1200 before going on this ride. Had a couple dealerships looking for one as they're getting scarce seeing how Harley is discontinuing them in the states. Now as a result of the culture they have created, they have alienated me from being a customer. Ever. I don't want to be part of the "club" so to speak. I have zero interest in being known as a Harley rider of any kind. And no, I'm not just passing judgement over the one event, I've done several. I was just giving it one more try to see if that culture has changed. And it hasn't. If I want to join an elitist club I'll be buying a Ducati. At least I'll be getting my money's worth in modern day technology lol
  18. Crap! are we going to ban squid bashing too? Then whatever will we complain about? Hell, we won't even be able to say GSXR without getting banned.
  19. We weren't bashing Harley's per se...just the tools that tend to ride them
  20. I will try to join you guys this summer. Only thing I need is leather on the legs and I'll be good to go...I think.
  21. Well CSC, I had a similar experience in May when I attended a memorial run but somehow it was worse than I could have ever expected. It was a memorial run for a girl that had been killed in Dayton to raise money for her funeral expenses. I knew one person there and even that was a stretch. Got invited through a Facebook invite probably because they knew I rode. I even asked "are all bikes welcome", then the invite came with no reply of a yes or no. I took it as a yes however and went. The ride consisted of 6 stops with the final one having a hog roast (typical) and was scheduled to run from 1 to 7 pm. I was thinking "long ride" so I topped off my tank at the gas station right in front of the bar we started at. So I pull in the parking lot of the bar and see nothing but a sea of chrome, and like you I was the only guy not dressed in pirate garb. I walked up to the entrance of the bar after taking my gear off, passed a few people sitting on the patio and not one person said a thing to me. Not a hello, not a "nice day for a ride", not a "hi, bye, or fuck you". And it was like that all fucking day long. But I was there, I wasn't going to run away with my tail between my legs. So from bar to bar we went. At every stop they're downing several beers and shots and then hopping back on their bikes. All while riding "parade style" through the streets blocking traffic as we went along. Well at the 5th stop the bar had a series of picnic tables attached together so I decided to sit right in the middle of all of them and by god they'll acknowledge my existence. Well they sat all around me and well...didn't. So I'd had enough and decided to leave, I wasn't having fun at all. I pull to the first stop light and ask myself "wonder how far we went today?" The answer? 40 miles! Forty miles and the only thing they accomplished was getting drunk. WTF? Really? Come on! How in the fuck can you call yourself a biker when you're only riding from bar to bar just to drink? You're playing dress up. You're reenacting what you think the biker movies of the 60s and 70s were. You're not a motorcyclist, you're a douchebag. #/endrant
  22. I'm sure this is posted elsewhere but does OR do any group track days? I'm interested in doing one in the near future. Has to be after my vacation though, don't want to bust myself up before it
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