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Everything posted by twowheelsnake

  1. Zoom in on #27, that is not photo trickery man. I would like him to be ok, I'm not THAT sadistic but that is one fucked up leg.
  2. Oh yeah it's broke! If you look at the pics he never actually puts weight on his leg. Only as far as is knee. And when he is on his knee his foot is twisted at an unlikely angle. Mos def broken leg.
  3. Wow that guys leg is broken baaaaaaaaad!
  4. Are you guys camping or is this just a day trip?
  5. I might be down for this, although I'll have to leave eaton at 5 lol
  6. Dammit man!! I'd have to unload the SV first!
  7. I got caught in the birth of that storm today! It was refreshing riding in the rain though
  8. Apparently this is an old one on politifact: http://www.politifact.com/texas/statements/2012/may/17/craig-james/craig-james-says-barack-obama-and-hillary-clinton-/
  9. Yeah, I stopped taking this post seriously when I read the words "Fox News". Jesus people! Look outside that "news" station for your information. It's nothing but a propaganda channel...period. Hitler used these methods to gain and keep power and we know that. Yet we've all been to history class and continue to believe the dribble e see on corporate owned networks. Wake up everyone!
  10. No shit! The next challenge should be "your bike in the rain". Now THERE'S a challenge!
  11. Ditto on price request. Just bought a new Shoei last year, how do these things compare?
  12. Nah it's not the carrier, it's the fact I chose to live in bfe lol
  13. Everyone keeps bringing up the size of the droid screen. It's getting ridiculous that their only selling point is a big screen. I like my iPhone because it's "phone sized". If I wanted something to read books on or watch movies I'll bring my iPad thank you. I don't want to be asked "is that a droid in your pocket or are you happy to see me?"
  14. Way to provide a good solid argument for your choice citing examples to support your case
  15. Never mind, found an article about it for you. http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/03/android-version-confusion/
  16. iPhone...period. The problem with the droid phones is the same problem you have with the PC world. Many different manufacturers making many different phones for one operating system. The issue there is that in a short period of time you have a great risk that your phone will not run the latest droid OS. It's a fact, look it up for yourself. The iPhone is a solid phone with a solid OS. Make the switch and never look back.
  17. Hey, not my words...lol I only paraphrased
  18. You mean that in a "everyone gets a trophy" way, right?
  19. I just love it when people use bubble gum, duct tape and spit to put something together and try to pass it off as a good thing lol
  20. http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/mcy/3114235768.html
  21. He'll blame it on the Catholics...or sun spots
  22. I'm a diver!! Wait...read the thread...you meant water...never mind
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