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Everything posted by twowheelsnake

  1. Very true serpent, but the scenario presented to us left nowhere for the bike to go. Rural roads and little traffic doesn't leave you with a lot of choices for duck and cover. The guy that ran from the truck even took a huge risk. The guy that ran from the STI was just stupid IMHO. I don't care what you think of your skills on a bike, there's just too many variables on public roads to be trying to outrun a sports car.
  2. Exactly my point. I'll outrun your run of the mill ford focus without even thinking about it. But dealing with an angry guy that is driving a car with a faster 0-60 than a Porsche 911, well that becomes a test of who has the bigger balls. And I'll tell ya, on a public road my balls are small
  3. Uhhhhhhh what's in Eaton? I live there and I don't know of an off road park. Would love to know if there is, I've got a cannondale cannibal that needs a workout.
  4. I know that serpent! I was commenting on the SECOND video where the douche was whining that the group of "sucky bikers" we're holding him up
  5. Ok, on the second one I'm not so sympathetic with the STI driver. Boo hoo, I'm so sorry you can't wind out your car because of some lesser skilled riders (in your opinion). Pull over, let them get clear of your path and stfu.
  6. Hahahahaha, the first one was a WRX STI! I wouldn't try to outrun that thing!
  7. I found a post on a forum that said turn the key on and off 3 times. Yeah, I know it sounds nuts but can't hurt to try right?
  8. It's like he's reading Hannity's script...it's sad really
  9. http://mediamatters.org/research/201104120010
  10. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/2011/11/03/pkg-snow-businesses-pay-zero-taxes.cnn
  11. That's quitter talk! I work in Middletown so I KNOW how close you are
  12. Do it man! We're counting on you!
  13. Totally agree man! I want a consumption tax! You want the 250,000 Ferrari? Fine, you're gonna pay taxes on it and not be able to write it off lol
  14. Hey drc, wanna have some real fun. Look up how much money is spent on corporate welfare compared to social welfare. But somehow even when faced with the facts people keep banging that "capitalism" drum.
  15. I dont hate the rich, I hate the fact that most of their kickbacks and bailouts come out of my pocket and it shouldn't. They're the rich ones after all...not me
  16. No! Leave it as Saab! They are out there
  17. Lol Europe is not in great shape for other reasons. Guess what...we're next. Analysts are predicting that the house of cards the rich have created is set to collapse worldwide by 2014. The signs are there that it's already in motion. And here we bicker about healthcare
  18. Yup! Sat behind the shopping center at the intersection of 48 and 675. At the end of Loop road past the closed Showcase cinema
  19. Is the one in centerville closed Zach? You can be there in 15 minutes if it is. Easy for you. Takes me 30 minutes to get there lol
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