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Everything posted by nochknstrps

  1. Your ability to not understand why baffles me. There is plenty of logical reasos why the older crowd would want one. Its not like they are strapping training wheels on a gixxer1k. Lay some better options out there, please enlighten me. And most of those trikes aren't rickety. They aren't nibble by anymeans but in a straight line which most people on this forum are all about, perform very well. Last year I saw a couple well into their 60s. The guy was a boss hoss and his wife was on a boss hoss trike.
  2. Why is it so hard to understand... its not like you see a bunch of young people riding them. They are senior citizens right? Well... I know a lot of older people that used to be up on two wheels, now they have some physical aliment and can't or just don't trust two wheels so they get a trike to still be able to get some pleasure of riding a motorcycle. DUH!
  3. looks like he is still in the turn ...
  4. I bet it does, you look a bit white knuckled on a 6
  5. NinjaNick a prankster... who would have guessed that?
  6. funniest post this whole thread.
  7. OMG!!! 8 more ponies it must pull so much harder now... JK impressive for just a slip on and a tune.
  8. Its 86 here in Tampa, I think the low last night when I went out was like 67 or 70 something... someone cue mclovin for a "who the fuck cares" post:violin:
  9. You know motorsports of columbus used to have bikini bike washes ever satruday for nothing and look where it got them...
  10. Lets just say the up keep isn't as good as it used to be, trust me.

  11. No you guys just have them confused with well these two confused individuals
  12. I heard Mclovin purposely rode his r6 around on 3 cylinders just to see what all the fuss was about and he wasn't impressed.
  13. North on 23. between home rd and hyatts. Just glance to your left and keep on going.
  14. you wouldn't want to be the first mod to get written up for not doing his/her job would you?
  15. Dude resting for a night is not worth it. you need one night to recover from your ride, one night to party, one day to recover from partying, and one night to get ready to come back.
  16. nothing good will come of this thread. Mods shut 'er down!!!! oh and that was her many many moons ago.
  17. I think you're looking for an argument maggie. simmer down man.
  18. LOL... thats to easy Jon:"Who has two thumbs and likes mustache rides?....This guy!!!" Whodey: "Oh boy, he sure does!!!"
  19. Whats your angle Maggie? Are you looking for an argument, an offended catholic, or just being knit picky? Which is it?
  20. Take it purely as a joking matter. I couldn't help myself.
  21. Which is it? You have a back up bike or You have back up bikes? Cause it can't be both. but before you answer. Realize that its your lie you tell it how you want to.
  22. there's no grass in the grand canyon took you long enough...
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