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Posts posted by nochknstrps

  1. Callin me out huh? I've met most of them and seen the bikes. Just saying the license plate, chrome frame, sneakers, jeans, long sleeve shirt, and just the picture in general look weird to me.

    Once someone corroborates then I will suspend my disbelief :p

    So tell me V4, or should I call you Holmes, would one of our guys ride the dragon looking like this?


    or do this on the Dragon?



  2. Alright... I was given permission by the lumberjack to post his moment of triumph over a crv, only to lose his bike to the smokey mtns. Don't make a big deal about it, he is just happy to live to ride another day.


  3. Holy shit! Nad stuff... That sucks. Good luck to his apples!

    I believe he meant "and stuff"... he is just so excited to tell everyone about the wreck that he made a typo on his phone...

  4. just another addition to that list...if you have to backup, make sure you allow yourself atleast 30-60 minutes of spare time and a large empty parking lot. :lol:

    Thanks I knew I was forgetting something. Are you taking notes Shitty?

  5. Do you have a fear of towing a trailer? Is your fear worsened when your're hauling motorcycles?

    Just follow this easy step and you'll be fine...

    1. pretend its not back there. Until you have to pass another vehicle, make a lane change, park, making a right turn or anytime you're in reverse.

    Just remember your weekend depends on you getting to your destination with those motorcycles and trailer in tack.

    Oh and another thing, those sticky race take offs aren't going to keep the bike glued to the trailer, be sure to use at least 1 strap on the bike for safe measure. If you don't use racetake off you need to use 4 maybe 5 straps.

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