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Posts posted by nochknstrps

  1. Mine is just the music in my head. I hear it quite often. Faster, faster, faster...DON'T STOP!!

    Nick is that music in your head sang by a female voice? I'm no psychiatrist but I'd say thats more related to your bed room activity... Or maybe thats all the motivation you need.

  2. Been there done that... well not in a walmart but back in college my roomates and I had pocket bikes that we rode to class and around good ol' BG. One day just before the campus police put an end to our shenanigans on campus we were feeling a bit ambitious and made a dash from one end of the student union to the other and into founders, a dorm with handicap ramps at the front and back entrances. Good stuff never got caught, they only put a end to us riding on campus because the fucking basketball team got a few and rode them everywhere even in traffic. And they had the shitty ones that had headlights and shit, not like our cool racing machines more suited for a 5 year old.

    One day making a lap around the football stadium two crusiers blocked us on the sidewalk... The first on the scene LEOs had a good laugh with us talking about the bikes, just telling us not to ride on campus property anymore but the fucking chief shows up and was a major power trip threatening to impound them. Little did he know that the city of Bowling Green had already given us clearance to ride on the sidewalk just not in the streets, so we just crossed wooster onto city property, cranked the lil fuckers up and away we went.

    Who says the only fun one can have in Bowling Green involves getting an STD?

  3. I won't be spending any money to go see any races is what I mean.

    And Yes I actaully made it to Daytona and Mid-O. After Daytona I said that I wouldn't pay for any more tickets this year, I just happen to win a few for mid-o.

    So its not out landish to say that tickets sales were already low this year, adding the xr1200 series to the card will not improve ticket sales. The new heads of AMA should focus on restoring motorcycle road racing to its once had glory. After that then they can venture into uncharted waters with new classes.

  4. No but im trying to make you agree to disagree and your one stubborn bunch of a-holes sometimes. If someone else calls it racing and they enjoy it on two or four wheels let them waste time if they want. racing has always been about making something better tomorrow by finding out whos got the edge today and maybe it will.

    yeah well not on my dime! :slap:

  5. Nascar is just as much racing as drag racing, but you wouldnt think that because there are no corners on the track? i prefer road racing but i wouldnt deprive someone of support because i dont like motorcycles that dont turn worth a damn! You just have your racing head up your ass and dont care what it is because its not racing unless its your kind of racing?
    The event has to take place somewhere to be televised or on u tube and what better place then a race track where there are other road racers present to make a larger crowd for more money to the promoters who pay the winners payout for your kind of racing! Its a group effort whether you like it or not its still racing that someone is interested in. Get over yourself and let others play along! it will make it better for all in the end.

    Wow you're an angry little boy... Calm down son, we don't all have to agree.

  6. Dude, the shoc is an awesome ride, but remember if you do ride it, take 1000rrrider's advice, do it at your pace. If I end up going I will more then likely be in the back of the pack, meaning close to last. I would rather go at my pace then try to show off and lose it.

    If you're not first you're last. So where exactly in the back of the pack will you be?

  7. Bump for the ages!

    Competely forgot about this thing. Been hanging in the back of the closet for the last year and a half. Same condition as the orginal post only now I'll take $300 or OBO. tired of moving it from place to place lol. Hit me up. Located in Cbus

  8. Looks like a small tight european track which could make for a some excitement for about 10 mins. Makes things seem faster than what they really are so yeah I could see some people enjoying this... I'm not one of them not what I'm looking for.

    And whats with the Indy pic. If you want to base harley's participation on heritage then lets just say thier roots lie in oval tracks not road courses.

  9. I seriously doubt that most nascar fans as hillbilly as they are look at busch racing as a waste of time and energy

    You know what thats the most valid point you've made in this entire thread. Nascar fans don't see the busch series as a waste of time and engergy cause its still a car making left hand turns for the race distance. So they are content to call that racing, same as their beloved Nascar.

    The art behind any sportbike road racing event are the high speeds, cornering dragging a knee and existing the corner faster than they entered. Thats what we all wish to accomplish and thats why we enjoy watching sportbike road racing. There is no art form behind going around in a circle for hours (Nascar racing), and thats exactly what a Harley XR1200 class will be lacking and won't bring to the table of an AMA road race.

    Bogging down the back straight...still bogging down the back straight...heavy on the brakes...entering turn... you get my point.

    Take the MOTO GT class they conjured up this season, Fuckin Lame, may have not been so bad if they weren't out there for two hours. Who was watching them for more than 10 mins anyways? We didn't pay for that and alot of people simply decided not to pay for that this year at Mid-O and other ama events. In the past there was more track time from bikes we actually wanted to watch even if they were just practicing. With a harley class added there will be even less track time for the bikes we pay to see and will result in a even bigger drop in attendance.

    Keep the harleys on the dirt tracks.

  10. If you're a fan of sexual harassment and supervisors that make judgments based on if they can have sexual relations with you. Then work for chase. My gf and my close friends work there and they said its a great place to work if it weren't for the lack of professionalism and disregard for company policy against sexual harassment and office relationships. My friends are family men with kids and pictures of their wives or fiancés on their desk and they still get hit on, if they were single I’m sure they wouldn’t mind. Total lack of respect from both male and female, they don’t call it “club chase” for nothing.

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