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Posts posted by nochknstrps

  1. Best part of that is around :17sec

    Hayden: "who did it?"

    Edwards: "He did!"

    Here is there official responses to the crash off motogp.com Edwards comes thru like a true american not holding his tongue. Of course he has nothing to lose he doesn't ride for a Italian team.

    “I thought I had the pace to easily be fourth and maybe fight with Dani Pedrosa for a podium but we are in Italy and occasionally you have to deal with an Italian rider who wants to be a hero and today that was De Angelis. Turn one at the start with 17 bikes is not the place to be going at race pace and he was never going to make through there. Today De Angelis is the guy who needed to be wearing Valentino’s donkey helmet.”

    “I didn’t know what had happened until I was sliding through the gravel. Turn one is the most dangerous time to crash with so many bikes around you, it is unacceptable. I’ve been fighting with Andrea Dovizioso in the championship most of the season and now he has ten points on me with four races to go. That’s racing.”

    Nicky's response is well coached and I'm sure he wanted to say more but the circumstances were against him. Riding for Ducati in Italy crashed by an Italian rider and no garrunteed ride for next year...

    It’s easy to say it now but I just know I was set for a good race so I’m extremely disappointed. Maybe I wasn’t going to win but at least I could have run with the front guys for a while and given all the Ducatisti something to cheer, as well as picking up some vital experience and data for this machine.”

    To be honest I had a feeling De Angelis might create some drama here. He’s at home and fighting for his job and when I saw him in the corner of my eye I just tried to gas it and get out of his way. Unfortunately he slightly clipped my rear wheel and that was the last I knew about it. I know in racing people can make mistakes and I have done plenty in my life but I’m not happy with Alex because this wasn’t racing - it was just stupid to try and pull a move like that on cold tyres, on the first lap. Anyway, we’re all okay and looking forward to Portugal.”

    Bold print is prob. the only honest thing he said in the interview.

  2. somebody has to keep Darwin busy

    Ha well it won't be for long. We are all guilty of opening up on our favorite strecth of road, some of us even in less than favorable conditions. But I have never seen anyone make an effort to dive into traffic using the cars as one would use cones during a high speed slalom test. These guys had 3 clean and clear lanes on 270 at 230am until they came up to traffic merging from the cleveland ave exit. Instead of maintaining a straight course they slowed slightly and dove into the merging traffic. Fucking idiots. Its riders like these that give us a bad name

  3. Do you know a couple of guys that ride together and live around Cbus or Delaware, one rides a sliver SV1000 with matching helmet and textile jacket and the other guy rides a yellow early model honda cbr 929 or 954 with a slip on, no gear just a pair of MC Hammer parachute pants and safety glasses.

    Spend as much quality time with them as possible cause if they keep riding the way they were the other night on 270 its only a matter of time before they are 6' under.

  4. Damn... maybe HD riders will realize they aren't invincible and wear helmets. I doubt he was riding a sportster prob. a big bagger and wasn't going that fast. I'd put money on that the leading cause of death was head trauma.

  5. ross - didn't mean for that to be directed at you or whoever that other guy was I multiquoted. my apologies to both of you.

    ben - that explanation makes sense but to be honest I knew that from the getgo and I've just been in a controversial mood lately. sorry and also sorry to stir the pot with the new avatar, which ill change soon.

    :sexytime: Are you offering atm with all of these apologies?

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