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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. You've almost got a bike there, instead of just a lot of shiny parts!
  2. And think of the rolling burn outs...
  3. I will wave to anyone, but trikes aren't bikes. The can am things would probably be a fucking riot on a track, but I don't consider them to be motorcycles. I would drift that thing at full lock or toss myself off trying.
  4. There are a lot of mods I would not make to a motorcycle, but how can I fault someone for making a bike their own? The only time you will really hear me protest is when people make a good bike worse.
  5. Don't ditch it. It's still F3 legal. Just race an XR too. Then you can take risks on the XR while still working toward faster times on the Grom. You can't expect to hit all your goals for the season in the first weekend!
  6. at CRP? maybe 45. At PIRC with the different gearing, more like 50. I take that back - let me look at MyLaps. That will post the average speed for the fastest laps. I feel like the average speed is more like 43 for the fast guys, so they have to be going better than 45 in the straights...
  7. This video gives you an idea of when the recommended gearing becomes more necessary. I have not talked to Devon about this video, and it is the opposite direction we were racing this past weekend, but to me it sounds like he is short-shifting into 5th on the back straight. My bike falls flat on its face as far as high RPM power, so I may have to try that too... But to Justin's point about 4th gear, listen for where Devon shifts from 4th to 5th in this video. It's before Turn 2, and he is WOT through turn 1. Until you're up to pace through (backward) turn 3, you'll be carrying 4th a lot longer. http://youtu.be/T1SZxfGoxq0
  8. I would seriously suggest bringing as much plywood as you can fit in the RV. I have seen many people get stuck. There are always lots of people willing to help you out of the mess, but if you can avoid it, that's probably easier! If Neyra is there, his rig will pull just about anything out of the mud, but it's not exactly agile to maneuver in tight quarters. when I did my race school at Nelson, it was decent weather on Saturday, but rained all night and all day Sunday. Something like 5 RV's had to be pulled out.
  9. You will get faster and need the top-end later. Right now, you are probably bogging like hell in 4th gear as you come onto the back straight. Your corner-speed will get to the point that you won't be bogging. when that happens, you will click into 5th before you're halfway down the straight.
  10. not racing round one, but if I am super-dad/husband on Saturday, I may be able to ride down on Sunday and say hello, grab some stands and warmers, etc. Maybe bend Todd's ear about performance indexing the oil-boiler 750 in with the lighter, more powerful liquid-cooled 600's ;-) How much is a race license anyway? I have a plan that involves a 3-hour endurance to destroy the current set of tires when I'm ready for a new set
  11. This times ten. That's a ton of work. Getting on that stage and not looking out of place is a victory for 99% of the world.
  12. Breast pumps aren't cheap. Our insurance company budgeted $500 for ours.
  13. Did you crash on the warmup lap?
  14. It was great to see more ORDN members out. It only gets to be more fun as you improve. Todd and Adam might be making legitimate runs for a novice points championship if they keep it up. I was corner-working the XR novice race and watching everyone improve throughout the second race, let alone throughout the day. For a guy who has never been on a track before, Ben killed it too. Enjoy this time where you're dropping 2-3 seconds a weekend. You will be turning 1:00 laps in no time, and them spending an entire season chasing that next second. I know i said this at the track, but DO THE ENDURANCE RACE. it will amaze you how fast you can go when you're tired. It just gives you a great chance to settle in and ride your own ride. Gavin and I did 30-minute shifts last year, and the rider swaps are almost as entertaining as the racing.
  15. I don't think anyone was bumped down. Look at the expert XR race 2 results when they're posted. I know Terry and Chris S. were listed in expert AND novice XR, but someone said (over the radio) that was a mistake. The tower was holding the novice XR2 race for their sighting lap because their names were on the grid sheet.
  16. If I have to spend all $10k on one bike and can't have any other bikes in the garage, then probably speed triple or ninja 1k If I can have other bikes, something like a bandit 1250, with tons of luggage and stuff.
  17. I am not convinced Joe should still be a novice this year... He didn't show up consistently last year, but I want to say he won some novice races last year. He definitely beat several people who are experts now.
  18. Truth. PIRC is $35 during the week and $50 for weekends.
  19. Always lots to work on. My day went as follows: Got randomly gridded on the last row for stock XR, but avoided the turn 1 carnage. 5 laps later, I'm in a group of 4, and the lead rider loses the front. I literally ran him over and flipped over the bars. Finishes the race a lap down, then saw that I have 2 busted spokes. Safety wired and taped that up, raced F3 and did okay. Raced stock XR2, and turned a personal best on my busted wheel. Took 11th out of 18 experts. It might be a long year!
  20. If Todd shaves 6 seconds, I am in big trouble.
  21. I have never looked into dynabeads, but from what I'm reading they would not work with a tube-tire anyway. balancing and truing my wheels has led to a lot more confidence. Is it just in my head? Maybe. But riding is 50% between the ears anyway.
  22. Don't become an attorney.
  23. I suppose the summer would be useful for infrastructure upgrades and such.
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