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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. No one needs tire warmers for their first track day. The side stand and decent street tires are plenty. Just show up with a lawn chair, lots of water, sun screen, and an open mind. A full tank plus 5 gallons should be way more than enough gas. Borrow shade from your neighbors. Have fun. You'll learn very quickly what you wish you had packed. I always bring extra undies and change mine at lunch, and again before the drive home. Sweaty drawers suck.
  2. Especially when the bike gets at least double the mileage of the tow vehicle. The fuel savings literally pay for your hotel.
  3. Which race was that? Sounded like some twins were out there with a lot of 600's and 675's
  4. I don't particularly think I'd like to hang out with either of these individuals, but they showed up and paid their gate fee... Interest in motorcycle racing is a good thing ...even when the people aren't.
  5. I remembered to buy Mother's Day presents.
  6. correct. I believe MotoSeries rules are essentially the same as WERA rules, but: Amateurs must run yellow plates, and experts must run white plates. You're also not supposed to have a serif on any number "1" and the numbers are supposed to be spaced a certain way, and be larger than humanly possible on most modern sport bike tail sections.
  7. it's always good to just have yellow tape around anyway... I had to turn 524 into 521 the morning of my last motoseries event. Easy enough change with a minimal amount of tape.
  8. paging Bark615... I think he has a couple of Hero 2's and one Hero 3. We run them on the XR100's pretty much every race. The adhesive bases work pretty well. I have one on my helmet. Otherwise you're talking about drilling a 1/4" hole to mount the base. Of course there are other options involving the mirror bolts, gas tank, etc. I would go for an old stock Hero 2 model if you just want to use it occasionally. No reason to break the bank on the latest and greatest for no reason.
  9. redkow97

    OR Decals

    I think you mean "looks totally legit now," but hopefully the jacket took the worst of it.
  10. If you think bench pressing is the way to get a ripped back, that would explain any past failed attempts at achieving that goal...
  11. Libertarians don't hate anyone, they just believe people should lie in the bed they make for themselves. ...and I drank too much to even think o riding tonight. Got mirrors ordered up though.
  12. I want a Tonik t-shirt: "let me be clear: I hate everyone." Thus why I took a libertarian ballot...
  13. If you're bent on a date, I have had a few ladies on the back of my bike. Wife included. The back-rest is a common request. One told me she preferred sport bikes over cruisers because she felt like she would fall off the back of a cruiser. Scenery and smooth roads are important. And like everyone else said, she is not involved in the riding, so 30-40 mins is a long time for her once the novelty wears off. I would keep it just the two of you unless you have some good friends to roll as "support" Without stepping on your toes. The rider community is worth showing her, but don't let it ruin your "date."
  14. Get her into the MSF course ASAP. Then you get a small dual sport for her that you can borrow.
  15. I know a number of places that are good to work, but none of them pay all that well. Good luck. I count myself lucky to have more days that I enjoy my job than days I have to REMIND myself I enjoy my job. I make under $50k and have a doctorate (technically). Again, good luck.
  16. Serious question: do you know what your ideal job would be?
  17. also, feedback on bar-end mirrors would be appreciated. I have 2 options here: 1) do a bar-end mirror as described above. 2) use the extra 1" of bar to install a bracket and the standard screw-type mirror on an arm. Will likely go with whichever provides better visibility, but absent both to try, cost rules...
  18. I know they bars themselves are hollow aluminum, but I am trying to figure out if I can remove the end-cap and install a bar-end mirror. Anyone with a track bike ground off the end of their woodcraft bar in a crash? I don't want to mar my brand new bars by taking off the plastic end-cap, only to discover that the hole won't accept a bar-end mirror. I guess I could drill it out if that's the case... I just don't want it to look any more janky than a naked katana already looks!
  19. until I get turn signals and a mirror on the big kat, I am staying far away from bike night. Gotta be 100% legal to even get near that much police attention!
  20. I am not as convinced as you are on this issue. I agree that the county is on the hook to maintain our facilities. I have no problem with that. What I have a problem with is the very loose definition of "maintenance" that is being used to justify wants instead of needs. They're talking about bigger scoreboards at Progressive Field and other shit that would definitely be "nice," but is hardly my idea of "maintaining" the facility. Until the existing scoreboard needs extensive repairs, why look at replacing it? That is something that should be funded privately. As for your argument that the tobacco and liquor companies aren't going to lower their prices, I would agree - but you'll be taxed less on the purchase. If they wanted to increase their price to make it a zero-cent net change, the public would crucify them for that, and I think they would cave. But ultimately I have a bigger problem with renewing the County's bad idea on how to maintain the facilities. I wish the issue would have been a 5 option multiple choice for "how do you think maintenance on the sporting facilities should be funded?" Option 1 would have been "renew the sin tax." Options 2 through 5 should have been other alternative forms of funding. Making these things into a simple yes/no is just a way for political groups to divide people on an issue rather than proposing a better solution.
  21. it's also a safety issue when someone goes down. They have your medical waiver and information on file, but when you're unconscious, they can't ask your name. Your bike number is an identifier to be sure they're not telling the paramedics to give you the wrong blood type, or feeding you medication that you're allergic to.
  22. I voted. I was libertarian ballot #0001 No on the sin tax. Yes on the school levy. I don't remember which way I went on the issue of whether or not Ohio should be allowed to issue billons of dollars in bonds for the next 30 years...
  23. if the past is any indication, Sundays are much lighter, and you'll get more open track. Not sure how they are running their groups under the N2 banner though, so they may move people up to Advanced more freely if Intermediate is full.
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