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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Doesn't look like Will has it listed on the OMRL site. He just stuck a sign on it at PIRC last round, and raced his 450. I am 99% sure it said $1,000 on it, but I resisted looking, because his bike is nicer than mine, and I didn't need to tempt myself! If Will is racing on the 11th, I'll be sure to get more details and grab his contact info.
  2. damn... all the toys are for sale. That new house must be REALLY nice.
  3. Rent an XR from Kent! That sucks about your motor though.
  4. there is a super moto class. Generally they try to keep the 450's off the track when the smaller/slower bikes are out there, but it would still only be like $35 to run practice and then 2 heat races (one class). If they grid you at the back, you can think of it as 9 practice laps. I'd be up for more of a "track day" setting too - it's just really easy (and fun) to have OMRL organize it.
  5. Looking at the gearing commander site, it's calling me a liar... I'm wondering if I need to adjust the wheel size to bring things into a more accurate calculation. That is the major discrepancy between my bike and JB's bike (I'm running moped tires, and he's running much taller BT-45's)
  6. I have only missed one OMRL round this year, and I have no intention of missing any more. If you run all of practice, you get a ton of track time for the money.
  7. www.ohiominigp.com But the quick and dirty is: - swap the stock 19" front wheel for an XR80 front wheel (direct swap) - mount up $70 scooter tires or $180 BT-45's (running 100 fronts on both the front and rear rim) - safety wire basic stuff - axles, oil drain, and the header bolts are encouraged That's what's required. I also have "bark buster" lever guards, and I slid the forks up to decrease the rake. I run a folding shift lever, but my stock one was bent to hell when I bought the bike. A guy named Will has a nice CRF100 that is fully prepped for sale. Asking $1,000 I think. That is several hundred less than it would cost to build one as nice as his. My bike has about $300 in parts on top of the $450 I paid for it, but mine is a rather beat-up example. I have still won (novice) races on it. As far as gear, you can run textile suits, but it's your ass. I have crashed more times in one day than I did in 5 years on the big bike! With the PIRC gearing, we topped out at 48mph. With CRP gearing, the speeds are slightly slower. Haven't run GPS to check, but I can next round.
  8. JB and I went out to PIRC to practice on the kart track. Stuff like this is why we run the cameras. We weren't even going that fast, but the rear slides pretty good on JB http://youtu.be/_pAP0x-Cx0E More videos of actual lapping to follow. PS - if anyone else wants to schedule a PIRC kart track date, it is stupid cheap, and we just had to share the track with karts every so often (share time - they weren't out at the same time as we were).
  9. My old EX500 was/is for sale. "Sporty" is a good way to describe it. Perfect first street bike IMHO. Small enough to avoid some mistakes, but will still do 85mph all day long without laboring.
  10. Two words: "bonded" and "insured." I would have somebody pour the slab, then do the framing and all that myself. Maybe pay for someone to shingle it, but even that isn't too hard. The Internet can teach you just about anything. Building permits can be applied for at city hall, if not online. Little bit of advice: garages are like trailers. You will fill it no matter how big it is. Go 2.5 car garage, if not even bigger...
  11. Anyone have a good gearing/speed calculator online? I would prefer one with mechanical ratios AND real-world estimates that factor in powertrain loss, true horsepower, and possibly even rider weight. (This stems from messing with gearing at PIRC last night on the XR. I am curious how much more I could gear it down before I hit the point of diminishing returns. We logged a GPS verified 48.3 mph with the bike pegged at the rev limiter. I am wondering if 6hp would be capable of 55 or even 60mph with tall enough gearing and enough flat ground. Purely an academic exercise with virtually no real-world application)
  12. Since when do parents buy their kid a car? I bought mine from my old man. He gave me a no interest loan, but I paid for every red cent of it.
  13. If there weren't multiple pictures, I would have seriously thought it was photoshopped. People who run car tires on motorcycles deserve the danger associated.
  14. Putnam is a spa day compared to Nelson, and Nelson still isn't as bad as people make it sound. The fact is that (even at a "crappy" track), the conditions are 100 times better than the best street ride you've ever done. Nelson is cheap too, which is huge for a new track rider. I wouldn't say that Mid Ohio is a "bad" first track, but it's kind of like banging a porn star as your first time. A newb doesn't get the full effect of a world-class venue. Frankly, you won't be going fast enough for the surface at Nelson to be an issue... And money saved can be put toward more track time.
  15. No gauges, or am I just not seeing them in the pic?
  16. I didn't think the camp ground looked 25% full, but I also didn't walk through (observed from the hill outside the keyhole) Wouldn't surprise me that they only sold 200 passes though. They never man the damn booth. I would pay for a camping pass, but why? They never check for them. The lack of attendance compared to even 2 years ago was significant though. Traffic was almost nonexistent, which was nice, but obviously not good for the event. The racing has gotten better, but the promotion has gotten worse.
  17. I have seen Multiple for $600 (asking) and there is a complete race bike in great shape for $1000 that an OMRL member had for sale at the last round. Will's bike is legit. He goes 3 seconds a lap faster than me... I'm not saying that has much to do with his bike, but it is a good deal for a fully prepped latest generation CRF. If people search CL in Cleveland/Akron, I'd be happy to pick something up and bring it down to circleville.
  18. Glad it's being ridden in anger. Now I REALLY want to find a piece of shit F2 with no bodywork and school him! Ha!
  19. Hey George, THIS is how a neighborhood watch is supposed to work <eye roll>
  20. ZRX = boner. Nothing against the 12, I just love that the ZRX doesn't look like it should be fast. And I LOVE the tri-color retro paint.
  21. I suppose if I can throw Tuna some money for his XR1200 effort at Indy, I can support the site I'm on daily.
  22. Hey, without their ultra-sue-happy culture, we would miss out on a lot of great video!
  23. Nice! The F2, or the 600RR? The kid who bought the RR had only done a couple track days when he bought it. I have him a killer deal throwing in the Warner's and transponder... Hope it treats him well.
  24. Nathan - are those pics from practice, or do you guys run the GoPro during the races as well? With all the efforts riders go through to tuck behind the screen, I'm surprised they're willing to stick the GoPro out there and increase drag. It's probably relatively inconsequential, but at the same time, it just seems like teams go through so much other trouble to improve aerodynamics and gain half an MPH on the straights. Especially the Triumph, given that it has the reputation for being slightly down on power on teh top-end compared to the inline 4's.
  25. Do it! The stock XR grids are always a hoot, and stupid cheap. I might have $750 total into my bike, and I've won a (novice) race. Came close to winning an F4 race as well. Lots of cheap XR100's on craigslist lately too.
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