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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Damn. Hope he heals quickly. Getting run over sucks.
  2. Don't leave room on the inside and people won't pass you there ;-)
  3. Two ramps with a step box, or a long folding ramp with a big arc. A cooler, milk crate, etc. makes stepping up easy enough. Your bigger Concern should be high-centering the bike on the tailgate...
  4. I don't think an executive order was necessary, but I have no issue with the restrictions.
  5. come out and race it. The XR grid is usually 14-19 riders, with the majority (9 regulars) being novices. The top 3 experts are stupid fast, but there is always someone to race against deeper in the pack, and the flaggers are pretty good about showing you a blue flag when the leaders come through.
  6. Unfortunately it turns out I won't be able to make it tomorrow. I have a funeral to attend in the morning, and I just wouldn't get on the road in time to make the trip worth it :-/ That combined with the 60% chance of rain has me resigned to parking lot hooliganism in the afternoon. As far as Conrad goes, he mentioned to me that he blew up the motor in his F2 bike, and I'm not sure what the story is with his other bike. He'll likely be out at the next race weekend, but hasn't been on the forums much lately. Everything but the stock classes are pretty much displacement-based, so if it's a 4 stroke scooter, it shouldn't be hard to figure out which class it's in. The Grom would currently be in F3 (air-cooled 4 strokes up to 125cc).
  7. Possibly. They have a finite limit on their open-ended line of credit. The total value of vehicles on the lot can't exceed their credit limit. So in a scenario where buyer A wants a 600RR, but they have none in stock and their credit is maxed, they would have to sell SOMETHING before they can order up the 600RR. selling the 3 groms in stock would theoretically free up enough capital. But I find it hard to believe that scenario would occur in reality.
  8. I doubt this would work, but would contacting Honda and offering to purchase directly from the manufacturer (not a dealer) be worth the effort? Realistically, dealerships don't own vehicles anyway... They're just held on the lot with a revolving line of credit from whichever bank underwrites their inventory. That is likely why you can't technically "Pre-buy." The bank won't extend credit on a vehicle the dealer doesn't possess yet. (Sorry... Secured transactions have all sorts of regulations that most people never consider. It's an exteremly boring area of law that I can't seem to purge from my memory.)
  9. Found the 250 thread. http://forums.13x.com/showthread.php?t=257086
  10. Thanks to those who donated. I will do a quick write-up of the day when I'm not posting from my phone.
  11. We choose the government, and the government chooses the vendors. Ultimately, almost every issue falls back on the voters. How many of us would agree to higher taxes for better roads? Maybe a lot of US would, but the rest of the state won't prioritize the same. Until more people view it as a serious problem, there's no reason for the gov't to change anything.
  12. Hmmm... There is an "everything you need to know about racing a 250" thread on the WERA board. I'm sure that can tell you what the best rear tire option is. My guess is that they're pinching 150's or 160's onto the rim.
  13. how often do you think you'll be able to get to the track? Tires are often cheap insurance, but street tires are pretty amazing these days. I used to race in Q2's before switching to Michelin DOT's. The street tires impressed the he'll out of me.
  14. A good tow can certainly be invaluable when you're not 100% confident on which way the track goes. But really, don't sweat the small stuff early on. The "proper" race line feels somewhat unnatural when you're going 20+ seconds a lap slower than the track will allow. That is in no way a slam on your pace. I was never that great at Putnam, but just from being there a couple of times, I can remember getting frustrated with myself for over-braking for turn 1. Because I was taking T1 slower than I should have been, I was ending up with 15 feet of track on my left-hand side. Guess where that positioned me for turns 2 and 3? Turning-in from mid-track instead of from the left edge like I should have been! Anyway, the point I was attempting to make is that "the line" is (at least in part) dictated by how comfortable you are with your pace. It can be hard to run the "fast" line at a less-than-fast pace. Repetitions help immensely, and your skill-set (and pace) will improve to the point where the race line will be essential rather than aspirational.
  15. most orgs run their "I" group with the "ask for help and you'll get it" approach. NESBA doesn't divide their "B" group into sub-groups, so while you may get less attention overall, you never spend any time waiting on a slower rider, or struggling to keep up with bigger bikes. This was a HUGE problem for me when I was still taking my 500 to the track. My STT group would blast by another group on the straight, and my bike couldn't accelerate quickly enough to follow. But the bottom line is that you probably need more practice than instruction for a while. Feedback, but not scrutiny. The basic concepts of track riding are pretty simple. Simple doesn't mean easy. Seat time is the only way to really improve.
  16. What you experienced is the distinct disadvantage to group teaching. One rider can hold back te rest. Glad you had fun anyway.
  17. At least Australia is speaking from a position of experience. I'm not suggesting that their policy is good, but it has been effective; at least for them.
  18. I think it's irresponsible for people (especially the media) to be claiming this was done "for sport." All I read was that the police said it appears to have been random. The translation of that is, "we can't figure out of there was a motive." That is hardly conclusive evidence that it was done for fun.
  19. NO!!!! You'll ruin your ability to ride big bikes by operating anything but a big bike!
  20. What does it top out at? As a commuter tool, that's relevant... And I think the ability to hit 50 is important if you're planning to cruise at 40.
  21. I wouldn't recommend NESBA for someone who has never been on the track before. Thereafter, I like their group structure and passing rules better though. PIRC is probably cheaper than Mid-Ohio. Watch out for the kart track though. You wouldn't want to get in the habit of using a steering wheel or pick up some other tendency that will surely impair your ability to ride a full-sized bike.
  22. My friend Ryan pulls that trailer (with his zx6 loaded on it) with a 1990 civic.
  23. Any recommendations for a contractor in the Cleveland area who can replace a window? My neighbor's glass-block window literally fell out of its frame yesterday. The window itself is still intact, but the frame is completely rotted. I boarded up the window for her, but she doesn't know who to call, and my concern is that a basic window company isn't going to know how to properly fix the frame. Advice?
  24. Pre WWI motorcycle found behind brick wall in 1967 http://www.heavy.com/moto/2012/04/mystery-of-the-traub-motorcycle/
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