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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. With one weekend done, my initial thoughts are generally positive. The switches seem a bit cheap, but the warmers performed admirably their first time in use. They didn't come with instructions, but a short search online confirmed that one line is indeed "low" and two lines is "high." I also read that you're not supposed to leave the warmers on high for more than 45 minutes. That seems like an important thing to know... Anyway, the Velcro strap holds well, and the warmers are plenty large enough to be installed fairly easily. The only "problems" I noticed were the warmer getting into the chain a little, and once the Velcro caught on my rear "hugger" fender and came undone. That was my fault, and easily avoided during future installations.
  2. I had lined up a used set of single-temp "Speedworks warmers, by Woodcraft," or some other re-branded woodcraft warmers, but the seller flaked out on me. I had agreed to pay $180 shipped, which I thought was a good deal. When that sale fell through (seller is deployed. Wife has more important things to do than hunt around for warmers in basement. I understand) I started looking for other options in the same price range. The Moto-D warmers are made in China, and make no secret about it. They also offer a 1-year warranty where they'll replace ANY defect (even if it's your fault) for $50 the first time. For $160 shipped on a set of DUAL temp warmers, I think that's a pretty reasonable deal. The warmers come rolled up, and in their own carry bag that has more than enough room to re-pack them less efficiently than they came from the factory They also have nice little elastic bands (that I'm sure will stretch out eventually) to hold the warmer in its rolled state. The switch and cord look to be of reasonable quality. Time will tell. The dual-temp setup seems pretty straight-forward. 1 line for 140 degrees, and 2 lines for 175 degrees. The middle is off. The interior of the warms look to be of good quality as well. No loose threads or uneven finishing stitches. Time will tell how well it holds up. That tag says "made in China" on the other side, and "120-70-17" on the other (tire size), as well as 110v and a manufacture date of February 2012. Full disclosure: it's my intention to "baby" these a bit, because I'm not expecting Craftsman quality at Harbor Freight pricing. With that said, I am throwing a towel into the bag with the warmers right now. That will be used to wipe off rocks and other debris before putting the warmers on the tire. I have every intention of turning them OFF and hanging them from my canopy while I'm on the track as well.
  3. Have you done a track day on the FZ1? If not, it's probably a lot more capable than you think. And there are definitely modifications that could be made to the FZ1 that would make it sportier without sacrificing too much commute-ability. I'm thinking clip-ons would be a big change right away, and it can't be that hard to find adjustable rearsets for an FZ1. Those minor mods would be a lot less expensive than an additional bike too...
  4. redkow97

    "Nice bike"

    there is no bounds to people's ignorance. The people who THINK they know what they're talkign about are often worse than those who simply know nothing. With the F2 in the bed of my truck (on my way to NJMP, I think?), I had stopped at a rest area to get gas and food, and some guy asks "what kind of bike is that?" I told him it was a Honda, and his response was that he thought they only made dirt bikes... I told him "I've had this one in the dirt a couple times. never ended well." he didn't get it.
  5. WORD! I was late for work this morning because I realized I needed to charge mine, and couldn't find it! (I had it out to get the number for registration last week...) I'll have my charger with me if anyone totally forgets to plug theirs in. I wonder what kind of wattage it draws from the generator
  6. (seriously, if my assistance is needed, I just need to know during the day tomorrow so I can plan to move stuff tomorrow evening. I have concert tickets on Thursday evening and will be totally unavailable...)
  7. did someone say West side of Cleveland? My bike is fully buttoned-up and ready to ride as of about 2 hours ago. I hadn't planned on packing to fit 2 bikes, but for a trip as short as nelson, I could figure it out pretty easily...
  8. yeah, his foot must have gotten into the rear sprocket from the sound of his injuries. May have had some bike(s) run him over too... I am just wondering what the hell led up to the injuries... Highside at the top of 6/7? some kind of contact or getting pushed off track in the kink? Locking the front into T1? I'm thinking it might be a while before he's back and posting
  9. HOLY CRAP. I've met Fitz13 at several NESBA events at BeaveRun, and I know he posts here periodically. I just went on the NESBA board to look for some Dunlop specs, and found out he crashed pretty badly when NESBA was at BeaveRun a couple weeks ago: http://tracktalk.nesba.com/showthread.php?t=24368 This is the main report on his condition. Sounds like a nasty crash: Get well soon man!
  10. No thread of mine will EVER be like any thread Cookie starts...
  11. you really think they'll be cool with you riding? When I worked at the ski resort, we worked 2 hours on, 1 hour off (only one of those 2 hours on was outside). The third hour was "ours," but we weren't supposed to ski, because an injury might prevent us from returning to work, stranding the other 2 people on the rotation. Can you request that your break be the last hour of the day?
  12. well, I just picked my friend with the least stable wife (judge not lest ye be judged an all that...) and spilled it to him. I think he got the idea something was up when I called him, HAMMERED on Sunday at 7:45 PM for a ride home. I bought him KFC for his trouble. When he asked what was wrong, he reports that I said, "what's wrong? I'm still not drunk enough that I won't remember this tomorrow." I guess I was wrong about the remembering part. appreciate all the suggestions.
  13. if it's that shitty, he should quit. This was posted on the WERA beeb, and over there, I posted something to the extent of: - how about spending less time organizing and enhancing pics that no one has expressed an interest in buying? - how about lowering the quality of the photos to meet a price point more people will buy? (i.e., don't use such expensive lenses and stuff. Oh wait, if you're a pro photographer, then you probably take pictures of more than just bikes, so the equipment is likely used for said other photography as well, and you can't count 100% of that cost toward bikes) - maybe charge a token fee ($5) to view proofs (which i'd pay pretty much every time, even if i never planned on buying)
  14. it's not that I don't have friends; i just don't want them thinking poorly of the person we'd be talking about.
  15. only rainbow tie-dye, and yes to extra-medium, but only if that's absolutely SKIN tight on you. If not, you're looking at "raper small."
  16. Camp at Nelson Saturday night. After a few beers, I'm sure not even a good day at the track will keep things from creeping back into my brain. it's just kind of a shitty time for me, and without being able to tell people what's going on, they all expect me to act as I always do. I guess I don't even want to talk about things as much as I just want people to know I'm feeling (metaphorically) kicked in the nuts. The other issue is that half the time, I just want to be left alone, and half the time I really appreciate the small efforts people take to make me laugh. It's impossible for me (let alone everyone else) to forecast when I'll be in what kind of mood...
  17. If i were embarrassed about that, I would just stop wearing my "I WANT TO HAVE BUTTSEX WITH MIDGET TODD" T-shirt...
  18. it's not that I'm struggling to spit out the words, it's just a potentially embarrassing situation. For example, if you screwed up royale at work or school, and were giong to be fired or expelled, you'd want to talk about it, but admitting it is embarrassing. And then if you don't get fired or expelled, it was all for nothing. Something LIKE that, but not that. at all. That might actually be preferable.
  19. without getting into things, I have major life shit going down, and I want to avoid talking to my friends about it. So who is left? you guys? total strangers? I'd be more forthcoming, but this is one of those things that may resolve itself or may totally explode. I just don't know yet.
  20. you call 3725 lbs. curb weight a "little car?" I know it's 350 hp and a lot of torque, but a Miata is a little car. A GTO is not... the 'vette of the same year was "under 3300 lbs.," and I wouldn't really call a vette "little" either.
  21. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry about the fact that people's first bikes are more powerful than my race bike. Welcome, and stay safe out there.
  22. what's weird about .22 pistols is that it seems like the bulk of them are aimed at target enthusiasts. I just want a simple short-barrel revolver that I could carry, or plink around with. I know a .22 isn't ideal for carry, but i like .22's and I really like being able to buy ONE kind of ammo. Plus a .22 revolver would probably fit 10 rounds, and I know there are ruger models that have interchangable cylinders so you can shoot .22 lr AND .22 magnum, which would be a little bit more defense worthy. shoot the lr at the range, and carry with the mags. anyway, my point was that there are some cool .22lr revolvers with 9" barrels out there. I just wish there were as many with 3" barrels.
  23. I have always been leery of transporting the bike in gear. The transmission is made to take stress from engine loading, but I don't like the idea of it dealing with bumps, etc. while it's being transported. a couple of straps around the back wheel or to the passenger pegs is plenty to keep it from hopping, but honestly that shouldn't be an issue. the rear of the bike is free to rise and fall on its own suspension. Unlike the front (which is compressed with straps), the rear suspension should just eat up bumps as if the bike were riding over them.
  24. attach a chock to a sheet of plywood that's cut to the width of your truck bed. I did this for months before drilling through the bed of my ranger. If you don't have a bed liner, you can even through a blanket underneath the board to avoid scratching the bed. you just don't want that front tire sliding out from under the bars...
  25. this is my plan for Saturday night as well. does anyone have a wagon or something? I like to take a cooler along for the ride on a track walk. I know where the track goes, but I want to take a closer look at the run off area in a few places. Can someone who is getting there on Friday save me a spot for my canopy/bike? I will probably park further from the track, but I'd like to be able to sit and BS between sessions/races. There is definitely room for more than just me under my canopy.
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