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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. (although I would advise moving the TRS back by about 4" compared to where I have it in that picture. I have done so since, and the balance is much better, while still maintaining enough weight on the tongue)
  2. i have resisted until now: If you plan on moving your bike more than a few times a season, and for any distance, this really is the simplest, strongest, safest option available. Really easy to use, and when you remove the "feet" of the TRS, all that's left is a thin plate, and 4 bolts that are raised about 1/2 inch.
  3. i agree with Speedy and Imprez. maintaining throttle control can be more difficult with your throttle arm stretched across the tank. (although I have heard just as many people say they are no good at rights because of the weird angle your wrist is at when you hang off to the right). If you think about it, you practice rights more than lefts. High way ramps are generally long right sweepers. I actually had the opposite problem for a long time, and I think part of it does stem from your dominant hand/foot. when I was a kid, if I did a skid/drift on my bicycle, I was (am) always more comfortable turning to the left. Not sure if it's because I'm more sure of keeping my right foot on the peg, and moto-crossing with my left, or if it's the fact that my dominant (right) arm had more leverage. A few weekends at the track will quickly make rights feel normal and lefts feel weird. I need to find a CCW track actually. (or just learn to go fast in 4 and 12 at Nelson)
  4. http://tracktalk.nesba.com/showthread.php?t=24166
  5. someone has an '05(?) 600rr on the NESBA board for $2200.
  6. I'm not saying I think a CCW holder should have retreated in that situation; I'm just pointing out that there is a duty to retreat when the option exists. Anywhere but in your home or vehicle, whether or not you had a duty to retreat is technically a question that a jury should decide. Everyone's personal feelings on HOW a jury should decide are irrelevant until they're seated on said jury. I honestly don't know if I'm happy the cops killed this guy, or if I'd rather see him rot for 40 years, and then be strapped down and injected. I really feel most badly for the poor girl who is still clinging to life... IF she pulls through, she's got a lifetime of issues ahead of her.
  7. better example of their full system that they rented for $220(?) per weekend. http://youtu.be/oDMhIQTr60E I've also met and ridden with Ron (camera bike on that video) at a couple of NESBA events at Putnam. He is a BAD man on a bike.
  8. Okay, i found the company i was thinking of, but their website "cannot be found..." http://www.youtube.com/user/traqmaterental shows some of their work though.
  9. ^ actually that's not a bad thought. put up a WTB thread a couple different boards, and find someone who lost interest in their toy. Track down some eBay gauges for their bike, and make their life a little easier, and do a trade + a little cash. GPS data collection is one of those things that I'd like to be able to rationalize paying for, but it's 2-3 weekends of race fees... The ability to know WHERE you're slow instead of just THAT you're slow is pretty valuable. There was a company that was renting the units for a while (Traqmate? maybe not with the Q?) so you could try them out, and then buy at a discount through them, or just keep renting them for $30 a day when you're at a new-to-you track or something. Anyway, they offered to send me one for a weekend for just cost of shipping, but I didn't have a camera setup to integrate with it, so my data wasn't going to be worth much as far as demonstrating on their website Anyway, this is the company name I remembered, but I don't think it's the actual company that was renting them... http://www.gospecracing.com/rentals.html Definitely worth looking into though if you don't want to gamble on $700-900
  10. agreed. But it's only illegal for the GOVERNMENT to be racist.
  11. hmm... I've never had this ground issue. Or maybe I just haven't noticed. I did have to drill-out the little ground hole to get the wire actually touching metal though. And I think i've stepped on the harness and pulled my ground wire out about 5 times. But that's my fault more than the trailers. If you want it to fold a little more, leave a slightly larger gap in the wood at the joint. half an inch on each side makes it fold a LOT more. I just removed and staggered the bolts on the front half (so the heads won't hit the ones on the back half) and even that helps quite a bit. I also rigged a hinge so my license plate folds down when the trailer is folded. gets it a solid 4" closer to the wall, which doesn't sound like much until you're trying to work on the bike in the winter with the trailer folded between teh bike and the wall...
  12. if anyone was looking at these, but couldn't get them to honor hte 25% off coupon, my "super saver" coupons just arrived via email, and the 3200/4000 Predator is on sale for $289 with coupon. I believe they're normally around $330.
  13. redkow97

    Fun TSA facts

    I am using that cancer stat.
  14. I'm not so sure "I had to quit my job" is going to just be an accepted "damage." If he'd been fired, or his employer vouches for the fact that they were aware of threats to his safety while on the job, then he's got a case; but quitting because you're scared isn't something Al Sharpton proximately caused. Besides, unless there is a direct call to violence, you can't punish the speaker for the actions of others. Al Sharpton's opinion is protected speech until he actually suggests that people hurt or harass Zimmerman. Simply making him look bad with information that the news is reporting isn't a crime. If it were, then news media would be getting sued all the time.
  15. All the article says is "IF Zimmerman was treated for emotional trauma," he'll receive compensation for treatment and damages. But that means he needs to have seen a doctor and demonstrated a physical manifestation of symptoms.
  16. Does the article say what damages he's claiming? You can't sue without actual damages. I don't see this going anywhere unless he can demonstrate that he was damaged financially by the news media, and not simply by his own actions.
  17. I like the first gen bandit, and you can pick them up for so cheap... Lots of bike for what you pay. Definitely a fan.
  18. That kind of reporting irritates me. That's not a motorcycle fatality, that's an OVI fatality. There is no reason to imply that the bike is at fault. Not much different than when they report about guns rather than shootings. As if people would be happier if there was a stabbing death instead.
  19. Well shit-can the whole idea then. Todd is an unreasonable asshole! ...wait, the exact opposite of that. I wouldn't be surprised if a young rider on a 250 got 1-on-1 instruction. Get the kids up to speed early, so they stick around to be charged full price :-P
  20. Never fun to see these threads, but nice to know that one more dog got the life it deserved. Josey had a good thing going, and knew it.
  21. My name is in my sig line. I may as well add my last name. Anyone can look it up on the WERA site anyway.
  22. I have seen that section on the forum, but not on the main site.
  23. WERA has 250 racing as well, but I've never seen great attendance in this part of the country. I think they get a bigger crowd in the southeast though. Regardless, Moto Series is definitely close, cheap, and fun; and there is a good "everything you need to know about racing a 250" thread on the WERA board that should be easy to find with minimal searching. That will cover suspension settings, tire options, and even tuning advice. Personally, I think the point of racing a 250 is to go racing for cheap, and as such, all the bikes should be run basically bone stock. Oil catch, number plate, and maybe brake pads and lines. But that's just me.
  24. In a 3 year old thread? How did you dig this up?
  25. Tell a cop that! I expect they'll laugh. Rangers have the authority to ticket, but I don't believe they have near the depth of training as full blown police officers. And unless I'm mistaken, their jurisdiction to ticket is limited to park lands. So they're kind of like cops, but cops who patrol a municipality with a population of 0 humans, 10,000 deer, 2,000 skunks, etc.
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