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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. My friend Brian is way into aquariums. About 2 years ago, he discovered he could cruise craigslist for people selling full salt water tanks, and then "part" out the fish, live rock, filters, sump systems, tank, etc. and profit. I've helped him move two 125 gallon tanks, including one this morning. Because it's salt water, we try to salvage as much of that as possible. at 8 lbs./gallon, plus hundreds of lbs. of live rock and coral, plus the tank itself (which is close to 200 lbs. of glass), the stand, filter parts, etc... Suffice to say, we were pushing the 1195 lbs. payload limit on my HF 4x8. No problems. I had to add air to the tires (which ahve been sitting in my basement all winter), but otherwise no issues. I would estimate that we lost less than 10 gallons of water in transport. Heavy and tiring day, but pretty productive.
  2. today I saw "MRS XXL." I assume it was a fat woman.
  3. I have an older 2-piece for cheap. Size 42. Pm me.
  4. With traditional chocks, the issue really becomes having tie-down points that are far enough off to the sides. A bike itself is no more than 2 feet wide, so 3 across is possible of you can find places to secure them all. I would do 2 rows of 3, but with the center bikes slightly further back. Then angle the outside 2 toward the center as much as possible. Wish I could draw it instead of describing it, but the idea is to have the bars of the middle bikes over the tank or seat of the outside bikes.
  5. So... Does Pegram Racing want to sponsor Happy Beagle Racing for the 2012 season? (sorry. Had to ask. First!) Welcome and best of luck at the shop and on the track. That BMW is a hell of a package. Looks so much better in race trim too.
  6. http://www.mylaps.com/results/showrun.jsp?id=1943141 I lapped a few people and was not lapped myself, which was my main goal in a 20-lap race. I missed the halfway flag and spent the last 5 or 6 laps thinking "this HAS to be the last lap, right?" I puked in my mouth a little around lap 17, looked over my shoulder to see that no one was there, and nursed it home. I have a pic of my individual lap times somewhere on my phone too.
  7. Not that I think every newb should race, but in my first race, I set personal bests 3 times. The adrenaline is good for speed.
  8. Do they actually work though? I'm not going to bother breaking my phone or paying for the app unless it's reasonably useful.
  9. WERA says this one is the best. Anyone used it? The "pro" is $20 and the less pro version is $9 or something. http://www.gps-laptimer.de/Home.html If I can find a relatively safe place to mount my phone to the bike, I may give this a try.
  10. I might have been turning more like 1:22's, because Steve and Nathan(?) came up to me on the grid and reminded me, "remember: DON'T CRASH." But that would mean the guy would have been going even SLOWER. Otherwise, yes, your understanding is exactly what I meant to convey. Myself, and two other guys in my race school (one on an SV650), could have lapped one of the other school riders on our cool-down lap. He was on a 600RR that was newer than mine (05/06 era). If we'd continued at our 'race' pace, we would have caught him around turn 4. Even at a cool-down pace, we had to back off to avoid passing him on the back straight. We were waving to corner workers, and he was still 'racing' a few hundred feet ahead of us. I don't imagine he was breaking 1:40. If memory serves, MotoSeries publishes a 1:30 max lap, or they can pull you from the grid. WERA has a discretionary rule that allows them to do the same, but I have never seen or heard of it being done. Maybe back in the 90's, when the grids were bigger, but lately there's only 10-15 riders to lap any backmarkers. And to get back on topic with our tire discussion, I don't fully agree that the times Craig posted are the 'limits' of street tires (not that he said they were), but I completely agree that better tires can lead to more confidence, and THAT certainly facilitates improvement. If you're struggling mentally, then better tires might be worth the extra cash.
  11. ^ you got the new "predator" model, I take it? In my search for a generator, I considered approaching my local store and asking if they had leftover chicago electric units (floor models, etc.) that they might sell cheap. Never got around to asking though.
  12. And you won't be the slowest guy racing. Not by a long shot. In my 4 lap WERA mock race, I was turning leisurely 1:20's. A friend of mine who was behind me on his SV said he could have passed me multiple times into 12. Two other riders and I nearly LAPPED a guy. We could have easily done so on our cool-down lap. That's in a 4-lap mock race. He couldn't have been going any quicker than 1:40's for us to catch him like that, and he is a licensed racer with WERA. someone will always be last.
  13. I need to suck it up and just go faster at Nelson. 1:16 should be easily attainable, and realistically, I need to be closer to 1:12's to consider this season a success. I just never seem to put in much seat time at Nelson. Refraining from NESBA & WERA memberships this year should hopefully correct that. I have started to pigeon-hole myself as a guy who can only go fast(ish) at beaver. That's gotta change.
  14. well, I went a little over budget and bought this model (but for $274) http://www.bjs.com/store/all-power-america-portable-generator-with-2-500-running-watts-3-250-peak-watts.apg3012.html 2500 running watts means I could attempt 2 sets of warmers, but 1 plus a bunch of other crap will definitely be no problem. /rant the era of race tires on the Happy Beagle Racing 600RR has begun.
  15. it generally is I was hoping to find something for $250 or under. $305 might be the best I can find though. The used market seems to be mostly old, huge, gambles...
  16. I just don't like the characterization that the tires "make" you anything; be it better, worse, or lighter in the wallet... The equipment only allows you to ride up to its potential. If we're talking about competitive racers, then of course they should be running race tires, but whether it was my misunderstanding or just bad reading comprehension, I thought we were talking about riders who either hadn't raced much, or not at all (i.e. "intermediate" riders) What does Wrobel run around Nelson anyway? I'm curious as to where the "cut" would be with the AMA 107% rule (or the old 110% rule)
  17. I just can't agree with this. At some point, sure, a better tire allows you to progress with more confidence, but buying race tires when your pace isn't that close to requiring it is just throwing away money on potential you're not going to reach. I've never turned a wheel on anything better than a Q2, and I'm pretty mid-pack in Advanced. I'm just now going to race tires, and maybe I'm a little overdue, but Intermediate riders just don't need race tires.
  18. I'm so sick of generator shopping. I've spent 3 days looking for a model that is big enough to comfortably power a set of warmers, and then maybe some other small appliances, but not so huge that it can nearly power THREE sets, and weighs over 100 lbs... There seem to be a fair number of "1400" or "1500" continuous watt models, but most of their reviews reveal that they struggle to legitimately pull 1200 watts continuous. Those are rated for 1800 or 2000 watt peak. Then the next step up always seems to be 4000 watt peak, 3250 or 3500 continuous. This shouldn't cost me more than $250 or so to find something. The best I've come up with is this, but it's just small enough that I'm a little worried. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=powermate+vx+1200+generator+review&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=9296806118489862097&sa=X&ei=vTCGT5CaGKK98AHt1d2wCA&ved=0CGEQ8wIwAQ
  19. this would work much better. Decals would make the surface un-uniform and slicker in places. If we weren't 200 miles apart, I would take you up on this. I've made 4 or 5 sets of regulation sized cornhole boards, and have gotten pretty good at it. My sister-in-law paints them. She does okay. Far better than I would.
  20. Thus why I am seriously looking at the bstone 003's. Or if you like dunlops that much, ask if they can find leftover 209's. Those should be less than the 211's. As I understand it, the BT003's are "leftover" as well. The R10's are the premier tire now.
  21. I have always called this "moldy toast."
  22. I wouldn't have thought this was really a concern for them. Frenchie has her bike painted up in RD colors, and she's not super quick. Doesn't have the latest and greatest bike either. At the club level, i understand why only the ultra fast riders usually have true sponsorship, but look at the pros and it's a different story. Tommy Hayden and Joey Pascarella don't have rides this year, but Melissa Paris does. Marketing is not driven only; or even primarily, by race results.
  23. I emailed them just now. Either I wrote down your number wrong, or they were too big to go through.
  24. Did the set I sent last night not come through?
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