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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. first of all, unless the clip you posted starts before the other one, there is ZERO proof or indication that the guy in the suit was driving the car. second, even if he was, you weren't there and don't know what happened. The guy might be a dick, or he might be in shock. Or he might be def and not be great at communicating with the people trying to help. Or he might be scared shitless that the crowd of people rushing to help is going to turn on him the second the rider is out of danger. the video doesn't tell you what's going through that guy's brain. put the torches down.
  2. that actually looks really good, but anyone willing to admit that they maxed out their credit cards is either a moron, or has a damn low credit limit. I have 2 actual "credit" cards, and I think the limit on the lower of the two is $12,000 I could live fucking BALLER if I had no disregard for debt.
  3. I shy away from the EX500 as a race bike because of the suspension and chassis limitations. Plus, as noted, especially at trackdays, you get bombed. They are undeniably cheap. I've seen them for $400 in running condition. But rubber options are slim, and unless you're as fast as Tuna, it's hard to race them in very many classes w/o getting clobbered.
  4. I don't have my CC permit, and even if I did, I would not just carry for the hell of it. If I didn't feel 100% comfortable carrying a loaded weapon, I wouldn't. In fact, I'd probably carry w/o the gun loaded for a while just to let any dumb mistakes happen without it loaded.
  5. You know the deer population is way too high when my MOTHER is ready to get violent toward them. They've taken out her garden 3 times this year. This is despite an 8' fence with a mesh roof on it. They've gone over, under, and through her fences, and eaten everything she's planted. Brecksville/Broadview Heights residents voted against allowing culling of deer in the city, but as far as I know, they haven't approved any alternative. I think they'll end up poisoning the buggers. Kind of cruel, and you can't determine which deer you get... I don't particularly care if people kill Bambi, but the fact is, a hunter can choose not to shoot a fawn, or a mother with fawns. Poison won't. Stupid rich people and their "NIMBY" attitudes...
  6. reading the NESBA riders' manual would answer all of these questions... I believe you also certify that you've read and understand it when you register. Something to keep in mind. No coolant restrictions in NESBA's beginner group though. Just tape lights and mirrors, and have the bike in good working order. I'd remove the mirrors all together. They will check brake pad life, brake lever travel, throttle return, and general "is everything held on well enough that it's not going to fall off?" stuff. do yourself a favor and safety wire or silicone your oil cap and plug. I got sprayed with oil at Putnam because some guy on an R1 didn't think it was necessary to drill his cap. it's plastic ferchrissakes. Not hard to drill. He was laughing about it. My bike and I (not to mention the track) got sprayed with oil. Don't be that guy. If I don't go hang out at Nelson w/ WERA, I'll show up and pit-bitch for my buddies who are control riding or out to play.
  7. It's a skills enhancement day. Track walk in the AM, with control rider fly-bys to demonstrate appropriate lines in various turns. There is basically 1 CR for every 2 riders. Around 10 AM, there are two 20-minute "get loose" sessions, and then basically open track the rest of the day (minus the lunch break for the corner workers). I agree that $280 is steep, but it's a LOT more track time than a regular day. I did one last year at Putnam and found it to be a really good way to learn a new-to-me track very quickly. If I had any major criticism, it was that there was more track time than my legs could handle. You can't beat the cost-per-lap if you're fit enough to stay out for 30+ minutes at a time, rest for 15, and then go back out for 30+ more minutes.
  8. my brother's first bike was a seca, and I agree that they make excellent first bikes, but I don't know that I'd go so far as to say, "I wish I still had it." The Seca II feels like it has a longer wheel-base than other starter bikes. That makes it very stable feeling and planted on the highway. It doesn't handle like a modern sportbike, but it's hardly a pig either. The I-4 is a lot smoother than a thumper or the parallel twin I learned on. That makes it nice for highway rides. My brother had luggage for his and rode it 90 miles a day commuting to work all summer, and back and forth between Cleveland and Columbus multiple times when OSU was on break. My only real criticism of the bike is that it was a tad heavy (I said "planted" earlier ), and the air-cooled I-4 means that it has a relatively low redline, to keep the interior cylinders from melting. No big deal. Better torque than you'd expect from an I-4 600. My brother's bike badly needed a suspension rebuild, but that wasn't the bike's fault - it was just old.
  9. I rode street in jeans myself, so I try not to throw too many stones while living in my glass house, but jeans are NOT riding gear. Get your son custom leathers if you need to. I believe Pilot makes kids suits, but if not, they will happily refer you to a competitor that does. http://www.pilotleathers.com/index.html If protection were rated on a scale of 0-100, shorts would get a 1 and jeans would be a 3 at best. I took a tumble at 80 or 90 in my leathers a couple of weeks ago. I walked away with a bruise, a sore knuckle, and a sore toe. If I'd been wearing jeans, the baseball slide I did on my right thigh, and across my butt would have cost me a LOT of skin. I don't even want to think about it. I realize you're not doing 90 mph with your 9 yr old on the back of the bike, but even at 25 mph, it wouldn't be pretty. Think of going into a dead sprint (maybe 15 mph) and then sliding baseball style on asphalt. I don't care if you've got jeans on, that will hurt like hell. Adding speed makes things exponentially worse. I literally got up like nothing happened. It felt like I'd been hit by a pitch on my left butt cheek, but i was able to RUN away from the hot track, and went to the bar that night.
  10. $800 under his mattress. That's just bug-out money. I took his post to mean that he had plenty in the bank; just not necessarily earmarked for a bike, the way the $800 is. Josh - there are enough OR members with trailers (myself included) that you shouldn't have any issues getting a bike home this winter if you find a decent deal.
  11. sometimes I am caught off-guard, but with proper planning, a movie can be a truly enjoyable meal. I went to see "True Grit" with a couple of friends on a Thursday after work. We grabbed dinner and had some good whiskey to get in the spirit, and then brought in our own bottle to keep the party going. I was impressed no one broke a scotch glass Same guys, but different movie, we brought in Chipotle, and an 18 pack of Bud Select. That was slightly trickier. People would laugh every time we cracked the cap on another beer. Might have been "Jackass 3D" though, because I remember thinking we weren't the only ones drinking.
  12. I had a seriously hard time reading the OP's posts. please use punctuation to separate your sentences.
  13. if you can find an RS125 and don't mind the maintenance, that's a good route. I wouldn't call them "inexpensive" though. IMHO, a ninja 250 is too small for trackdays. If everyone else had the good sense to start on a 250, they'd be great, but any yahoo in the world can register in beginner on his liter bike, and not be prepared for the EX250 topping out at 100mph. The closing speeds scare me. And while I think riders skill would improve in Intermediate, closing speeds would increase. EX250 race grids seem really thin in this are too... There aren't a ton of SV's, but there are more. Is an SV650 an option? Your son sounds like he's got enough experience, and enough size. I was just looking at them myself, and you can find very nicely set up SV's for $3,000 - $4,000. You can find reliable, but less set-up SV's for $2,000. IF i can afford to race next season, it will probably be on an SV650.
  14. how do they keep men from attending w/o a woman? this confuses me... Almost like "Black bike week." I posted on their forum to make sure my red bike would be acceptable. One guy was amused. The rest of them seemed like douches.
  15. I apologized for that...
  16. let me know if you want to come take a look. if the gauges and can are salvageable, it could honestly be $200-$300 total to get the bike back on track.
  17. is it common practice for gay men to chase straight men? I've never experienced that. and even if that were the case, how many of us are really arrogant enough to think that gay men simply MUST be in love with us? I like women, but not EVERY woman. and if you're that irresistible to homosexuals, are you that convinced you couldn't fend one or two off? I thought they were all girly wusses.
  18. what's your fucking point?
  19. 58's aren't fast enough for him? That is FLYING at BeaveRun.
  20. If the bike goes w/o the TRS, i'll probably part with it. Not for $100, but for a good price. Anyone know how much the pins are if you buy directly from pit-bull? i want to say $80, but it might be less.
  21. UPDATED DESCRIPTIONS TO REFLECT WHAT'S BEEN FIXED. The $2500 price in the title was posted before I started buying parts, so that will go up as more things are replaced. Will also consider Cash + firearm(s) as long as you're bringing $2k cash to the table. Specifically, I am interested in shotguns, carry revolvers, and possibly .22lr handguns. We can talk about pricing, and what's reasonable. In fully track-ready condition, this bike is worth a solid $3100, but I understand that there's some expense and time left to fix it. Many of you have seen my bike at trackdays, or at least in pictures. I've had it up for sale a couple of times for $3500, which I think is pretty fair in good condition (previously, it hadn't been on the ground since it was lowsided as a street bike) The good: - engine is SOLID. It's a honda. around 11k miles, and never even hiccuped for me. - full Arata titanium exhaust, which sells for $850. - CRG levers - Penske shock - Scotts damper - 43, 45, and probably a couple other rear sprockets. - woodcraft rearsets - vortex(?) clip-ons - vortex triple clamp (not installed, but easy swap) The bad: - upper fairing is currently broken, but it really should be an easy fix w/ some fiberglass repair. - the throttle cables are currently snapped - new ones are on my kitchen table - that Arata exhaust is slightly broken right now. At worst, it needs a new can. at best, the current one needs some new rivets. - FIXED - needs a fairing stay (have that ordered though) - FIXED - brakes work, but the bracket portion of the MC is broken. - will need a new set of rubber before it can be ridden. - Salvage WI title. Not in my name, but you can be 100% sure it's not stolen. I have the physical copy of the title. - needs woodcraft or stock rear brake lever. - gauges MAY need replaced (if you care about gauges) THE BIKE DOES START AND RUN, i just can't rev it w/o throttle cables This bike took me to "Advanced" with NESBA, and I've done all my races on it. It has performed pretty much flawlessly, and in return, I tossed it down the track. All it's done is ask for more. $2900 (negotiable - honestly, this thing is changing on a weekly basis, so PM me if you want to stop by and see it, or want current pics) Bike is in Parma. Can meet or deliver in OH. Pit-bull TRS can be 'packaged' into the bike cost for $100
  22. well, if anyone was keeping track, I got the official job offer this morning. Unless I somehow manage to fail the piss test this afternoon, I should start later this week, or early next. they can only afford to give me 20 hours a week, but they are paying me. I was preparing myself for unpaid. It's not much, but every little bit helps. I find out today if my current boss will let me cut back to 20 hours here, or if I'm going to be rEALLY poor. I'll switch to full-time status at school for the spring semester, and hopefully graduate a semester early. if anyone wants to buy a slightly damaged track bike, mine is looking to be an easy fix - I just don't foresee having the funds free to get it back to track-worthy condition I will probably sell some stuff, fix the bike, and then sell the bike in the spring though
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