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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. my friends have been less enthusiastic than I anticipated, but we shall see. a pack of tandems would be kind of fun I'd want to put a stereo on the back of one though and just put "eye of the tiger" on repeat for a while. Honestly, the biggest thing keeping that from being "plan A" is that the chains always seem to fall off tandem bikes.
  2. you can probably make them fit, but I highly doubt it's a direct swap. I would suspect custom machined spacers is the least you'll need. If the axles aren't the same size, then you're going to get into a lot more complicated stuff.
  3. then you won't mind me pointing out that i have a similarly sized 1-piece for sale for $160 or less. I don't honestly remember the price i have listed. It's on the site, and i think the thread title says $220 or something, but I've lowered it in the thread.
  4. Because I think that used to be correct. I know I have read on the Ohio BMV site that vehicles 49cc or under did not require a motorcycle endorsement to operate, but I can't find that any more.
  5. I think i'd want to do the 102 though. In the alternative, I wouldn't mind getting together 6 guys for the 43 and trying to limp 3 of these across the line:
  6. I thought it was more like $60, but nothing too oppressive. If you register the plate mid-year, they'll prorate the registration fee for the number of months until your next birthday, so that would account for two people being charged different amounts. I don't think i've renewed mine yet, so i haven't paid a full year.
  7. I don't know why, but the lack of gear is a cultural thing. My only guess is that it has something to do with our relatively short riding season (as compared with CA and TX anyway). I was in LA in June, and I actually came back surprised at how many people had full gear on, so 6 of one, or 1/2 dozen of another... I only ride in full leathers.
  8. And maybe that's part of the sense of accomplishment in doing it, but there is going to be more than enough discomfort in your legs, ass, and back on a long ride with GOOD equipment. Riding something that sacrifices efficiency, and is less comfortable at the same time... Well, it sounds more like masochism than determination. But I suppose it's worth a try. The worst that will happen is I'm out $10 for the crappy bike, and back to square one.
  9. not sure how concerned you are with space and storage, but the method of tie-down matters a lot when trying to fit 2 bikes on a small trailer. I won't subject everyone to my gushing about the Pit-Bull trailer restraint system, but suffice to say, it makes loading 2 bikes on a 4x8 a LOT easier. If that's cost-prohibitive, and cheap is the name of the game, these go on sale for $29 periodically http://www.harborfreight.com/motorcycle-wheel-chock-96349.html Combine that with an inexpensive trailer ($200-$300 gets you a used or new HF folding 4x8), and for under $400, you've got a setup that will carry two bikes (under 500 lbs.) Just put a metal bar along the front of the trailer to extend your outside tie-down points beyond the edges of the trailer. the further away the better, but obviously you want to stay inside the width of the tow-vehicle.
  10. you trying to make this a bidding war? Or just trying to pull "a robbery," Situation?
  11. The rider walked away with only a minor wrist injury if anyone was curious. I was told he was walking around the pits smiling later that day. I've pulled the rear wheel up much higher than I'd like braking for T1 at BeaveRun, but I'm glad it's never gotten anywhere near that bad!
  12. sent the picture link and price to my dad with a note that just say, "you didn't really want to retire anyway, right?"
  13. I like the idea, and I actually suggested doing the livestrong challenge to my friends, but the problem is getting everyone to spring for a $700 cycle to do it. That's one of the main reasons I haven't already done the Livestrong challenge.
  14. I don't think drug testing is "unfair," but the fact that it's (arguably) unconstitutional is going to make the topic highly debatable, even for those who like the idea. But you bring up a good point about our change in expectations. I can't tell you exactly why, but my generation has grown to expect a lot of luxuries, and we think they're necessities. Not sharing a bedroom, cable TV, 2+ cars, central air, cell phones, video gaming systems, etc... None of those are really essentials, but people will go on welfare before giving them up! There were more than 10 cable channels when we finally got cable, but it was 1998, and I was in high school by then. I don't recall exactly when my parents bought second car, but I remember our 1985 Pontiac 6000 cranking, but not starting very often. My dad's '88 escort GT (5-speed) was the first time my parents owned a second car. I was at least 5, and my brother was probably 3 by the time that purchase was made. My parents didn't buy us a gaming system until a year or two after N64 came out. My brothers pooled money they earned doing yard work and purchased an original nintendo at a garage sale. The supernintendo was bought from one of my friends when they got N64. I didn't have a cell phone until my junior year of college, and those "life-link" radio commercials drive me crazy. "a free cell phone?" My ass! Someone's paying for it! I think we're really spoiled as a culture. Our parents' drive to give us a better life than they had has turned us into dim-witted pussies who live in front of a TV or a computer. I like to think of myself as part of the population who 'un-plugs' and gets outside pretty often, but the fact is I'm still a part of the problem. Now to talk the wife into cancelling our dish service...
  15. Some of my coworkers just completed "the world's largest relay race," the 200-mile, 34-leg hood-to-coast relay. This has inspired me to find something kind of like that for a group of my friends to compete in. Ideally, a team warrior dash is the type of thing i'm after, but I'll consider just about anything that's challenging enough we can feel some sense of accomplishment completing it. suggestions?
  16. yes, at Nelson. But if there's an October MotoSeries round, i would consider skipping the WERA round and riding Moto Series instead.
  17. I can't comment on the etrailer, but watch out w/ Uhaul. Their motorcycle trailers are pretty heavy for as small as they are. On top of that, they have a nasty habit of not having the small ones on the lot, and then giving you the next size bigger. I would guess their small trailers are ~600 lbs, plus another 500 for your bike. You're probably pushing the limits of that accord pretty quickly. a HF or single-rail bike trailer is more like 200-300 lbs, if you can beg, borrow, or steal one. I "parallel parked" my trailer at a bar in Lakewood, and a cop must have been right behind me. he pulled up to tell me I couldn't leave the trailer hanging in the street the way it was. I smiled at him, asked for a minute, and then picked up the back of my trailer and walked it closer to the curb. He just laughed and said, "carry on."
  18. I wouldn't quite say that; it's more about whether or not they're going to spend more enforcing it than they'll lose by not enforcing it. We've definitely enforced them at work a few times over the last 5 years. We've also waived them when an owner approached us and asked nicely to be released. The times we had to enforce the agreements, it was really just bullying the guys into backing off. We (the company i work for) have millions of dollars in the bank and in-house counsel. They're paying an attorney $200-$400 an hour to even draft a response to our complaint. We know damn well that 90% of the guys are still working in the industry even when they're not supposed to be, but making them think we're pissed off about it definitely forces them to stay more low-key.
  19. this is by far the most useful answer thus far. I would NEVER sell an old helmet at a garage sale or donate it to goodwill. I am not going to be responsible for some ignorant fool wearing a helmet that provides sub-par protection. Hell, I wouldn't even throw one away without cutting off the chin straps. Donating it to a fire/EMS exercise is perfect. Can probably turn it into wall art even after they're done.
  20. BUY THE QUALIFIER TAKE-OFF I HAVE IN MY GARAGE. $40, and it's got AT LEAST 3,000 miles left in it. the center meat is barely worn.
  21. in a wedding on Friday, and hosting LOTS of out-of-town guests on Saturday. No way I won't be miserably hung-over on Sunday. Is there an october round? I'm planning on the WERA round 9/24 and 25...
  22. your employer can ask you to waive your constitutional rights. The government cannot draft legislation that does the same; at least not without the Supreme Court overturning it. That is the distinction. It's a case of the constitution being TOO fair, arguably in a similar manner to flag burning, or protesting a soldier's funeral being protected speech. sometimes it's constitutional to be an asshole.
  23. my reading comprehension skills may be lacking, but i couldn't tell if you SIGNED The non-compete, or he was asking you to sign it. If you signed it, send me the terms. If they're "unreasonable," they won't be enforced. Plus your boy would have to shell out more money than it's worth to sue you... My company may also be hiring. It would be a sales position, and a lot of cold-calling within our industry, but not as bad as that makes it sound. Plus I believe it's $28k base, plus a pretty decent commission structure. PM me if interested.
  24. if i treated my old helmets like old girlfriends, most of them would have gotten bigger since the last time I 'wore' them, and there would be awkward conversation every time I ran into them, because they're not married yet, and I took their anal virginity.
  25. As I said right up front, if this were your for sale thread, I would have thought harder about keeping my mouth shut. But it's not your for sale thread; it's Bad's "looking for a car" thread. My post was for his benefit, not yours.
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