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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I have taken a dremel to the callouses on my hands (from lifting). The only thing you really feel is the heat from the friction. Unless you turn the dremel beyond half-speed, it's not even an issue. That's a lot different than taking it to fresh skin on the arm though. This guy's an idiot. the theory is sound. It's just a faster, more painful laser treatment, but you have to do it in the same way you do laser treatment - take off a few layers, then wait a week. then take off a few more, then wait a week. This guy is just trading a tattoo for a scar.
  2. This is the video that someone else posted, and I was referring to regarding gear (skip to 2:45) http://youtu.be/pN6wICj2JdU
  3. someone put this on a t-shirt. I want that picture of Jinu getting coffee w/ the hangover face, and a little dialogue box that says this:
  4. agree. Gear is not an excuse to drive like the road is a race track. The video on this page demonstrates that very well. full leathers, but the truck turning into the lot never expected a bike to be coming at him doing triple the posted speed limit. Sure the truck "made a left in front of him," but I wouldn't say that the truck driver was at fault there.
  5. at least twice as fast as the truck he hit. too fast to stay in his own lane. idiot.
  6. I can't speak to insurance, but like any bike, more powerful and newer will mean more expensive. All buells run a belt instead of a chain, so that's less maintenance. the HD-based buells will have HD problems... The 1125R or CR are Rotax engines, and much more powerful. If I could find an XB9 or XB12, I'd consider them. People just seem to ask a lot of money for them.
  7. This list will likely grow, shrink, and grow again, so if you've got 600RR parts to sell, or see some on another site, please check back and let me know! The prices in parenthesis are eBay prices, so if you're not willing to sell for less than that, I can get ripped off by strangers I need the following parts: - Upper Fairing stay (03-06 is identical) Currently have a bid in on one of these for $22 shipped on eBay (slightly bent, but i don't care... I use zip-ties to hold the fairing on anyway) - Throttle cables 03-04 ($21 shipped) - Right side controls 03-06 (starter and kill switch) ($39 shipped) - Gauges 03-06 ($200, but that's a total ripoff...) - Woodcraft rear brake lever, or stock lever ($25) - i have woodcraft rearsets, but the stock lever will work w/ their kit. I only use the rear brake in the pits, and when I'm off in the grass anyway, so if I have to, i'll buy a $20 chinese 'bling' folding lever. It only has to work once in a while for light duty. IT IS ENTIRELY LIKELY THAT THIS LIST WILL GROW AS I TAKE THE BIKE APART AND FIND MORE BROKEN BITS AND PIECES. I think my tip-over switch is still useable, but who knows at this point? If anyone has an Arata titanium can, mine may be salvageable, but for cheap, I'd consider replacing it.
  8. well I know for sure it's on the NESBA and WERA boards.
  9. I agree that Herrin should have been in the hunt this year, but no one's making him to go Superbike. I am actually kind of surprised he is willing to walk away without a championship, but you go where the sponsors will support you. And being mentored by Josh Hayes is a HUGE opportunity for Herrin. I hope the kid appreciates it and soaks it all in.
  10. I believe this is a repost, but if not, the rider's dad was posting on the NESBA board about what happened. Seems rider just got the rear wheel off the ground and panicked. (you try letting go as the bike lifts up that high under you) I believe that's also a down-hill braking zone, which would make it worse. just a big dumb mistake, from what I can tell. Most crashes are.
  11. so this is a case of Canadians being shocked that someone's not as polite as the rest of them?
  12. If you can find a used set of 05/06 plastics, I believe the only thing you need to change is the ram-air tubes. I'll be seeing how much I suck at fiberglass work, trying to put my upper back together.
  13. well, if i'm being fair, Herrin has had a few legitimate reasons to be pissed this year. He's had at least 2 mechanical failures that I can think of off hand, and I believe there was a third I'm forgetting. His bike let him down, and I'd be pissed too. When the bike was working well for him, he was in the top 5 pretty consistently.
  14. Just watched the video. 200kph = 122mph. That's totally irresponsible, but honestly not as bad as I was expecting.
  15. WSBK is on my DVR. Probably deserves its own thread I haven't followed WSBK nearly as much this year. Probably because I can't stand Jonathan Green (although I really like Steve Martin), and there are no Americans racing. I record them, but I only watch them when I'm out of Moto GP and AMA stuff to watch. Now that I know it's interesting, I'll check it out though.
  16. I finally watched the races from New Jersey last night, and holy shit!!! I have been an Aquino fan for years now for no particular reason, but Herrin's bitchiness over the last year has made it even easier to root for Tommy. Freakin' great to see him put the bike on pole, and then take the win. Solid showing in race 2 as well. Superbike race 1 was okay, but race 2 was amazing! Blake Young really went for it, and the championship was totally up in the air down to teh last lap. I can't believe Bostrom ran off track. I was really hoping he'd have a strong finish, even though I preferred Hayes win the championship. With Eslick and Herrin in Superbike next year, things could get really interesting. JD Beach might have summed it up best though, "Danny - they don't bring enough tires for you to ride a superbike!" Can't wait to see it. Also really looking forward to seeing if Herrin will grow up. Hayes is all class all the time. No excuses, and graceful in defeat. If even the smallest amount of that rubs off on Herrin, that kid will be in great shape. And how about Steve Rapp running up front on the ZX-10??!!!!??? Next year could be amazing if someone other than Hayes can challenge the Suzukis. It was really nice to see the Jordan bikes running well though. MJ has put serious blood, sweat, tears, and money into the AMA. To see his bikes doing well was awesome.
  17. Agree. 600's aren't made to be ridden on the street... They're supposed to live between 8,000 and 15,000 RPM. As for the chain tension, a loose chain is a happy chain. I'd always err on the side of too loose versus too tight. When the suspension compresses, the chain naturally tightens, so you need to leave enough slack that the suspension has full range of motion. On a stock rear shock, it's very possible that the spring is soft enough to bottom-out the suspension. That will cause the bike to feel "jerky" at low speeds, but it's for the best.
  18. my parents "allowed" me to buy my dad's '93 Probe GT (5 speed) from him for $2,500. I put $1,000 down and paid $100/month. I don't remember exactly how many miles it had when I bought it from my dad, but I know for certain it had rolled 111,111 before I took ownership. I retired it with 168,000 miles on the clock. That WAS my supercar.
  19. my leathers saved my ass (and shoulder, and elbows) Doesn't look like much, but this is the first part of me to hit the ground. The shoulder has the deepest wear, if not the largest surface area Right forearm/elbow. My arm folded under my body, so the rash is actually on top of my right forearm The right hip is shockingly lightly worn. Note where the leather folded. I guess they're a little loose on me when i'm not in a riding position. and finally, my left elbow. There's minor wear all across the butt of my leathers, and some stuff on the right knee, but nothing major. Aside from some stitching being taken out on the right shoulder, I'm totally impressed with the wear.
  20. well there's your problem... Rear wheel also ate a healthy amount of grass. I pray it's not bent. Something's missing... Oh, that would be the exhaust that snapped, then slashed my tire to the cords! This bike had a wind screen and gauges earlier. the mud on the damper is a nice addition too...
  21. I was really nervous about the weather as well, and if i hadn't pre-registered, I probably would have bailed. Morning practice was damp. I was in groups 3 and 5. by the second time group 3 was up, I was going pretty much full-tilt though; at least as full-tilt as I ever go in practice. turned a 1:05.x or something, so there was definitely grip out there. Had I actually been able to grid for them, all of my races would have been dry. The drive home was NOT, but I was packed up and rolling out by 2:30.
  22. Big lowside in T2 ended my day early. I walked away pretty much fine. The bike cartwheeled several times and needs a decent amount of work though! I started 12th row and crashed out of 8th place after completing 4 laps. I was riding great right up until I threw it away. Turned a personal best 1:04.38x prior to crashing. Oh well. If anyone has 600rr parts for sale, I need a fairings stay, and throttle cables. Probably more ignition side controls too. Bike cranks, but won't start. Pics to follow.
  23. I may already have chimed in on this thread, but I don't remember... The bike that made me want a motorcycle was the first gen SV650n. I saw one parked on the street in San Fransisco, and started looking into bikes. The first bike I ever got a ride on was a '70's Norton commando 750. The owner had promised that I could ride his old Hodaka 125, but it was broken. I bought my 1997 EX500 having only been a passenger on a motorcycle. This was after 2 failed attempts to buy 650cc cruiser (maxims, i think). I didn't want a "crotch rocket." ha. I had the owner ride the EX from his house to my uncle's house (roughly 10 blocks), and then my cousin rode the bike to my parents' house for me a couple days later. I learned to ride in my parents' back yard (sans helmet. idiot.) without plates or insurance, and then rode to my friend's house the day I got both (I had a helmet by then). that was May or June of 2005. I sold the EX this past march. Bike #2 was a 1993 Honda CBR 600 F2, purchased in June(?) of 2008. I rode it for the first time at my 6th trackday. Owned it about a year, and sold it for a small profit. Bike #3 is my current 2003 Honda CBR 600RR, which was purchased about a month after I sold the Honda, so July of 2009 or so.
  24. that is the current law for sure, but I found this Yahoo Answers question from 3 years ago. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080710094618AAhziF7 the link to the BMV site is now dead, which leads me to believe that the rule has changed in the last 3 years. I am really quite sure I read that you didn't need an endorsement for a scooter under 50cc. Obviously that is no longer true, but I am convinced it was accurate in the not so distant past.
  25. redkow97

    Harley Rant

    truth. I was driving home from the bar last night and actually observed 2 large cruisers (I'm not 100% they were HD's) doing at least 20 over the speed limit as they came toward me. There was a sport bike a few hundred yards behind traveling at approximately the speed limit. I recall thinking, "woah. Bizarro-world moment."
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