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Posts posted by redkow97

  1. (E) "Class A license" means a license issued under section 4749.03 of the Revised Code that qualifies the person issued the license to engage in the business of private investigation and the business of security services.

    (F) "Class B license" means a license issued under section 4749.03 of the Revised Code that qualifies the person issued the license to engage only in the business of private investigation.

    (G) "Class C license" means a license issued under section 4749.03 of the Revised Code that qualifies the person issued the license to engage only in the business of security services.

  2. ^ if you can provide some standardized terms, I can try to search.

    The Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 2923 (dealing with weapons) doesn't include the term "security services license" anywhere.

    I'm not familiar enough with the industry to know what else to look for, and "security" brings up a lot of hits... Not as many as it did before I narrowed the search to the 'weapons control' sub-chapter, but still a lot...

    **edit - i'm finding some stuff in Chapter 4749. It deals with private investigator as a profession.

  3. Just more evidence of people pinning their hopes on a man instead of a plan.

    Honestly, this kind of blind devotion to politicians never ends well for them. Devotion gets you elected. being a good public speaker gets you elected. being the 'savior' of the underpriveleged gets you elected.

    but all his promises are either going to go un-fulfilled, or they're going to demolish our economic structure in the process of being fulfilled.

    I'm not even worried about Obama's presidency anymore... 90% of his 'accomplishments' in office will either be un-done in the 10 years following his presidency, or they're going to go down in history as some of the worst political decisions ever.

    it's not that I think Obama is an asshole, or a moron - but I think his supporters over-hyped him a TON, and there's simply no way for him to live up to the expectations. I think the Democratic party convinced him that being President would somehow be easy with a supermajority in congress. All it's really proven is that even the Democrats can't agree on a lot of issues.

    The flag is ridiculous, and I'm sure Obama would be the first to say so. When he promised "hope and change," I'm betting he didn't count on being idolized.

    the Icarus pic is probably the best 'comment' i've ever seen about Obama, except I think his downfall is going to be beyond his own ambition. the more people build you up, the further you have to fall...

  4. Unless i'm mistaken, most LEO's are usually pretty pro-gun, and anti 'gun control' because they see, first-hand, the inherent ridiculousness of thinking criminals will register guns.

    That said, I think you would have a hard time getting LEO's to follow orders to confiscate law-abiding citizens' weapons. They'd lose the warrant, or accidentally delete the email, or chase some REAL criminals and keep busy doing that... etc.

    God forbid that order ever comes, Soldiers are citizens too. I don't think they'd blindly turn on their fellow Americans. ...at least i hope not.

  5. the bandits aren't bad bikes. old tech, but coming from an EX500, nothing you'll take issue with.

    I would bet it's a little longer wheel-base than the EX, so it may not turn in as easily, and it's certainly going to be a bit heavier, but the extra power (~75hp maybe?) will be nice.

    that 75 hp estimate is based off the fact that the Kat 750 made 95hp. I wouldn't hesitate to ride an old Bandit (or Katana) if i could find one for cheap. If the wife lets me, i may actually actively pursue an old kat 750 and give her my 500.

  6. My friend didn't have any issues. If you aren't selling the pics then you shouldn't have a problem. (though I think I've heard they're photographer is a tool)

    "official" pics are up. http://www.photosbymartyllc.com/

    I've had very little interaction with Marty, but there was a thread on the WERA board where he talked about crossing a hot track. That was pretty un-impressive in my book...

    allegedly the corner worker waved him across, and had presumably radio'd the other corner workers to ensure no one was coming, but jeeze... they're called ACCIDENTS for a reason.

  7. ^ i do like that on my kawasaki. My hondas have never given me much trouble, but the kawasakis are definitely easier.

    It had a lot more to do with the reversed shift-pattern than the bike though. I was having such a hard time, I asked her if her neutral light worked :p

  8. i rode to work on Monday, and there was another bike in the lot i hadn't seen before.

    when I went to leave, the woman sitting on it comes up to me, "can you help me? the engine on my jeep blew yesterday, and I had to take my brother's bike to work today - but the battery's dead." (i guess he had ridden it over to her house, and she never turned it off that morning.

    she kept saying, "you don't have to push me, i'll push you." it was a Honda Rebel 250... even compared to my EX 500, it was so light and low, I didn't need a push.

    the only problem i ran into is that my bikes are all GP shift, and I had a bitch of a time finding neutral on the rebel after i got it started. probably didn't help that I was looking for N between 4th and 5th gear. duh.

  9. Instructors? That only applies to Novice anyway right?

    I would really hope to have instructors in intermediate as well. Sometimes i think the "I" guys (myself included) need instruction more than beginners. I'm just fast enough to really hurt myself. :-p

    if we do end up making this a 'private' event www.ex-500.com is attempting a trackday/meet some time next year as well. Preliminary voting on the tracks puts Nelson Ledges in the running to be the venue. combining with them would add at least 10-20 more riders if we need a minimum number.

    a LOT of those people will be first-time track riders, and that group will definitely be looking for instruction. With enough new track riders, I think you could realistically run two beginner groups, and have one "A/I" group.

    lots of speculation. I still think the easiest thing to do is latch onto an existing org and event. Fasttrax (Nelson Ledges) and Mid Ohio don't have a membership fee, so those are immediately appealing for first-timers, IMO.

  10. Not sure if anyone from here went but it was an amazing show. Traded our club seats + $30 for floor seats :D

    Glad you enjoyed it. the reviews I got were less enthusiastic.

    at this point in their career, i'd try to win tickets, but i probably wouldn't pay for them...

  11. Gun control is using both hands...

    I like that quote, but it still shocks me how careless some gun owners are with their weapons.

    I am NOT well educated on guns, but I know the basics - like "don't point it at anything you don't want to put a hole in, even if you think it's not loaded."

    I was at a friend's house a few weeks ago, and he pulls out his handguns. 3 of them. I figure, "i'm an intelligent guy - follow rule #1, and there's no issue."

    so I'm cautiously holding a 9mm (no clip, no round in the chamber - i checked. twice), but I was STILL very careful not to sweep anyone with the barrel. Isn't that like THE FIRST rule of owning a gun? treat it like it's loaded? Just to build good habits, no?

    Even knowing the gun wasn't loaded, and having verified that for myself, I was still uncomfortable with the barrel pointed at me when my friend's brother was holding the weapon...

    or maybe i'm just a control freak and don't trust anyone as much as i trust myself. Both?

  12. There actually haven't been as many confirmed cases at my work as there have been cases that get treated like it's H1N1. Actually, between the two MICU's at work, there have only been 3 confirmed cases that I know of to date.

    I hope that the vaccination isn't really a conspiracy theory, because either way it's bad. Give it to doctors and nurses so there isn't anyone left to keep you alive vs. give it to doctors and nurses so everyone else dies. If I die in the next couple of weeks, you'll know why.

    are they FORCING you to take the vaccine? or are you being "strongly encouraged?"

    I'm curious about how people in the health care field feel about all this. My boss's wife is a nurse, and they basically told her, "we can't force you to take this vaccine, but those who don't take it may see a drop in their hours <wink>"

    I see both sides of that debate... just because you work in health care doesn't mean you should have to give up your right to choose your 'treatments.'

  13. i was expecting this to be another "buell is closing" thread, but this is way worse :(

    I've only had my dog 9 months, and I already can't imagine what life would be like without him. Sorry for your loss. no matter what people say, it's not "just a dog" when it's YOUR dog; or, as Ron White puts it, "I like MY dog - i don't give a shit about yours."

    remember the good times :)

  14. probably sloppy reporting. "bought the property and liquor license" in 2005 probably means they purchased Cooker's lease, and liquor license.

    As the comment points out, if OSU owned the property, they would have to be the ones selling it. I don't blame them for evicting a business that's late with its rent...

    sucks to lose a good tailgate area, but it's not like there won't be other places to drink before the games...

  15. i'll get there eventually - or maybe just 2 or 3 more "mr. beer' 2-gallon fermenters.

    is there an advantage to fermenting in larger quantities? I'm sure consistency between multiple fermenters isn't easy to obtain, and more beer is always better, but are there less-obvious advantages? does more wort take longer to ferment?

  16. Nelson Ledges is dirt cheap.

    Talk to Todd with Fasttrax. Personally, I'd rather ride Putnam, but Nelson is just so close and cheap that I couldn't object...

    does it have to be an 'official' Ohio-Riders event? I like the idea, but as someone mentioned, we'd never get 75 people. if 20-30 of us just sign up for the same date with teh same org, the effect is pretty much the same, and puts no burden on OR to commit a certain number of people or dollars.

  17. i started brewing lat night. the $39 "mr beer" kit rang up for $17 at the hardware store where I bought it. score.

    my fermenter seems to be leaking right now though. that's no good... I i was closer, you'd be welcome to some of my bottles. I probably have twice as many as i need.

  18. The pit-bull system isn't really very much like the 'condor' style front wheel-chocks.

    Pit-bull's setup holds the bike up by the REAR axle with no straps at all. it's not that i don't trust straps, but I don't like compressing my forks for the 2-9 hour drive to various tracks (or overnight if i load the bike early). And if one of my tires were to go flat for some reason, the pit-bull setup continues to hold it up. straps become loose.

    the only reason i haven't bought them already is because my truck bed isn't long enough. you CAN mount the plate in front of the rear wheel, but my swing-arm spools would have to be removed to clear the restraint arm.

    I'll be in teh market for a trailer soonish.

  19. I guess you guys still believe the earth is a disc too!!! :p


    I'm not debating that global warming happens, or is happening - I just don't think humans have nearly as much effect on it as some scientists seem to believe.

    I think the string of article links both sides are coming up with illustrate one uniform conclusion here: THERE IS NO CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE EITHER WAY.

    agree to disagree, and move on. I try to lower my carbon footprint regardless of whether it's causing global warming.

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