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Posts posted by redkow97

  1. I actually found out Cleveland was bidding for the games a few months ago from a friend of mine.

    my first question was "WTF are 'gay games?' I don't want to put that in google..."

    my second thought was, "i wasn't aware we excluded gay people from competing in the olympics, or any other sporting event for that matter."

    the only compelling answer I've gotten as to the reason or need for 'gay games' is that it legitimizes the competition atmosphere for transgender/transexual people who are otherwise excluded from competition by the governing bodies of other major sporting events.

    so the 'gay games' will allow a person born as a man to compete in a female division, so long as he's post-operative. or something. maybe there's an entire 'transgender' division. I'm not 100% sure, and like i said, none of the gay people I know seem to be able to give me a complete answer.

  2. Does the kink still have a rather large dip/hole? I was at Nelson's last spring just wondering if it was fixed.

    i would be SHOCKED if it's not still there, but I don't let it bother me.

    Seriously, just stay WOT (or at least neutral throttle) over the dip, and you'll be fine. have faith, and you shall be rewarded :D. whatever you do, don't roll off or brake.

    I assume camping is allowed Friday night, and I will likely roll up before dark if possible. Green ford ranger, orange/brown CBR 600, and likely my little grey/green tent.

    - Chris

    p.s. PM me if anyone wants to pit together. I have an EZ-up and a i'll bring a few chairs. hopefully sun/heat is a problem we'll have :)

  3. Same reason people get all upset about "colored"... may I direct you to the NAACP.... it's not NAAAAP

    someone else made that same point to me once, and it turns out that the NAACP was started (and named) by a white guy...

    But even so, I think the term 'colored' has taken on a different meaning than when the NAACP was formed. for whatever reason, it's much more of an insult now than it once was.

    When I got my bike, my grandma told me how she once rode on the back of a harley "with a big negro man." I don't think she would have been on the bike in the first place if she was racist - "negro" was just the acceptable term when she formed the habit of speech.

  4. An African American, because "black guy" is not politically correct :dunno:

    i think "African-American" is the one of the dumbest terms we've ever allowed into our vernacular. Unless you have dual citizenship, you're just an American of African descent.

    what's wrong with an accurate physical descriptor? I'm not allowed to get all uppity if someone calls me pale.

  5. no gravel that i noticed... but i was only there one day. a bit bumpy in parts (it gets worse the faster you go apparently).

    definitely no gravel or potholes (i'm told there were in the 90's) - but the track looks like a quilt. Many different paving materials from section to section, and some of it's cracking, but you can absolutely find a safe and fast race line.

    there are a couple of places where run-off area isn't the best, but every track has its issues. there's no "good" place to crash, only bad places, and worse places.

    If you soften up the suspension a bit, I actually find that the track smooths out as you speed up; especially through the kink on the back straight.

    my bike was all over the place through the 'dip' in the kink - then i grew some balls and learned to hold the throttle open. The bike is much happier, and more settled when you're on the gas (versus rolling off, and putting MORE weight onto the front wheel, and actually ASKING the rear to get light, when it's already dealing with the rebound from the dip)

  6. black people and white people will always have at least one thing in common: some of us are assholes.

    I have been accused of being racist multiple times; usually because i think stereotypes are hilarious.

    I like to think the absurdity of my comments easily indicate that I'm not serious, but some people are inevitably offended. Oh well. the bottom line is, if something is funny, I usually don't hold back saying it. if it's just mean, then I do. if it's both... then I get called a racist :p

  7. You'll have to read their rule book for specifics, and email Todd (into on their site) if you have questions. in my limited dealings with fasttrax, he's always been a really nice guy.

    Last time i rode with them, the only requirements for trackdays were taping lights and mirrors, and they didn't want you running coolant. Water, or water and water wetter were okay.

    the other riders would appreciate a wired oil plug and filter, but i don't believe it's required. I just checked mine before and after every session to be sure they were still snug on my old bike.

  8. peter lenz seems to be legit

    the kid's got talent for sure, but there are just a ton of things that can and WILL change.

    I went to high school with a guy named Josh McAdams who was state champion in several track events, wrestling, and cross country.

    as a high school sophomore, he ran a 4:07 mile. At the 2008 Summer Games, Josh was on the US Olympic team for the steeple-chase.

    Not only did he fail to make it out of the heat round against world-class competition, but I don't believe he ever bested that 4:07 mile he ran as a sophomore in high school.

    Josh was his fastest as a 145 lbs 16-yr old, and basically grew up and put on too much muscle to run any quicker. Peter Lenz is killing it as an 80 lbs kid. It's not simply a given that he'll maintain such a favorable power to weight ratio, or that his skills on a small bike will translate as well to a bigger bike some day.

    I fully support his efforts, and I really hope he makes it, but he's up against European riders who have infinitely more fast competition. He's a big fish in a small pond in the US. That's not his fault, but it IS a handicap.

  9. my parents rented an apartment when i was born, but i don't remember it at all. Probably moved into our first house when I was 2 - that was Parma, OH.

    I actually live less than 3 miles from that house now, but I spent about 20 years in between living in Broadview Heights, which is still probably only 7 miles away.

    So unless you count the 4 years I lived on UD's campus, I've lived in the same 10 mile radius my entire life. that's weird...

  10. is there a reason you're concerned about a 'legal' sale?

    unless someone is trying to put the bikes on the street, I can't think of a scenario where they'd need a title for a dirt bike.

    you get pulled over with the bike(s) on a trailer, and explain to the officer that they're pre 198X - what's he going to say?

    i mean, if the cop is a total douche, he might be able to impound the bikes, and you'd have to go to court, explain the same thing you just said here, and then the presiding judge might actually help you out in getting a proper title.

  11. good luck enforcing that law. prove i was texting. you saw me? i was doing something else with my phone. Now if they can subpoena records from the cell companies, they're on to something -but I don't think they can (yet).

    texting while driving is illegal in Cleveland as well, but they won't catch anyone unless the offender actually causes an accident, in which case, they're just going to be found negligent in a civil case, and convict them of 'failure to control a motor vehicle,' or something in a criminal case.

    waste of legislation, IMO. I understand that the goal is to PREVENT accidents - i just don't see it having much of an affect.

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