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Posts posted by redkow97

  1. We'll be doing a food drive at the beginning of November

    we just did a food drive at work (for the Cleveland food bank), and I learned from them that donating cash is MUCH more beneficial than donating canned items.

    we had one of their employees come out and talk to us, and basically they said for ever $1 we donate, they can pay for 5 meals. a $.99 can of spaghetti-o's feeds 2 people. maybe.

    So donate your food items if you have stuff you're really not going to eat, but DO NOT go out and buy items to donate. Their relationships with various food manufacturers and grocery chains will make your dollar go a LOT further by donation.

  2. I don't want to volunteer my brother's car, but it occurs to me that finding a college student without a parking pass might be a decent arrangement as well.

    You pay the student a few bucks a month to 'rent' their car from them, and in exchange they get to park it in your driveway, instead of having it get destroyed on campus. Of course you'd have to bring their car back to them on weekends, or whatever, but some people don't use their car on campus much at all (my brother included. especially when he has his bike down there).

  3. or there's always something like this http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1412138674.html

    or you can pimp it in this gem: http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1412077624.html (the racing stripes at 10hp - probably still has less than your R6)

    who needs a muffler anyway? http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1412068443.html

    i've seen worse than this on the road: http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1411968512.html

  4. a trackbike is the best thing i've ever purchased. ever. for $1600 there's a 1995 ZX6 for sale in IL. kind of a long drive, but a lot of bike for that price.

    i tried to get my brother and my wife to share it, but my brother replied with "it says it's sprung for a 220 lbs rider - are Sara and I riding it together?" sarcastic ass...

  5. hell host the mario kart party here that tv sounds sick lol

    my basement is available.

    it's just work's old projector and a sheet over a wooden frame - but it is great for sports and video games.

    I can't wait til it breaks, so the wife will let me upgrade to an HD projector:D

  6. the main thing that has kept me from fightering my EX500 is that I don't want to lose the stock gauges.

    the time/money involved are other factors, and selling the fairings does offset a considerable amount of the cost involved, but at the end of the day, I want idiot lights to tell me if i've lost oil pressure... I like the factory odometer...

    I actually like the streetfighter look, but I won't do it to any of my bikes unless i find a way to integrate the stock gauges, without it looking ghey.

  7. someone list up games they have for sale. I recently dug the N64 out of my brother's old room at my parents' house.

    Mario Kart 64 will blow your mind on a 105" projection screen.

    even in 4-player mode, everyone has about a 45" screen of their own!

  8. Let's see...punch LeBron's buddy on Tuesday, traded on Wednsday.

    LeBron's buddy, better watch his ass. There's probably a few Browns that wouldn't mind being traded to a contender.

    hahaha no kidding. Shaun Rogers and Josh Cribbs are probably looking for him right now.

  9. They are not a fun team to watch

    did you miss Sunday's game? it wasn't great, but it was definitely fun to watch.

    I may be biased, given that I was at the game, and completely wasted, but I enjoyed the game right up until the final field goal.

    the players we got are just warm bodies to fill Braylon's spot in the receiving corps, and the special teams guy is probably just someone the Jets wanted to get rid of. The worth of this trade is 100% dependent upon how high those draft picks are...

  10. I actually think an SV1000 or TL1000 would be a great suggestion. as noted, someone used to a cruiser won't notice the (relatively) high weight, and the torque characteristics will be similar.

    if you really want a full-on supersport, then you don't need anything bigger than a 600. 100hp and 420 lbs wet... the difference between a cruiser and a sportbike is ridiculous.

    hell, my 50hp EX500 is only a couple tenths slower than the 1850cc Yamaha Raider I took on a demo ride... a 100hp 600cc bike will be WORLDS faster than an 1100cc cruiser.

  11. unfortunately i don't have warmers (or tires nice enough to warrant them). Next year.

    i'll PM you when i know for sure when i'm heading down. hoping friday evening, but until i hear back about camping, saturday morning is a possibility.

    what group is everyone riding? I signed up for intermediate. never run a timer at Nelson, but i'm hoping ~1:18's maybe? I know fast guys shoot for 1:10's.

    - chris (bike #80)

  12. i have dialup because where i live i cant get anything else

    look into satellite internet.

    our Montana location (and a few other really rural offices) at work still rely heavily on their fax because they claim dial-up is the only option.

    when companies insist on them emailing large photo attachments, one of the crankier owners said, "fine - but i'm going to charge you by the hour."

    I'm sure they ended up waiving the $65 charge for the hour it took the email to go out, but that was the only way to get the point across...

  13. didnt magic johnson play for the dream team when he had HIV? (i know thats not quite aids) but essentially same problem.

    everything i'm finding online is saying that the Chinese government wouldn't allow any athletes with HIV into the country during the last summer games. not finding anything about the IOC banning them.

    but they would still have to pass the standard drug test.

  14. . not sure the IOC allows people with AIDS to compete.

    That may indeed be true - but it's also pretty common for HIV positive individuals to take steroids to help combat the virus. That would disqualify them right away. I'd actually like to find out if people with AIDS are explicitly banned.

  15. it doesn't negatively impact me, because, unless i'm mistaken, i AM invited. 'gay games' is just a silly name. It's not like they can 'test' all the athletes to make sure they're gay. I'm betting I can register and compete if i want to.

    which sums up my point nicely: the 'gay games' serve no purpose.

  16. I just find it irritating when a group of people demands 'equality' and really wants preferential treatment - that's regardless of who comprises the group.

    that said, I'm not about to assume there aren't gay people who think the 'gay games' aren't ridiculous and unnecessary as well.

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