proper introductions: name: Chris location: Live on the west side of Cleveland. Work south of the city (at 480 and 77) age/sex: 24 male bike: '97 Kawasaki EX-500 with 9,000 miles on it now. I'm the third owner that I know of. i've been riding for a couple years. the EX is my first bike. I wouldn't say I'm a "novice" rider, but I'm hardly an expert. I think a fair assessment is that I know my (and the 500's) limits and approach them cautiously, with hopes of expanding them slowly. Call that a 'novice' mentality if you will. I prefer to think of it as responsible. That said, I can't resist red-lining the bike on entrance ramps... which I admit is significantly less wild on a 500 than a 600. Maybe I'll afford a ZZR600 next summer.