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Everything posted by McLovin

  1. I've been on a couple cruises...wish I could have went, but I was too busy destroying my property. lol...yeah good point. haha better than that other wack shit.
  2. Yeah, unfortunately Casper's sense of humor is not very good so I have this new hilarious name. It's so funny...ha............ha. Annnnnyways, I rode past your house yesterday...didn't look like you guys were home yet, so I kept it moving. Oakland Raiders -----------Philadelphia Eagles
  3. I see a can't hack-it, panty-waste who wears their mama's bra... Oh yeah, welcome back.
  4. ...shits weak. I enjoy a good funny as much as the next guy, but I can't say any of these new names even gave a chuckle.
  5. ...here's a few other action shots of her before she died...
  6. ...since Parks and his loud mouth sidekick (1000rrrider) found my mishap more exciting than their entire weekend...lets see that same corner the run right before the only one they seem to remember (even though they weren't there to witness becasue they were too busy buying t-shirts and coffee cups (Parks) or resting from tryin to keep up [and by keep up I mean stay within a three mile radius](1000rrrider aka Leader of Excuses))... ...in sequential order... Ron Burgundy Myself Parks ...and of course none other than Gap Traffic himself...1000rrrider ...so with this being said...no wonder why an incident such as mine, which as I said before wasn't even seen by the last two jokers is sooooooo exciting. I guess that's what happens when you go somewhere to shop and make excuses, instead of ride. Ah well, maybe next season Parks (after all your planned parking lot knee draggin practice trips)...and 1000rrrider, Good Fuckin Luck!
  7. ...if it's trailer related then this trip is WHACK before it started.
  8. ...no, not yet anyways. Hopefully not ever come to think of it.
  9. Who... ...just because you don't have a post count, doesn't mean you don't have a birthday. Happy Birthday anyways...
  10. ...shitty make sure you get the right music for this trip on your iphone. Don't want any lapse in performance due to bad techno while we are out riding.
  11. I say let him ride the R1...you rode it through the gap in the dark with a dark smoked shield, so he should be good to go in day light. Plus he doesn't have to worry about wrecking it because it's already wrecked.
  12. HaHa speaking of Campus Racer, I asked him to come on our trip to the gap and he said if you let him ride one of your bikes he'd go...
  13. Shitty, if you stay right behind Seth I'm sure you can use some of the ketchup packets he misses...
  14. McLovin


  15. ...go at your own risk...remember these are the same guys that can't lead a ride without people wrecking. ...ah yes, that should do it. lol
  16. Parks is out fucking goats and trying to make babies with them . Here's an article and another to prove it.
  17. I say get rid of the LEOs and this will be the best plan ever! No need for speed limits either...make it as dangerous as possible (while keeping the roads clean of course) and people will stop going in fear of death.
  18. That's it...I'm rioting. I'm going into every thread on this damn site and posting "Power to the People!"
  19. ...there must be zero white people on scholarship. ....Rose Parade....Macy's Day Parade.... ....not a month, but you get more like 11 months. ...no, but you do get Glee Club.
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