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Posts posted by McLovin

  1. Now it makes a difference WHAT he called him? Would it have been ok if he called him an asshole?

    The asking the president what he thought of it was ridiculous in the first place. Beyond that, he could have said "what he did was rude", or "his actions were inappropriate". Either statement would have conveyed the same thought without stooping to that level.

    As odd as it may sound, I could probably understand people making a big deal if the word asshole was used instead of jackass. Even though Kanye is an asshole...either way you look at it, he was asked for his opinion about something dealing with the ridiculous entertainment industy and not the leadership of some country. Does that make it different? I think so.

    ...but...no matter what he said, I'm sure someone would think he should have said it differently.

  2. If he's going to DEMAND respect from Congress and the American people, he should at least conduct himself in a manner worthy of receiving that respect.

    Calling someone a "jackass" doesn't dovetail too well with that whole "respect the office" thingy.

    I guess...it's not like he called Kanye a dick sucking faggot. As far as I'm concerned calling someone a dumb mule should not jeopardize respect, especially if the person is exactly that...it appears to me, some of the media and those in congress that are making an issue of this tuthful categorising of Kanye should probably be called jackasses too.

  3. What post in this thread gives you that impression? Or' date=' were you just referring to the media spin?[/quote']

    Media...I think where Obama went wrong was when he didn't say, "Hell yeah I called that Jackass a Jackass!!"

    "He's a jackass," Obama replies, which is met with laughter from several people.

    The president seems to quickly realize he may have gone too far, and jovially appeals to those assembled that the remark be kept private. "Come on guys," he says. "Cut the president some slack. I've got a lot of other stuff on my plate."

    ...now people will think he can't stand behind his own words, amongst other things. :D

  4. I saw this bike last night (let's just say on campus because I would hate for people to think I hangout at taco bell)...anyways, looks NICE! I want carbon fiber fairings!! I mean I wanted them before, but I still want them to go with my BSTs or Dymags that I will one day own....

  5. did the "eye-roll" smiley not adequately convey my satirical tone?

    but if you're going to take the comment seriously, what do poor white kids do? who do they emulate? the 'gangsta' lifestyle. stereotypes parallel economic position a lot more than they do race.

    ...as sarcastic as your :rolleyes: may have been...there are more than enough people that really believe/feel/think...

    I'm not racist at all! I'm an avid poorist though. I can't stand poor people, no matter what race they are - most I encounter just happen to be black :dunno:

    ..so as a general statement I said, "You can't fix stupid."

  6. So we are supposed to leave and come back everytime a new pres comes into office? NO... I'm just hoping he can't change as much as he wants to in 4 years... That is all ;)

    You can come and go as you please, just bounce around to different countries that you believe 100% in their leadership.

    Hopefully, he changes something because where we were was not good before he got to office either. (I'm not saying just ANY random change or the shit he's trying to change would be for better in the long run, but he's definitely not in the position of "If it's not broke then don't try to fix it.")

  7. I think thats just it...Obama makes it sound sweet...then when you don't drop the class, cause of the smoke and mirrors...Then u get F'ed! Literally...haha..

    It's just funny how sooooooo many folks will disagree with all of his suggestions (because that's just what they are until action takes place) and these same people could have done a hell of a lot more than just vote (if they did that) to get the person they felt was best for the job (shit, they could have ran themselves).

    So, I say if you don't like what's going on, LEAVE. Who say's you have to stay in the US? From what I hear other countries have better riding anyways...hell, I might leave just for the better riding.

  8. For the love of HipHop I hope that's a joke...:(

    ...had to think of something that would piss Jay-Z off...what, should i have said Gucci Mane or Soulja Boy Tell'em?

    I say they sub Jay-Z for some Wu-tang or Fugees, better yet I want to see an Outkast concert...

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