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Posts posted by McLovin

  1. I was boating at Alum Creek this afternoon and stopped in to Hinds for my 5 push pins. The kid at the counter...he's been cool with me at times, and not so cool with me on one other occasion. I tell him my problem and he has to go talk to the mechanic "Brian". Anyway, after 10 minutes or so he tells me how it would've been better had I brought my bike in. I tell him I didn't think it would've have mattered since the pins are missing and I know which holes don't have pins in them. Anyway, he runs in the back and brings me 5 Suzuki GSXR pins. First of all, I'm not sure these are the same as Yamaha OEM pins. Second of all, I don't want Suzuki shat on my bike...it's junk. Just kidding about the second part.

    So, we look up the exact part numbers on his computer. I point to which pins are missing. He runs in the back and brings out 3 of the 5. He's gonna call me when they come in. Joy. :|

    Anyway, I noticed a sign "50% off everything, except units". I find out units are motorcycles. :) Anyway, I look in the boot section and find a pair of Tecnics that are marked down to $119. I'm thinking $60. However, there's definitely a plastic piece missing on the top of the boot (one boot had this piece and it was loose...go figure). Anyway, the owner (a female), says "make me an offer". I offer $40. I'm already getting them for $60 since everything is 50% off. She scoffs at the idea (yeah, I said 'scoff'). I told her they were missing a piece. She said $50 was the final offer...I walked. I guess they can sit there til the other plastic piece falls off.

    bahhhhh haha nice...you should have told her that you had to make extra trips to hinds because people don't know how to inspect their work, so $40 on $60 boots that are broken was a generous offer on your part. customer service...customer service...customer service. :nono:

    It baffles me how folks at the dealerships just shrug their shoulders when parts don't get put back on correctly or period...especially motorcycle parts! With that being said Zorro, wouldn't you rather figure out how to fix your own bike knowing what you set out to do was actually done (and done with care) than drop it off at some shop that could careless whether your bike sat in oil, brake bolts weren't tightened all of the way or pins and parts not put on correctly? I never worked on any vehicles before I got my motorcycle, but a friend of mine always said, "don't touch my bike." I guess he had a valid point, even though in his context he may have been a little obsessive...:dunno:

  2. awww, fonz... hugz next time, promise... remind me... :)

    jrm, thanks for the rules... at least YOU have a little decency... i'm here poppin pain meds havin fonz the i-wanna-be-an-asshole-too bitchin at me for not giving him more attention.


    Nakid..... WITH bewb rubbage?!?

    And quit braggin' about havin' pain medz, you freakin' show off!!

    Must be doin' somethin' right, if I'M the a$$hole now, and Justin's Mr. Chivalrous

    Plussss..... My theory's correct. My reps gotten more action in the last hour than a fluff chick on a porn set

    I knew there was going to be a rainbow at the end of this storm...I don't know if I should start the slow clap or just get up and leave.:puke:

  3. Those jokers camp on 270 between 161 and Rt3...I pretty much see a CPD or Sheriff or couple State Patrols daily on my way to work ~7:20am and on my way home ~4:10pm. I watched a Sheriff bust this black Monte Carlo yesterday after work for speeding...the Monte Carlo tried to jump off 270 at Rt3 and the LEO was on to that trick.

    Speeking of drunk driving, Easton might be one of the worst places to do that in Columbus. You are watched on cameras throughout Easton and then they have CPD just hanging out waiting to pull people over...Easton security and CPD work together to prevent drunk driving. I was told Easton Security will attempt to stop someone drunk from getting behind the wheel, so they don't have to get a DUI or whatever (not sure that they do this for everyone). The last time I left work, I watched a car leave the garage and two CPD cars quickly pulled up behind them as they turned on the Easton Loop. They let the car get to Morse Rd. for some reason and lit them up...I got to see most of the action since I ended up following them to Morse. I'm sure they weren't pulling them over just because...even though they could have been pulled over because they were smoking weed in the garage or doing something else suspect. Big brothers watching you at Easton...just a heads up.

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