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Posts posted by McLovin

  1. Hey McLovin.. Were you a ballerina in a prior life because your corn hole form makes me think you spent allot of time "counseling" at a young boys camp. :)

    Cute pirouette by the way when you throw.. I felt a bit like I was at Cirque de Sole

    Don't let Flounder fool you with all of the guns and motorcycles...he was wearing leotards and singing in his high school plays. Then when he graduated...he was banned from counseling all young boys camps except in third world countries.

    ...after all of that...his still jets before he finishes gettin his ass whipped at cornhole.

    McLovin sucks at cornhole...well, at least this version of cornhole.

    Team Zorro and Flounder rule the boards. Putty's lucky he had to leave early.

    Team Zorro and Flounder do shaddy math and set up rules as you are about to finish murdering them once again...:rolleyes:

  2. So, how'd you do? I don't think any of these guys and gals are complaining. I've been on the track when wet and cold. I was one of the original riders asked to test the new pavement. They also used a water truck to wet the pavement and it was not pretty...

    Since then and every year and every passing month, they add more sealer... It's WAY worse than ever before...

    So, tell us how you do it before you make comments that people are crying and making such sad songs... Easy to be an armchair rider when you are safe and cozy at home eating Cheetos...

    Cheetos would have been a GREAT addition...but I was in Mt. Gilead at a cookout drinking beer and playing corn hole. Although from the sounds of the trackday, Zorro should have came and got his Ass Whoopin in corn hole a day earlier.

    ...but for the record, I enjoy giving Zorro, Flounder and CBRKawiJess shit! (Hell, I'd love to go to "a" trackday...preferably one not in the rain at Mid-O.) If AMA racers scatter from Mid-O like Roaches in a Raid shower when it rains...I can only imagine how shitty it would be to run Mid-O in the rain.

  3. when the rear walked out on me as i was passing someone in the keyhole was when i realized i wasnt doing it right. so after that i was lost.i dont think i ever hit that turn correct again the rest of the night...

    How much does your rear walk out on you?? :D

  4. Are you sure someone stole them or is it possible they worked loose with vibrations and fell out.


    I've had a swing arm spool fall out before and I use my stands every time the bike reaches my garage (so they don't necessarily need to be screwed in all the way to be put on stands)...but who knows, some one may have stole it or you need to use a little more muscle to tighten them. :dunno:


  5. Ah, speeding was your first mistake. And that was your second! Should've fought it. I would've showed up as a character witness...in the court's favor!

    Don't speed in my neighborhood! Again, you've been warned!

    I was speeding in Sinner's hood...and they got me...just like they got QueenBee!

    On a side note, the Delaware Deputy was really nice.

    I'm not going to speed in your neighborhood...I'm just going to come do burnouts in your yard at 3am!!! bbeeeeooooccchhh

  6. I got my "65mph in a 45mph 2point" ticket reduced to "0-5mph over, 0 points" and I saved $1 off my fine! Phone home, bish! ;)

    You and Bananas could have completely got me out of mine granted you stopped instead of honked like a bunch of beaches!!!!:bigfinger:

  7. Alex failed to mention he had 1 spirited Coshocoton ride on that bike...everyone knows how wreckless those rides are!!:rolleyes: He might have even shared a little paint with Parks around some of those corners...

    +1 for winter storage in the living room at the Alex residence...my bike hasn't seen nothing like that since. lol I'm glad to see you're planning on getting another motorcycle!! RC8 before Stevan gets back?

  8. If you would quit using i270 as your personal race track, you'd have more money.

    You're the newest edition to my list. You've been warned...and served.

    You got busted after I did, so I guess you didn't learn from my mishap speedy hah... what are you a citation officer? "You've been warned...and served." :rolleyes:

  9. She can enter. Speaking of women, at least she has the balls to get on the track. You've been served.

    ...if they ever have help a broke college grad trackday, I'm all over it...until then you'll have to pay for me to go and take my bike up there since I am broke!!

    I didn't know having balls was a requirement to get on the track...hell I know that ain't true, I've watched a couple trackdays. I thought you had more sense than that :nono:...questioning my manhood hahaha

  10. hey now... just because flat fish is going to have that frustrated look only because he has to stare at my ass all day doesnt mean you wont have that same problem. ;)

    Ladies and Gentlemen, looks like we have another women entering "the battle of the females" between Zorro and Flounder...:popcorn:

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