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Posts posted by McLovin

  1. Well I'm prolly the first one back. What a day.

    Here goes.

    2 riders down. Both Riders are relativly uninjured as well as the bikes. Some scuffs and bruises. Bikes have some grass stains. Both happened at prolly the same time but about 2 miles apart. The first group rider down was SnowMan(red/black CBR). Went wide on a curve off the shoulder and bike went into a ditch. He ninja-flipped over the bars and rolled back to his feet. I was 1 rider behind him. We braked and got out of the way. We thought the other group was right behind. We didn't know the other guy went down too. A local ran down from his house as he saw it happen. His wife is a Medic so she looked him over. He seemed ok shaken obviously. By now the 5/6 riders ahead had come back and another guy and I went to see where everybody else was. We get back to this really tight gravelly S curve. Bluekat (IIRC), rides a blue Katana, didn't make it and lowsided in some gravel. he seemed OK too. Told the others what was up and had MedicMandi come back with us to check out snowman. She said his back was fine. Then the local guy brought us a big bag of Popsicles and we BSed for a bit then headed to Coshoctons Finest dining establishment.

    McDonalds. :D

    The rest of them continued with the ride. I hope the rest of the ride was uneventful.

    Thanks to the Coshocton crew for everything. This was not your fault at all. I'll be back out to do it again. Just no more Katanas. :D

    You're welcome man!

    And before this turns into another pissing match about how coshocton rides are so called "dangerous" and "unorganized", if anyone that wasn't on the ride would like to voice their opinion of how we operate a ride you can contact me.


  2. :nono:

    McLovin being an attention whore. :D

    Hey, all I ask is before people start jumping on some girl for getting on here, talking about how fast she rides and posting pics of herself on her bike in a bikini...please please please first tell her TITS or GTFO! :popcorn: ...then you run her away, callin her an attention whore after no T&A pics or more running of her mouth. :rulez:

  3. You should show up. I might have space in the Blue Goose if you wanna ride up with me. Just make sure you ride that R6s in my hood at the speed limit. Don't need any riffraff causing trouble, ya know.

    Let me know if you have space and I'll ride up with you...haha the R6s has been on stands for weeks with a Flat tire! :( So the neighborhood is safe...for now. LOL

  4. Hey anyone ever have a problem where the turn signal lights up but doesnt flash? both front and back lights come on but it just stays lit til i turn it of. and it only does this on one side. My left signal works fine but the right just stays stuck!:mad:

    Haha sell that shit already...:D


  5. See if you would have done that in the intro it would have been deleted and you would receive an infraction.

    Fuck the man!! I'm not afraid of an infraction!! Sounds like an internet detention slip and well I've had a few detention slips in my day, so...


  6. ...nothing like taking a bike off the showroom floor...I'm biased, so I'd say 2009 R6...


    ....but, attackpainter got me keeping an eye on the 2009 ZX6R...I would give it a chance, if there were no R6. :D


    ...whatever you do, make sure you get rid of those UGLY stock exhaust! Work that into your budget...you won't regret it.

  7. Nice strip bars as well.....or so I've been told.

    ...lets do this lol...wait, do they allow black folks in these establishments? hah

    oh yeah, Virginia has some great roads too...some that I would say are better than majority of the roads I rode in the Gap area, not sure about their strip clubs tho. :D

  8. atleast i don't have some no name 200 for a bike regardless of gas milealge mine doesn't sound like a lawn mower is about to die and my pickup doesn't have a whole in the floorboard and none of my cars have over 75,000 on them
    Mature, you wanna talk about my truck and bike. Big deal that they aren't new. I FUCKING BOUGHT THEM. I 'm not sucking on mom's tit still. I've been smart enough not to get in trouble with the law and have to spend 10 days in jail. I know how to blow my fucking nose and trim my nose hair so people don't wanna puke when I come up to talk to them. So don't for 1 second try to talk bad about me you miserable white trash excuse for a human. Go have fun while your brother screams at you all fucking day. GET A REAL JOB instead of only being a dj on 2 nights a week and living off someone else. I thank God every day that I work for a living and pay for what I own.
    Atleast I have something to show for what my parents set aside for me and I actually take pride in what I have and white trash is potlitically incorrect its redneck I didn't grow up in trash pile trailer like u...I mean it kinda shows look what u drive

    ...lets bully!! ooooooo-wee


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