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Everything posted by wolfman

  1. Maryland >> Florida for riding...
  2. Sorry man , I'll see if she'll give you some coupons or something..
  3. HAHA I'm not sure which is best... Eeeek you are getting ripped off! She usually doesn't charge!
  4. I'd rather have lamb.
  5. Nope, just haul them to auction for our Amish friends.
  6. You must have some smart sheep! Every one I've ever met around here is dumber than a box of rocks.
  7. Sheep are definitely the dumbest animals on the farm..
  8. Maybe if my kubota was parked... you need to take those green blinders off..
  9. You should do rabbit instead of squirrel.. :wink:
  10. Noob, you don't cook squirrel...you eat it raw. Speaking of raw, I ate raw venison one time and it was not good..
  11. Me too! I was serious about my blow gun! That fucker is deadly! It will put an eye out!
  12. Well, I guess my Kubota can pull Hell off its hinges and a John Deere out from under your ass at the same time!
  13. Sure...you can try it first. :wink:
  14. Maybe, but it will yank the axles out from underneath those pansy-ass Deeres..
  15. :bitchslap: :grin: I was going to get it mounted but it was like $150 and your sister was only $5 to mount.
  16. Nice! Good idea for a thread.. I love seeing ppls garages.
  17. I'm pretty good aim with a blow gun! I killed a chipmunk with one! ...similar size.
  18. :lol: This thread delivers!
  19. Eh...it was in a parking lot. I have no problem with that...if he goes down he is only going to hurt himself and the bike. Same with stunters...stick to parking lots and it's all good.
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