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Everything posted by wolfman

  1. Looking good Jon! How's the XD treating you?
  2. I doubt it either...that would require me to become a cocksucker.
  3. Do you think one day I can have as big of an e-penis and be as fast of an e-racer as you? I really hope so! Todd, you are my hero.
  4. wolfman

    Don't wait

    How much to straighten a set of forks?
  5. You just e-bitch slapped Todd... :lol:
  6. The full package Cycle Hill is about $200 cheaper than the full package No-Mar Classic, but the No-Mar comes with $100 more in tools. Both look similar quality but the floor height bead breaking on the Cycle Hill is a no go.... I need the waist high bead breaking so I can use a hitch mount if I take it to the track. Thanks for the heads up!
  7. +another We're in the big leagues!
  8. Look how much things have changed in a year...now you have a boat load of posts! :grin:
  9. Stay away from Nick! He will corrupt you!! :grin: ....and good choice for a first bike!
  10. What if we put a Ford badge on it?
  11. I'm in the Mount Vernon area. What are using? .22-250?
  12. I love it! Porsche's hold a special place in my heart...I'll take one (even if it is LC :wink:)!
  13. "Small dick, Big couch" <<New bumper sticker for Busa riders... :wink:
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