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Everything posted by wolfman

  1. :lol: "you're supposed to read the words!" that part was the best!
  2. Ok...I re-read. I think you were just saying that if you were measuring the RPMs of the camshaft it would be half the RPMS the crank is spinning at... Agree. The way you were saying it made it sound like you were saying the tachometer on my motorcycle or car was actually showing the camshaft revolutions.
  3. Dweez...if your tach isn't measuring your crank speed but rather the cam speed than what is it measuring on a 2-stroke?????? Edit: I really hope I'm misreading your previous posts and you aren't claiming that the crank shaft is spinning at twice the speed my tach shows...
  4. Thanks! I found that earlier today and watched it....then realized I had already seen it a couple months ago... I don't know why I was having trouble picturing this today..
  5. I have a giant mascot in my pants?
  6. Wasn't that the guy you went to H.S. with?
  7. Aaron learned some riding skills and his head got bigger...now he needs a size bigger and the seller doesn't have any mediums. This helmet is new! Mint! Great deal! MSRP is like $580!
  8. This helmet rocks! I have the identical one and the buyer will not be disappointed! Just look at how thick that shield is!
  9. Ok, I guess more of my question was related to what the actual firing order in degrees (ref. 720 deg.) would be for a big bang on an inline 4. I wasn't sure whether two pistons would be firing at once or if they would fire 90 apart. So instead of 0, 180, 360, 540 or 0, 0, 360, 360 it would be 0, 90, 360, 450 Does this make any sense? haha
  10. Can you give the specifics of the difference between the crossplane and big bang? I've read a little but haven't put it all together. Can the crossplane be made into a big bang with a change in valve and ignition timing?
  11. Great story E! I have a similar story involving an ARCA race. My dad is good friends with the brother (and crew chief) of a driver in the series, and we were invited to the pits. Of course we both wore shorts b/c it was hot as hell in Atlanta and we didn't know any better. I ended up wearing the driver's pants and my dad ended up wearing his crew chief's so we could stay in the pits. We even got to help push the car onto the grid (well I pushed the oil warmer/compressor thing). My dad has one job to do during the pit stop and that was to hand the window cleaner to a crew member so he could clean the windshield. My dad was so excited he turned around and was talking to me as the car rolled up and they were yelling for the window cleaner. :lol: I think we probably cost them a second or two that stop..
  12. I want a 250cc GP bike so bad..
  13. :cheers:for getting it without the tools! Lots of VW dealers can't even do them right with the tools! I hope his is a manual though b/c 90k is way over the service interval for an auto. edit: The tools make the job super easy though...even if it makes me 'special' :wink:
  14. Do tell me more about the jeep... YJ? XJ?
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